Tsang Tsz Ho
2022-2023 Associate of Economics (Year 1)
Studying at HKU SPACE CC is a non-regret decision. The Associate of Economics (AECON) programme is intended to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of economics, covering microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. It goes beyond what is taught in secondary education, providing students with a deeper understanding of economic principles and their practical applications. With experienced and attentive lecturers, students can benefit from a supportive and engaging learning environment. The programme is an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing future studies and careers in fields. By taking advantage of this outstanding program, students can lay a strong foundation for their future success.
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Tang Shing Fung, Nick
2014-15 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Chan Wai Wun, Bernice
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
Studying an Associate Degree provided me with opportunities to enrich my business knowledge and make my dream come true. I became an all-rounded person by learning through presentations, group works, projects, and discussion. Not only have I gained essential business knowledge but I also developed better presentation skills. All these had helped me overcome the challenges in university interviews and examinations. Moreover, various talks and activities held by the College had widened my horizon. From university applications to career development, HKU SPACE CC provided numerous sources and consultations that helped me to plan my own development effectively and efficiently. You may feel lost and hopeless. However, you can find your companions - lecturers and schoolmates. They will support and encourage you to overcome all the challenges. To sum up, I do believe that everyone who enters this College will find meaningful things in their lifetime and have a great future.
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2014-16 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(中国语言、文学及文化)
对多数人而言,大学远胜副学士。但事实上,副学士并不比大学逊色。在学院的时候,大家的目标明确,读书虽然辛苦,但总会遇到同路人,彼此切磋砥砺,向目标前进。大学生活虽说因人而异,但总是难以重拾在学院读书时那种和老师同学互相交流,团结奋斗的感觉。 两年虽然辛苦,但在这场持久战中找到目标和梦想才是最重要的,这更是许多大学生所不具备的宝贵经验。既来之,则安之,与其埋怨懊恼,不如好好装备自己,继续前行。
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Pang Ka Ho
2021-22 Student of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, BJC (Hons) (Year 3)
假如你在文凭试后感到前路茫茫,我希望你像我一样找到适合自己就读的课程。新媒体与传播是一个广泛的学科,包括拍摄和剪接短片、网页设计和市场学等。课程内容丰富,学生容易找到自己喜爱的范畴 ,从而开拓自己的未来。
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So Chun Kit
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Security Stream, 2013-2015)
My learning journey on Information Technology dated back to two years ago when I joined the HKU SPACE Community College. A mass of practical knowledge provided here was certainly able to help me develop a career success in the IT industry through this programme. Obviously, a motto has always appeared in my mind after I have engaged in this programme, “Grades and results are not your goals for studying, competences should be the key thing for you to acquire here”. Applying the knowledge that we have learnt and equipping sufficient practical experience were the most valuable outcomes for me in these two years. The courses have equipped me with plenty of practical skills, the knowledge of IT governance, IS Audit and so on. It helps me realize the real life situation in this industry, rather than theories only. Meanwhile, all group projects and skill tests were able to strengthen my self-problem solving ability since we have to fix all predicaments that we faced on our own instead of seeking assistance all over the time. “No more relying on the others and waiting for the answer, try to solve it by yourself”. This might be the main feature of the educational culture of HKU SPACE Community College. When I look back in these two years, truly speaking, it is a treasurable chance for me to study at HKU SPACE Community College since the backgrounds and attitudes of the lecturers are tremendously professional and serious; their self-working experiences could be the guidance or model for you to step into the specific industry later on. And, these factors helped me acquire an excellent result and make use of scholarships for taking the examinations of different certificates, like ITIL, CISSP and CISA. Consequently, HKU SPACE CC has helped me build up a career success and provided something for which the universities might not be able to do so.
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