Chu Ka Ho, William
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Information Security and Ethical Hacking Stream, 2015-17)
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College is the first important decision ever in my life that I have made in which I love every second studying here. These include the nervous moments when rushing for project deadlines and the last-minutes before going into the exam venue. After all, I am grateful for a lot of things and people in here. I appreciate the people I met in the college. Although it may sound cliché, lecturers are patient and helpful as for our learning progress. Whenever I ask for help in academics or in future career, they always offer help and insights that help me solve my problems and improve myself. Special thanks go to our subject leader Dominic Cheng and college principal professor L.S. Chan. I cannot imagine how much less I would achieve without you two’s help. All of my 18 classmates are friendly and smart. They always surprise me with excellent ideas I have never thought of. Speaking of classmates, it definitely includes our alumni friends especially Amon and his teammates for helping us through tough subjects and tough days. Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”, and these people are the giants I am grateful for. Thinking out-of-the-box is something easier to say than to do. In my 2-year journey, we have been challenged by lecturers to keep asking them questions. In shell programming class, capture the flag (CTF) activities are breath-taking and fun. You should not have known the fastest way to solve programming challenges is by Microsoft Excel until it is done by your friend Peter sitting next to you. This kind of active learning atmosphere made me overcome my fear of failure which has been built over my life and started enjoying studying and programming. These are the lessons I will never forget, and they change my way of thinking forever. Hardworking has been proven as an important factor in personal success. But the term ‘hardworking’ is scary at first glance. ‘Hard’ and ‘Working’ are usually conceptualized into negative feelings. Some people describe me as a hardworking student because I get satisfactory GPA. However, my close friends and myself are all acknowledged that it is not the truth. I am just a curious person who recognizes that I know nothing at all. I am also a lucky person who figures out my interests in HKU SPACE CC and I hope everyone reading this story do so. I believe the right word is ‘enjoyment’. And I wish you have the best time learning here and enjoy every moment just like I did.
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Nixon Fong
對高中畢業生來說,升學比任何事都重要。高考後,我選擇了港大附屬學院,報讀資訊科技高級文憑課程中的Networking Stream。努力進修,2012年畢業,投身社會,開展人生新一頁。今日回首,選擇修讀資訊科技高級文憑是我明智的決定。 本課程包含CCNA及CCNP的內容(兩者皆為Networking專業認可證書),也有不同領域的電腦知識。港大附屬學院的講師用心授課,理論與實踐並重,更帶隊參加 Networking公開比賽,獲獎無數。 十年磨劍苦,一朝試鋒刃。畢業後,我在英國電訊公司 (British Telecom) 實習,為期六個月。同期實習中,也有畢業於其他院校學生。我慶幸學院給我的是「寶劍」。半年來,面前一個個Networking 的難題,都能迎刃而解。 今年身邊多位朋友大學畢業,正感前途茫茫。而自己已有明確的人生目標,更覺自己的運氣實在不錯。
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Hui Ka Yin, Aldi
Offer received: BSc in Computing and Information System, HKBU
When I still was a Form 5 student, my friend who had studied in HD IT showed me information about the security stream. It was the first time to hear about the programme and I found it interesting. After the HKDSE results had been released, he even took me to the Kowloon East Campus for the HD IT application. That was the beginning of my life in HKU SPACE CC. Some rumors declare that it is so hard to get a high GPA in the security stream. I hesitated at that time as to whether I should study this subject. It was a big challenge, but I still selected it as my further study area. I have never regretted to make the decision. Lecturers always introduce the knowledge with their working experience. So we can clearly understand the key points or the ideas within the notes. This knowledge will equip us to be professionals. I feel lucky to study in HKU SPACE CC HD IT. Besides the knowledge, lecturers even share their attitudes on how to treat others. We have to consider other's views. That's why I consider the tuition fee is worth it. I am pleased to accept the offer from Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing and Information System of HKBU. It will be a new stage for me to study. What the lecturers in HKU SPACE CC taught me can definitely help in my future studying and working. There is no difference between the salted fish and us if we don't have a dream. Lots of candidates just strive to study at university, but some of them have never thought about what job they want to do. I have found out. Being an information security professional is my dream. It pushes me to study hard. I hope that I can share my professional knowledge and experience with others. Security issues should be paid attention. I will strive my best to work in this field. All the knowledge that I learn will be included in my knowledge database to support my future job. I wish that I can make some contribution to the industry as well as the world.
