课程 - HKU SPACE Community College
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社会科学 社会科学



Programme Code: AD 119 3416 6338 2305 5315 asocsc@hkuspace.hku.hk

资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 08/001726/4
登记有效期: 01/09/2008 至 登记持续有效

Application Code 报名编号 : AD119






  • 心理及健康
  • 政府及国际研究
  • 社会福利及社会行政
  • 社会学





BASc Social Data Science
BEd Early Childhood Education & Special Education
BA Anthropology
BA Cultural Management
BA Cultural Studies
BA History
BA Linguistics
BA Philosophy
BA Religious Studies
BSc Community Health Practice
BSc Exercise Science and Health Education
BSc Gerontology
BSc Public Health
BSocSc Gender Studies
BSocSc Geography and Resource Management
BSocSc Global Studies
BSocSc Government and Public Administration
BSocSc Psychology
BSocSc Social Work
BSocSc Sociology
BA Chinese & History
BA Creative Media
BA Media & Communication
BA English
BA Linguistics & Language Applications
BA Translation & Interpretation
BBA Management
BSc Biomedical Sciences
BSc Environmental Science & Management
BSocSc Applied Sociology
BSocSc Asian & International Studies
BSocSc Criminology & Sociology
BSocSc Environmental Policy
BSocSc Psychology
BSocSc Public Policy & Politics (Housing & Urban Studies)
BSocSc Public Policy & Politics (Political Science)
BSocSc Public Policy, Management, & Politics
BSocSc Social Work
BSocSc Sociology
Broad Discipline of Computing
BA (Hons) Applied Ageing Studies and Senior Management
BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences
BA (Hons) Social Design
BA (Hons) Social Policy and Administration
BA (Hons) Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship
BA (Hons) Social Work
BASocSc (Hons)
BSc (Hons) Investment Science & Finance Analytics
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing
BSc (Hons) Nursing
BA (Hons)
BA (Hons) English Language & Literature and BEd English Language Teaching (Double Degree)
BA (Hons) History
BA (Hons) Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
BComm Journalism Major (International Journalism)
BSocSc (Hons) China Studies - Sociology
BSocSc (Hons) Communication - Film & Media Arts
BSocSc (Hons) European Studies - German Stream
BSocSc (Hons) Geography
BSocSc (Hons) Global & China Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Government & International Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology
BSocSc (Hons) Social Policy
BSocSc (Hons) Sociology
BSW (Hons)
BA (Hons) Chinese
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies
BSocSc (Hons) International Economy & Politics
BSocSc (Hons) Social & Public Policy Studies
BSocSc (Hons)
BSocSc (Hons) Health and Social Services Management
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling Psychology Concentration
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture - Music / Visual Arts
BA (Hons) Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
BA (Hons) Language Studies - English Major
BA (Hons) Liberal Studies Education
BA (Hons) Special Education
BEd (Hons) Chinese Language
BEd (Hons) English Language - Primary
BEd (Hons) Early Childhood Education
BEd (Hons) Geography
BEd (Hons) (Primary) - General Studies
BEd (Hons) Visual Art
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) History
BSc (Hons) Sport Sciences and Coaching
BSocSc (Hons) Global & Environmental Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Global & Hong Kong Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Greater China Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Policy Science & Management
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology

香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院

毕业生亦可报读香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院提供的全日制衔接学位课程,包括:

伦敦艺术大学 (University of the Arts London)

爱丁堡龙比亚大学 (Edinburgh Napier University)

西英格兰大学 (University of the West of England, Bristol)





* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。

  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I & II
  • Advanced Chinese Language
  • Information Technology Fundamentals
  • English for Arts and Humanities
  • Applied Statistics

Experiential Learning

  • Intra- and Interpersonal Competencies


Year 1

  • Introduction to Political Science
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • The Basics of Sociology
  • Experiential Learning: Intra- and Interpersonal Competencies

Year 2

Psychology and Wellness Theme

  • Abnormal Psychology

  • Social Psychology

  • Life Span Development Psychology 

  • Introduction to Personality 

Government and International Studies Theme

  • Global Governance and International Organizations 

  • Introduction to Public Policy and Administration 

  • Introduction to Comparative Politics

  • Introduction to International Relations

Social Welfare and Social Administration Theme

  • Introduction to Counseling
  • Social Policy and Administration
  • Contemporary Social Work and Social Welfare
  • Ageing and Gerontology

Sociology Theme

  • Introduction to Criminology
  • Hong Kong Society: A Sociological Perspective 
  • Class and Inequality
  • Sociology of the Family


  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • Choose THREE courses from the Core Curriculum


YU Pik Nga Kelly
  • 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Advancement to The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Social Science, Senior year
  • Other offer received: City University of Hong Kong, BSocSc Psychology, Year 3
  • Other offer received: City University of Hong Kong, BSocSc Public Policy and Politics, Year 3
  • Other offer received: The Education University of Hong Kong, BSSc (Hons) Psychology, Senior year

Sometimes, we cannot control every outcome and get what we desire. However, once you maintain a positive attitude, anything is possible. Studying in HKU SPACE CC was a precious experience. I met good teachers and friends who helped and inspired me. The courses offered by HKU SPACE CC not only enhanced my knowledge, but also helped me develop some soft skills, like time-management and communication. Although there were a lot of obstacles to break through, I had a fruitful experience at the college.

