Alpha Chan
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
The programme provides me a precious learning experience which enables me to build a good foundation of business knowledge for further studies. The lecturers are supportive to students' future career and education affairs.
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Lee Ka Yau
当年文凭试放榜那种晴天霹雳的感觉,真是一生难忘。以我的成绩,升上大学的机会只有一半。於是,我上网搜寻提供副学士课程的院校。起初我并无注意到港大附属学院,但当向师长、友人查询时,他们不约而同地推介这学院。於是我便报读了港大附属学院。 刚开始时,我对学院各方面都相当陌生。幸好,学院有完善的配套去支援学生,讲师都关心我们。虽然对部分同学来说,学院的课程或会较艰深,但只要我们主动寻求协助,讲师都会乐意为同学解决疑难,助同学跟上进度,打好基础。除此之外,学院理科的课程经过悉心编排,配合实验课,让我们掌握相关的技巧 。 入读学院之后我再次反思自己的兴趣,认清人生目标,很快适应大学的上课模式及校园生活,可谓获益良多。 其实,以前我不敢奢望能够升上香港大学。所以,在港大附属学院读书,只要肯下定决心,奋发向上,绝对会有意想不到的结果!
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Chan Ting Ho, Horace
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
After failure in DSE examination, I was determined to study in HKU SPACE CC since more chances would be given to get into universities in Hong Kong when compared to other CC. I feel grateful with the good teachers in SPACE who helped me achieve the learning outcomes. All the concepts developed in Yr 1 (e.g. IGC, IOC) are essential to deal with the courses provided by HKU in Yr2. I believe that the ways to succeed in AD are to study the subject that you like and pay effort on it.
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Wayne Kong
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services) (Year 2)
This programme equipped me with much knowledge in the field of finance. It gave me a competitive edge when looking for university places. In addition, the fundamental principles of business I learnt in the programme is very useful in my daily life and will benefit my future career.
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Ng Hiu Kam, Catherine
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene (2013-15)
I am so delighted for being a graduate of Higher Diploma of Dental Hygiene programme. The two years training from this programme supports me to handle and solve many big task of my job already, such as how to communicate with different patients. At the beginning of the programme, the clinical training session is very difficult for me, because I need to properly deliver oral health knowledge and treatment to my patients who suffer from periodontal disease. After two years training, I truly believe that the clinical training session helped me to build a good foundation of how to manage patients and treat periodontal disease. For the problem based learning (PBL) module, this is very new and interesting for me. All of us need to solve problems by ourselves and have sharing and presentation during PBL class. I believe that I have increased my originality and curiosity in the PBL class. The generic skills courses are also important that the diverse courses improve my language and communication skill. During the time I was studying in the programme, I met many good tutors who relieved an enjoyable and useful learning experience. I consider myself is lucky to have an opportunity to study in dental hygiene programme.
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Lam Hin Ho
2015-16 Assoicate of Engineering (Electronic Engineering), Year 2
I studied Computer Science at HKU SPACE Community College where I took different programming courses which are a major component in Engineering. No matter whether you have studied programming or not, it requires a lot of self-learning, especially in both individual and group projects. To make achievements in programming projects, I always consider about the user's view and further usage of the product. Our programming lectures provide basic theories and knowledge which have been extremely useful in applying to programming applications but sometimes challenging. Apart from academics, I am also an IVP of the IT Society, which have held software courses for students' need. It is fun to hold events for society members, like mass games for freshmen. Being an IVP has enhanced my leadership and communication skills, which are valuable in studies and working life. Therefore, I encourage fellow students to take part in societies' activities and services. Hope all of you enjoy studying at HKU SPACE CC.
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