在HKU SPACE CC读书,不单获得课本里的知识,还可以透过暑期实习,了解供应链实际操作的流程。此外,亦有机会参与一些联校比赛,从而扩阔我的眼界。
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Chan Lok Keung Tony
2016-18 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
虽然在公开试的成绩未能符合入读心仪大学学科的要求,但是在HKU SPACE的两年时间中,庆幸有老师以及同学的互相帮助,令我有不俗的成绩可以继续修读关於媒体的科目。我在这两年间学会使用多种的软件例如Photoshop、After Effect、Premiere和Illustrator等等,这些软件帮助我十分多,特别在后期制作的时候。其次,校方亦有提供十分多资源给我们,例如上一年我参加了韩国游学团,过程中见识到韩国的大型电视台以及电视剧的拍摄场景,都令我感到耳目一新。这些活动除了加深我对媒体的兴趣之如,亦都可以累积这宝贵的经验在日后面试的时候加以发挥,提升入读大学的机会。
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Nesley Ngan
Undergraduate, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems
Aviation is a field full of challenges, where unexpected situations are happening every second all around the world. At the same time, it has a limitless future in terms of development, knowledge and people. Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme in HKU SPACE CC provides me a lot of valuable opportunities and great memories. I am one of the lucky participants to join the Singapore Airshow 2016. Before the trip, I could never imagine how stunning it would be when a fighter jet flies across the harbour just few thousand feet away from me. Study trips arranged by the programme are definitely amazing and have broadened my aviation knowledge outside the books. Therefore, with the previous experience in the Singapore Airshow, I realized that as an aviation lover I should not miss these unique chances; therefore, I am going to join the Shanghai tour and the Incheon Management Course in the period of my Year 2 study. The programme also strengthens my connection with the aviation industry. In the year of 2016-2017, I completed a 1-year placement in the well-known Hong Kong airline, Cathay Pacific Airways, in a position as Customer Service Specialist. This placement opportunity was offered by the programme. From the interview at Cathay City to my last day of work there, I had to deal with different challenges and problems that came with passengers or were asked by travellers. At that time, supervisors and colleagues in CX were kind to give me a hand to solve all the problems. I built up a good relationship with the staff working in CX.
Fortunately, the administrator of the department welcomes all the interns to take their positions full-time after graduation since most of us were awarded compliments from customers and had a good performance record during the placement. Also, Cathay Pacific organised several field trips and visits during my internship, for example a tour of Cathay Pacific Catering Services (HK) Ltd and a visit to the CX First Class Lounge in HKIA. Apart from study trips and internships, lecturers in aviation courses have abundant knowledge and are equipped with solid working experience in the aviation industry. They have a passion for teaching and are willing to share their expertise with students. It was a pleasure to hear their advice when I faced difficulties about study or future career because they could always give me comprehensive guidance. I was even invited to visit the Cathay Pacific Pilot Training Centre and walk into the flight simulator cockpit with my lecturer. What an amazing and unforgettable experience in my life! In addition, I was the leader of the organising committee for the Aviation Studies Orientation Camp of 2016. Due to a lot of unexpected reasons, my team only got 3 months for the Ocamp preparation, which included campsite/shuttle bus booking, helpers arrangement, city hunt routing, and event scheduling. Recognizing this tight schedule, the programme team gave us great support. In the Ocamp, my team and I were able to show our personalities and abilities like leadership, time management, organising, and even dancing! Do not hesitate to chase your dream, remembering every small achievement will lead you toward success. Dream Big and Fly High!
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文学副学士(语言及人文学科) - 中国语言、文学及文化
因中学时期不曾修读中国文学科,在副学士课程中毅然选择中国语言、文学及文化为主修,起初犹恐心有余而力不足,然修读相关课程后却发现当中趣味盎然,此后学习自然辖然开朗。兴趣是最好的老师,所谓「知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者」,了解自己的兴趣所在,寓学于乐,自能游刃有余。 副学士也许并非是同学心中所想的「大道」,但条条大路通罗马,副学士亦不失为宝贵的学习及人生经验。副学士学科选择繁多,除书本知识,亦有培养思维、人文素养的选修科供同学选择。此外,老师的良言忠告,同学间的砥砺劝勉亦是另一珍贵回忆、收穫,日后回想,有若三月春风,暖人心扉。 有谓「学之广在于不倦,不倦在于固志」,同学若能清楚目标、兴趣所在,学习也就自然得心应手。
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Maggie Kiss
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management in 2011-12
Studying Library and Information Management was great fun. The lessons were highly interesting and practical. I got the chance to work in some famous institutions, visited different libraries, and went to various meetings, conferences, exhibitions and presentations. I achieved something I’d never thought I could. Last August, I participated in the Heleni Linton Bursary and I was so glad that my proposal and interview convinced the judges. This is the biggest accomplishment I've ever achieved and this could be yours.
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港大附属学院拥有优良师资。讲师教学认真,还主动关心学生。培养学生各方面的兴趣,为升学或就业做好准备。 理科的课程经过悉心编排,即使内容较深,但也为大学的学习打下稳固的根基。在二年级时,部份理科的科目,需要到香港大学与港大学生一起上课,这让我们体验到大学的上课模式,也能尝试大学的生活。最难能可贵的是我们能够使用香港大学的资源。我们可以到大学图书馆借阅参考书和阅读不少学术论文,对学习真有莫大裨益。 除了学习外,学院更悉心安排不少升学就业讲座,即使学生成绩各异,我们也能够早日认清自己的路向。要成功考获大学取录,除了有优异成绩,面试技巧也相当重要;学院提供不少有关大学面试的资讯,包括歷届学兄学姊的面试心得和题目,这让我们在面试时更能得心应手。 在港大附属学院读书,让你体会到「先苦后甜」的道理,虽然竞争大,但辛苦后得到的收获总是叫人再三回味的!
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