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Kevin Chui
Student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology (2012-2014)
HKU SPACE CC gave me a second chance. To start with, I actually did quite well in my HKDSE examinations. My 5 best subjects totaled 23, with a Level 5 in Maths, Physics and ICT. I even studied Maths M1, though only scoring Level 4. However, I ran into a fairly common problem with EMI secondary school students, some of us just cannot do well in Chinese Language. Sadly, I scored Level 2, where JUPAS decided to filter out all university applications of those who do not meet Level 3 for Chinese Language. So in JUPAS, I did not get any university offer to further my studies. To be fair, I saw that coming. HKDSE Chinese Language to me is like a lucky draw. Before the results were out, I had already applied for IT related higher diploma programmes through E-APP based on my interests, getting conditional offers from institutes in case I failed the lucky draw which I did. Among the offers, I picked the one from HKU SPACE CC as it was recommended by a friend who had just completed Year 1 HD IT studies here, and on top of that, associations with HKU itself is a quality assurance for the education provided. HKU SPACE CC has offered me a second chance, where I have received a university offer through advancing on my path to an IT career. However, it’s not as simple as learning things I am interested in. In my opinion, studying at HKU SPACE CC is closer to studying at university, or even to a real life working environment. In HKU SPACE CC, grade assessment involves group projects, and it’s common to bump into irresponsible people who do not care at all. With not much cooperation experience, I would say that studying in HKU SPACE CC is eye opening, gave me a good taste of worst case scenario working with people in real life, as well as how well it can go, and how people can achieve more working together. To conclude, HKU SPACE CC gave me an alternate path to university, and has taught me more than just IT.
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Ko Sun, David
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2015-17)
I discovered my life goal thanks to HKU SPACE CC. Before I started to study at HKU SPACE CC, I had the same mindset as many people that a person’s future is decided by their HKDSE results. Unfortunately, I failed my HKDSE gaining only 16 marks. I knew right then that a F.6 student could not find a long-term job with such a score, so I applied to study the HKU SPACE CC HD IT programme. At that moment, I never would have believed that one day I could actually go to university. However, today, I am proof that dreams can become a reality. While studying at HKU SPACE CC, my change in attitude has led to my current success. In the past, I didn’t pay much attention to studying and never really thought about my future. However, college lecturers are so different from secondary school teachers. They not only teach the knowledge from books but share their insights about life, letting you know how to enrich and change your negative habits and attitude. I have been transformed from a classic “lazy” student to much more enthusiastic person. I am not afraid of hard work because I believe that what I do is meaningful for my future. I got high GPA in semester 1 which was enough to prove my eligibility for university. HKDSE is not the be-all and end-all! So, if you are in a similar position, you should seriously consider studying in HKU SPACE CC in order to develop your experience and interest. Indeed if you feel equally lost, I believe that HKU SPACE CC can help you to change and enlighten your mindset and life. I recently accepted an offer form HKUST BEng in Computer Science. This would have been impossible without a combination of my personal hard work and the kindness and support I received from my lecturers at HKU SPACE CC. I am eternally grateful!
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Lee Ming Tsun
2014-2015 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Web and Multimedia Development Stream)
“What didn't kill you makes you stronger.” I totally agree with this now. I failed totally in HKDSE, but it did not kill me. “Failure teaches success” It became the motivation of my study because I did not want to be a loser anymore. I determined to study hard to show that I am not only that. Finally, I chose to study in HKU SPACE Community College. I chose the Web and Multimedia Development Stream. It contains some programming and web authoring. This is my favourite domain and I am good at the subjects. I chose this also because the elective subject of ICT in secondary school is programming. I have been interested in programming since I was small. Another reason is that I may get better result in this stream. It may help me get into university easier. Time flies like an arrow… Of course not! This year is the most fulfilling time in my life regarding interpersonal and academic aspects. In interpersonal aspect, I have joined some societies. The camps are unforgettable, but more important is that I had met lots of friends there. I had a wonderful time with them. In academic aspect, I have learnt a lot from lecturers, classmates and the course. Lecturers are not only teaching us knowledge on the books. They also taught us the logic that how to think with professionalism. Moreover, they told us what is happening and the tendency of IT industry. In addition, the projects taught us a lot. We acquired knowledge from the projects. For example, I learnt how to write the algorithm or how to program the website, etc. On the other hand, we learnt how to cooperate with our classmates. We had to divide the work and everyone had to finish their parts on time. A project could not be done individually. We helped and learnt from one another to finish every project. Those are unforgettable and precious memories. Eventually, I got into University. I can finally achieve my goal to further my study. If you chose HKU Space Community College, congratulations! This is your best choice!
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