Cheng Tsz Fung, Koster
2015-16 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
一切全因缘份的指引,入读HKU SPACE CC实乃无意之选。所幸在此我学会了和人的相处之道,亦结交了不少战友,一尝中学未能如愿的心愿。中学时期的勤学苦练在DSE时无法展现出来,最终在此处尝足甜头,使我可不需花太多时间在主科上,而把时间花在其他科目中学习更多元化的知识。各师弟师妹或有疑惑,中文中学的学生会不会受授课语言影响?其实会的,但在Year 2升上大学的中文中学学生也不在少数。切记勤能补拙。至于学习,只要抱有好奇好学之心,用心钻研,必能有所成就。其次压力一定会有的,只要紧记顺其自然,不骄不躁,对学习和人际关係的发展才会有益无害。
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2019-2021 中文专业传意高级文凭
去年4月,当我仍念一年级时,其实已收到一间大学的暂取通知,这令我十分纠结;最后我决定留校升读二年级,挑战自己,今年我终於做到了,取得了心仪大学的 firm offer!虽然过程并不容易,但幸好有老师两年来的热心帮助,又遇到一群志同道合的好朋友,感谢您们一直以来的支持与鼓励,指引我前进的道路。
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Chan Oi Ling
2015-16 Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying at CC was a tough but rewarding experience. I had to adopt to the change of using English as the medium of instruction and also took many courses which were not directly related to Science. However, after studying these subjects, my interest to other academic fields were developed, including Philosophy, Psychology and Visual Art. It is a surprising result! I found my dream in Year 2 - Earth Science. This realisation had triggered my thirsty of knowledge about our Earth. I didn’t mind spending extra time outside class time to research and read books as well as asking lecturers questions, as I believe there is no shortcut to success, except hard work. CC is memorable for me because there are lots of passionate and helpful lecturers and I am thankful to them. All I can do is to keep learning and work hard to reward them for their teaching and time.
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Wong Yuk Fong
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
在港大附属学院修读工程学副学士课程,扩阔了我的视野,教我获益良多。回想当初公开考试放榜时,知道自己的成绩远差于预期,我感到十分徬徨与迷惘。在网上看过资料后,选择入读港大附属学院继续学业。 修读工程学课程,令我学习到各方面的专门知识,如电脑架构,程式设计和电路知识等。除此之外,学院亦着重通识教育,让学生能全面发展,认识自我。 回望过去,学院不但提供另一条升学路径,亦令我能更好装备自己,面对困难。
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Liu Ka Kin
2012-13 Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
I would never forget those days in 2012. After receiving my HKALE results, I nearly gave up my dream. But my family supported me well and with the advice from friends, I applied for the Higher Diploma in Engineering programme at HKU SPACE Community College. When having a chance to study at HKU SPACE Community College, I realized that it was valuable for me to continue to pursue my dream in engineering field. I kept improving through professional trainings and guidance from lecturers and finally was admitted to The University of Hong Kong. Thank you HKU SPACE Community College for helping my dream comes true!
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Leung Wing Kuen Vicky
Associate of Social Sciences
The two years spent at HKU SPACE CC has been essential preparation for my further studies. As an insider, I love the active learning environment among my fellow students. Added to this, I appreciate the passion of the lecturers in teaching, inspiring students' thinking as well as answering our endless questions. To me, by studying Social Sciences, particularly Politics and Administration, HKU SPACE CC has broadened my understanding of society and honed my analytical skills, I learnt to view real-life issues from various perspectives. Even now, I still perceive that the period spent studying at HKU SPACE CC was an incredibly influential life stage which enabled me to engage in a thorough reflection on my own interests, abilities and goals.
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