Cally Lo
Student of HKU, Bachelor of Science in Information Management (Year 3) in 2017-18
This programme equipped me with professional knowledge of library management. The course also offered valuable internship experiences, which gave me chances to work in different types of libraries. I also went to many library visits, some of which are not open to the public.
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Chan Lok Kan
2016-17 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
When I received my HKDSE result, I felt lost but I did not lose my hope. I chose to continue my study in Higher Diploma in Engineering in HKU SPACE Community College. The knowledge and skills I learnt in this programme were very useful. Also, the lecturers I met here were very professional, kind and helpful, who were so willing to stay behind to teach us! The learning atmosphere here fueled up my passion to study hard and I would like to express my deepest thanks to all lecturers.
This year, I was admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thanks to HKU SPACE Community College for giving me a fruitful year and a second chance to make my University dream comes true.
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Jane Ho
2020-2022 Associate of Business Administration
I used to be a mediocre student who struggled to do revision properly. With all the support and assistance from fellow classmates and teachers at CC, I started improving myself from mistakes and laziness. 'You reap what you have sown.' It's never too late to mend. I truly believe all of us have the potential and ability to get a satisfactory result. We just need to manage our time properly and go extra miles for our goals
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Chan Man Yee Cara
Time flies. I have successfully completed this intense and challenging training programme. Being a student of dental hygiene is totally different from a secondary school student. There is no choice but to comply with the instructions during the clinical training sessions. However, it is full of great satisfaction and an unforgettable memory in my entire life. Clinical training is an integrated part of the whole programme. I have to practise clinical skills and apply dental knowledge when treating patients. Besides the clinical treatment, I found that persuading patients from changing their habit and attitude is the most challenging mission. Nevertheless, when I observed a positive change from a patient, I am very delighted with my efforts. In addition, to searching for information and having group discussions are the major ways to acquire knowledge in this problem-based learning (PBL) atmosphere. Compared with the traditional learning, PBL is more inspirational and easier to understand theories and practices. Besides, generic skills courses provide a balanced development for my study and I learned cooperate with team members and it greatly improved my communication skills. Last but not least, what I have learnt in this course is not only the dental knowledge but also working and interacting with different people. This course provides a great foundation for my future career and I am grateful to be one of the graduates in dental hygiene.
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Lai Ka Chun, Jacky
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
Recalling the moment I received my DSE result, it was a nightmare. I knew that the result (Best 5/4C1X: 18) would not allow me to be admitted to any local universities in JUPAS. I was panicked because I knew nothing about any alternative paths like sub-degrees. Knowing the good reputation of HKU SPACE CC, I summoned up my courage and did a walk-in application for any IT programme. And I reckon that I have made an absolute right choice. The two years spent in HKU SPACE CC was not easy, but fruitful. The Higher Diploma programme not only equips students with skills that are of good use to future career, but also provides chances for students to further their studies at university. Most of the lecturers once held high positions in the workplace so that they can share their work experiences with students, and these experiences are invaluable. These experiences help students to overpower other candidates when hunting for a job. Besides, their working experiences reveal a deeper understanding of the IT field. They know what the trend is and help us tremendously when deciding our further path as an IT Professional. The relationship between lecturers and students are close. Such relationships encourage interaction between students and lecturers. I used to be a very passive learner (And dare not to raise questions) but in HKU SPACE CC I was encouraged to raise questions. The learning atmosphere is much better than that in secondary school. I think this facilitates learning efficiency a lot and my confidence in learning was established again. Apart from career-related stuff, the College has also given us enormous help when dealing with applications to various universities. There are workshops about writing a personal statement (An essential piece of writing for you to promote yourself to university), attending university interviews and even filling in the university application form. To be concise, you will be well equipped so to gain an upper hand in the application. Thank you HKU SPACE CC!
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Fung Ming Him, Michael
2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
“What didn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I failed in HKDSE but it didn’t defeat me. I wiped my tears and prepared the best for upcoming challenges. HKU SPACE CC has provided everyone a platform to introspect for previous deficiency. Lecturers from Social Sciences domain are all nice and passionate. They are good role models for students. They provide useful consultations on both future career and academic which has encouraged me to embrace challenges. I would never say studying in Associate Degree programmes is the end of the story. Instead, it turns you to a new leaf and brand new chapter.
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