Chau Wang, Jason
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
HKU SPACE Community College offers the best learning place for students who are struggling for further studies after the public examination. I gained a lot from High Diploma in Information Technology (HDIT). From both inside and outside the classroom, the learning atmosphere as well as the kind and experienced lecturers always stimulate my interest and arouse my passion in studying Information Technologies. I no longer regard myself as a loser. When I first came in here, I had a strong faith in my mind: “This is a brand new chance for me to start over, I can make it.” To achieve my goal, I put the largest efforts that I could. I reviewed everything I had learnt in the classes once I returned home every day. Even when I commuted to school, I read the notes on MTR in order not to waste any of my time. Finally, my hard work was rewarded by different university offers in Hong Kong. HDIT programme not only taught us subjects theoretically but also assisted us with numerous practical labs and step-by-step demonstrations in class. Anything we learnt from the lessons can be applied to our daily life directly and practically. Besides, I deeply appreciated the final year project which provided us with an opportunity to work as a team and applied what we had learnt these two years. The study at the college has reinforced my confidence and changed my attitudes of learning and studying. I am proud to become an all-round IT student with all necessary skills I learnt from the courses. All in all, the Higher Diploma in Information Technology in HKU SPACE Community College is a challenging and fascinating programme that equips students with professional IT knowledge and practical skills for the future studies and career development.
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Lai See Wing, Michelle
2017-2019 Associate of Science (Biochemistry) (Year 2)
Apart from equipping students well knowledge in the field of science, this programme provides us a chance to prepare ourselves for future university life. Even if one’s HKDSE results may not be desirable, there are many other channels that can lead you to a fruitful future. The lecturers are professional, supportive and caring. They are willing to help us in all aspects of academics, and the notes provided are carefully selected and tailored for the students. As such, this encourages us to learn and break any learning boundaries. HKU SPACE CC offers students a good platform to explore and learn outside the classroom. The inter-disciplinary learning appeals to students as it allows students from different majors to exchange ideas from their own subjects. This facilitates a deeper discussion of topics and unique perspectives on problems and concepts. Be brave, gentle and sincere in CC, and you will reach your goals eventually.
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Mok Hok Man
2020-22 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Ivan Chung
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management
In the past two years, I worked part time in the archival centre of a large real estate developer and in a university library. Those are memorable experiences. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage other DSE students not to give up and to study hard.
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Sasha Lau
2017-18 Year 1 student
The year in HKU SPACE CC was definitely something I would proudly tell others in the university. It helped me in many different ways: the programme gave me a solid foundation of translation knowledge and application skills; the Taiwan trip gave me a chance to broaden my horizons. Most importantly, the whole year allowed me to think thoroughly what I wanted for my future, which reinforced my determination to study further in translation.
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Martin Chan
2018年市場學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
中學文憑試後,由於成績未如理想不能升讀大學,所以我決定報讀港大附屬 學院市場學高級文憑課程。希望實現理想、成功銜接大學。
在上課期間,我發掘了自己的興趣。老師在上堂時悉心教導、又會耐心地給 予指導和講解。課程設計由淺入深、令我容易掌握學科的理論;又會以生動 有趣、貼近現實的例子去闡述,使我更得心應手。下課後,老師們亦樂意解 答我們學業及升學的各種問題。
今天,我終於能一嘗升讀大學的滋味,有賴所有老師的循循善誘教導和幫 助。我十分慶幸兩年前報讀這個課程、遇到一班很好的老師。在此,我衷心 感謝他們,多謝他們的用心教導。
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