Chung Lok Man Jeffrey
2011-12 年度应用科学副学士(资讯科技)二年级学生
两年的副学士生活,我在学院里学到了各方面的知识,亦丰富了我的学问,为未来的升学做了充份的准备。或许很多人对副学士的印象比较负面,认为副学士学生只是公开试的失败者,但在这两年,港大附属学院令我对副学士有重新的了解。这里的副学士大部分都不比公开试的同学们逊色,他们都为了自己的大学梦而努力奋斗。很多人会抱怨副学士升大学的学额太少,但我只能告诉你,不是数量的问题,而是你本人付出多少的问题。 港大附属学院的学习模式与中学有很大的分别,自律对成功升学是很重要的,因为在这里再没有中学老师的督促,上课时间又较有弹性,所以时间管理非常重要。千万不要以为课程简单又轻松,但取得一个足够晋升大学的分数可并不容易,因为你的竞争对手不少,分数竞争也非常激烈。最后希望大家都可以全力以赴考进大学。
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Ho Wing Yung, Emily
Associate of Social Sciences
When there is a will, there is a way. Don't be discouraged solely by the public examination. Believe in yourself as you are so much stronger than you think. Dreams are no longer far-fetched when I embark on a journey in HKU SPACE CC. The programmes in the college afford me with ample opportunities to conquer my deficiencies and intrigue my interest in studying Psychology. Moreover, lecturers are student-orientated and enthusiastic in offering help. I really appreciate that I have achieved several breakthroughs and gained valuable personal growth in CC. Remember, the struggles you are in today are for developing your strengths for tomorrow.
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吴思慧 (Summer)
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Yu Tsun Hin
2017-18 Associate of Science (Biological Science) (Year 2)
I chose HKU SPACE CC because it provided a high chance for students to enter into universities. Apart from the good learning and study atmosphere in HKU SPACE CC, I actually learnt a lot with the guidance of the teachers. Every lesson in CC ensured that students could learn something which they had missed in secondary school.
Besides, I appreciate teachers' patience a lot for their quick responses to students' questions.
Activities organised by the College also enriched students' college life. They were very different from the events organised when we were in secondary school.
I hope that all of you will obtain excellent GPA in HKU SPACE CC and find your way to go!!
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Suen Siu Leong, Amy
2015-16 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying Biomedical Sciences at HKU SPACE CC was a precious experience to me after HKDSE. This programme equipped me with a broad-based education and generic skills that helped me build a solid foundation in pursuit of university studies in pathological and microbiological sciences. Throughout the two years, I was not only provided with an in-depth study of advanced medical knowledge but also granted many opportunities to sharpen practical skills in laboratory sessions that strengthened my technological skills and health science specialism. Besides, the learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was very desirable; teachers were supportive and also classmates were enthusiastic and diligent about learning. Although the learning process was demanding and challenging, it was valuable, worthwhile and rewarding. The two-year student life at HKU SPACE CC will be engraved in my memory forever.
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Tyler Chan (Class of 2019)
Offer received: EduU - Bachelor of Education (Primary) in General Studies (Year 1)
文凭试放榜后,虽然与大学梦擦身而过,但我立下决心继续装备自己,希望能够完成大学梦。最后我修读了HKU SPACE的「医护及健保行政」高级文凭课程,课程中包含了跨学科的内容,巩固了我对不同范畴的知识,为进入大学打下基础。另外,课程中需要完成实习,令我熟习到实际的工作环境,认清自己的就业方向。老师除了在课堂上能够维持良好的教学气氛,课余时也十分热心地抽出时间教授同学们入读大学的面试技巧,令我十分感激。学院还会举办很多入读大学的讲座及提供资讯予同学,令我们在升学中装备得更好,提升入读大学的机会!
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