Sze Chun Kei, Kanice
2015-2017 Associate of Business Administration (Year 2) (Accounting Theme)
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D M Thrimendra Kaushika Dissanayake
2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Biological Science Theme)
Despite my HKALE grades not being what I hoped it would be, I continued to study what I was interested at HKU SPACE CC, and I was not disappointed. To be honest, I had no great reasons to study at HKU SPACE CC. All I knew was that it will enable me to continue my studies. However, now I can say that studying at HKU SPACE CC has been a great experience. Not only I was able to continue my studies but also I was able to get to know individuals from different backgrounds during my studies. Most importantly, by studying at HKU SPACE CC, I was able to get into a local university.
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Chan Pui Ki, Selma
Student Air Traffic Control Officer (SATCO)
This programme gave me a lot of opportunities to broaden my horizons. I had new experiences in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Throughout the two years, apart from gaining knowledge in class, we also had many opportunities to join different activities such as study trips, orientation camps, and visits etc. I went to Singapore and Australia for study trips. The most memorable parts were the days when I had my own hands on the yoke, controlling a Cessna, and watching aerobatics being performed right above me. As a person passionate about aviation, study trips provided me with excellent opportunities to share experiences with people from other parts of the world who also worked in the aviation industry.
The sky is unlimited. If you are working on something that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. Your vision will motivate you.
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Tam Ming Yin, Sirius
2017-18 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
Studying in HKU SPACE CC was not as easy as in the high school. The subjects and contents were very different. I was glad that I was not alone. Teachers were so friendly that they offered help whenever we needed. I still miss the classes in humanity. Teachers not only helped me overcome my weakness, but also opened up my mind. The real benefit of choosing ASc in HKU SPACE CC is that we have chances to study HKU courses with HKU students. The courses are not particularly stressful.
"People seldom succeed except they enjoy it." Please do enjoy it, and wish you all the best.
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Fung Ming Him, Michael
2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
“What didn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I failed in HKDSE but it didn’t defeat me. I wiped my tears and prepared the best for upcoming challenges. HKU SPACE CC has provided everyone a platform to introspect for previous deficiency. Lecturers from Social Sciences domain are all nice and passionate. They are good role models for students. They provide useful consultations on both future career and academic which has encouraged me to embrace challenges. I would never say studying in Associate Degree programmes is the end of the story. Instead, it turns you to a new leaf and brand new chapter.
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Leung Wai Tung, Stuffy
Bachelor of Aviation Management, Swinburne University of Technology
Time flies and two years passed in the blink of the eyes. If you ask me why I chose this programme in aviation at the beginning, I can tell you that I chose this programme because I felt that travelling by plane was an interesting experience.
In these two years, this programme provided me different chances to study, not only in theory, but also practical sessions, such as fire drill in airport or helicopter visit. These allowed me to learn different aspects in the development of aviation industry. Moreover, internship was offered to give us chance to have hand-on experience in the airport, which helped us learn how to apply theories into practice. I was delighted that I could join the internship programme. I had unforgettable memory from the programme. Working in airport was not easy and it was full of challenges. Besides, I felt working in shift duty was the most difficult for me because I had to adjust myself to work any time, no matter day or night.
From the internship, I understood more about myself, and realized that I had a lot to improve. You will not succeed by just sit there and think. Taking action is important as it can create a road to success. Try more when you are young!
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