Wu Ming Ming
2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 1
虽然联招结果不理想,可是我从来没有放弃进大学的梦想。因为HKU SPACE CC升读资助大学学士学位机会比较高,所以公开试放榜后就立即报名。读了一年的建筑学高级文凭,发现自己对这科目兴趣不大,就转读了理学副学士,并决心一年后升读大学。在这两年,我学会很多,而且变得更加坚强,即使遇到挫折也不轻易言败,认清自己的目标及方向后,便更努力前进。衷心感谢HKU SPACE CC所有讲师,以及曾经帮助我实现梦想的朋友。
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Kelvin Yip
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology (Year 3)
The HD in Business programme has provided me with rich and practical knowledge about business and finance. It has also broadened my horizons and heightened my interest in the business world.
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Lee Chun Man, Terry
2020-2022 Associate of Business Administration (Accounting Theme)
As the saying goes, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.” HKU SPACE CC is a great place to equip myself with the knowledge required for my future studies in the university. There are lots of experienced and supportive lecturers who are willing to provide considerable assistance while having difficulty in academics. The provision of SDCS activities has helped me do much more preparation for a university interview. It is undeniable that your hard work will pay off when you devote all your energies to studying here.
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2013-15 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(日本研究)
我是Danny,现就读香港中文大学的性别研究课程,曾於2013年至15年间就读港大附属学院的文学副学士(语言及人文学科)课程,主修日本语及日本文化。修读日本语及日本文化不但能够让我学到日本流行文化、日本商业等知识,课程亦会著重於日本语的学习,令学生修读完成后可以达到JLPT N3的水平。由於课程里所教授的日本语均是由零开始,同学一开始不需要任何日本语的基础,因此十分适合任何有对日本文化或日语有兴趣的同学。
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Henry Ngai
Currently studying at HKU - BEcon/ Economics & Finance (Year 3)
This programme has equipped me with sound fundamental knowledge that can be applied in the business world. With clear teaching in classes, I was able to learn effectively and efficiently. During my time in college, I have received a lot of support from the lecturers regarding my studies, university application, and future career planning. HKU SPACE Community College is an important stepping stone towards my future study and career.
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Chan Wai Man Sam
Advancement to HKUST B.Eng. in Civil Engineering
Every failure is a valuable experience for us to move forward. The HKDSE is not the only path for you to study at a university and you should never give up. I am more motivated to study at HKU SPACE CC since I really love the programme that I studied. I am grateful for the teaching and help from all the people involved in this programme. The knowledge that I learned is highly related to my future career which encouraged me to put effort into study. Moreover, the industrial placement arranged by the College that enabled me to sharpen my skills in a professional manner. With sufficient knowledge and understanding of it, I have determined the career goals and path that I should pursue.
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