Wong Kwan Yuen, Jaden
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
太空就好像一個大家庭,同學之間互相扶持,老師亦會給予很多支持。老師耐心的教 學與中學的是完全沒得比,我上堂經常問很多問題,他們都不厭其煩地解答。這裏 給了我很多鼓勵,提供了一個機會,讓我挽回在中學裡犯過最大的錯誤。現在我能夠 再上征途,全因為太空讓我重拾信心。還記得上年暑假,我完全沒想過自己能走到今 日,如果你願意,或許下一個就會是你。
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Doong Hoi Lam
2014-15 Associate of Science Year 1
我在HKU SPACE CC一年比在中学六年所学到的还要多。我每天都留校温习至十时才离开,没有多余的功课,下课后全是靠自己看参考书、wiki。测验考试范围广泛,但难度比公开试低,让我自由地根据自己兴趣而温习。让我获益最多的一科是学习与人沟通,做group project遇上不同程度的组员,因而结识了许多不同背景朋友,最后还得到港大录取,远超乎我入学时的期望。
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Chow Ka Wai
2015-16 Associate of Science (Year 1)
After the release of the HKDSE results, I entered HKU SPACE CC with sorrow and despair. But I felt grateful as well because I was given a second bite at the cherry to get into university. Personally speaking, hard work is of the utmost importance to attain fruitful grades. In order to be considered by universities, it is crucial to have high GPA, especially in Semester 1. Although the programme is not easy to handle, it is still manageable if you invest time and effort. So try your level best and see you in the university next year.
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Yip Cheuk Lun, Stephen
2015-16 Associate of Science (Year 1)
When I received my public examination result last year, I was upset and I didn't know what to do. Finally, my friends suggested me to study in HKU SPACE CC. After studied a year in CC, I got a lot of changes. Tertiary education is totally different from secondary education. After a whole day of lessons, I would go to the library to do revision on what I had learnt. If there was anything I wasn't sure about, I would check and read reference books. In this year, I started to enjoy learning rather than just learning for the public examinations. Admittedly, life in CC is extremely tough; we had to do a lot of assignments and even attend examination on a Sunday, but I still enjoyed it because there are nice lecturers who will help you if you seek help. What I want to say is nothing is impossible as long as you have a dream.
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Wong Wai Ching
2014-15 Associate of Science (Year 1)
I am very glad that I could get into the university in the first year. At first, I felt desperate when I failed to get into a degree programme with my HKDSE result. Besides my hard work, HKU SPACE CC helped me a lot to reach my success; for example, programmes offered by CC are similar to those in universities, which familiarises us with university-life and helps in answering the professors in interviews. Of course, working hard is the most important factor to have a better chance to further your study. Thus, you should thoughtfully consider when selecting which programme to study. Ability always overrides your interest. Anyway, please do not give up even if you don’t perform well in HKDSE. There are many other channels that can lead you to a fruitful future. It is worth grabbing this chance, isn’t it?
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Lee Ka Yau
当年文凭试放榜那种晴天霹雳的感觉,真是一生难忘。以我的成绩,升上大学的机会只有一半。於是,我上网搜寻提供副学士课程的院校。起初我并无注意到港大附属学院,但当向师长、友人查询时,他们不约而同地推介这学院。於是我便报读了港大附属学院。 刚开始时,我对学院各方面都相当陌生。幸好,学院有完善的配套去支援学生,讲师都关心我们。虽然对部分同学来说,学院的课程或会较艰深,但只要我们主动寻求协助,讲师都会乐意为同学解决疑难,助同学跟上进度,打好基础。除此之外,学院理科的课程经过悉心编排,配合实验课,让我们掌握相关的技巧 。 入读学院之后我再次反思自己的兴趣,认清人生目标,很快适应大学的上课模式及校园生活,可谓获益良多。 其实,以前我不敢奢望能够升上香港大学。所以,在港大附属学院读书,只要肯下定决心,奋发向上,绝对会有意想不到的结果!
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