XU Rongfeng Andy
  • 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Advancement to Lingnan University, Bachelor of Social Science (major: Psychology), Senior year
  • Other offer received: Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Social Work, Senior year

Two years ago, I was just a boy who pursued his dream, some charity-related ones, and came to Hong Kong. HKU SPACE CC provided me with an English learning environment and whole-person development cultivations. The lecturers and counsellors in the college were pretty excellent. They helped me overcome difficulties in the two years. It was a very meaningful learning experience in my life that filled with happiness.

LEE Yan Tung Janice
  • 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Advancement to The Chinese University of Hong Kong, BSSc (Hon) Gender Studies, Year 3
  • Other Offer: Hong Kong Baptist University, BSSc (Hons) Psychology, Senior year
  • Other offer received: The Education University of Hong Kong, BSSc (Hons) Psychology, Senior year
  • Other offer received: The Education University of Hong Kong, BSSc (Hons) Global and Hong Kong Studies, Senior year

During the time I studied in HKU SPACE CC, there were always a lot of assignments and projects, so I learnt to manage my time and get along with others well. I’m lucky that I didn’t go on my "SPACE journey" alone. I made a lot of friends and we motivated each other. Lecturers here were very supportive and helpful. When I looked back, DSE was just a small part of my life. Although there were many uncertainties when I first entered HKU SPACE CC, now I have graduated and got offers from universities. I know I have made the right decision! 

WONG Oi Kuen Sandy
  • 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Gerontology)
  • Advancement to The Chinese University of Hong Kong, BSc Geronotology, Year 3
  • Other offer received: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BA (Hons) in Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management, Year 3

Studying in HKU SPACE CC is a great experience to me. I learnt a lot from the lecturers and classmates. Be hardworking and stay positive!

YIP Vanessa
YIP Vanessa
  • 2016-17 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Offer received: HKU Social Sciences (Year 3)
  • Offer received: PolyU Mental Health Nursing (Year 1)

It was such a bittersweet experience studying in HKU SPACE CC. As a freshman, I decided not to participate in any ECAs as I wanted to to focus solely on my study. I suffered psychologically and physically, and I could not taste the joy of learning. My fear of failing overwhelmed me. On my teachers’ advice, I balance my life by planning my study schedule and time to relax. I learn to utilize the CC resources about university requirements and graduates' records to prepare for the non - jupas application. It is not a miracle that I could finally achieve my goal – entering HKU, it is the effort that paid off. Chances will only be given to those who are well prepared!

Leung Ka Hon Rex
Leung Ka Hon Rex
  • 2016-17 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Offer received: CUHK Public Health
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts/Social Sciences

Studying in HKU SPACE CC is always full of challenge, but it is also a favorable place to learn and to prepare for the future. All the lecturers are very helpful and patient. They help me a lot in my study, and provide different ideas for my future path. Life is like a journey and isn’t always smooth. Studying in CC may not be your original plan, but you will never regret it.

YIP Pui Man Jane
YIP Pui Man Jane
  • 2016-17 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science) Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Offer received: HKU Social Sciences (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CUHK Psychology

My two-year journey at HKU SPACE CC has been the most memorable and treasurable time in my life. CC has been like a lighthouse giving me guidance and hope during the tough times after HKDSE. At HKU SPACE CC, you will meet nice teachers and friends that support you in achieving your university dream. The courses offer brand-new knowledge and orientation towards future university study. Enjoy life at HKU SPACE CC!

Ho Wing Yung, Emily
Ho Wing Yung, Emily
  • Associate of Social Sciences

When there is a will, there is a way. Don't be discouraged solely by the public examination. Believe in yourself as you are so much stronger than you think. Dreams are no longer far-fetched when I embark on a journey in HKU SPACE CC. The programmes in the college afford me with ample opportunities to conquer my deficiencies and intrigue my interest in studying Psychology. Moreover, lecturers are student-orientated and enthusiastic in offering help. I really appreciate that I have achieved several breakthroughs and gained valuable personal growth in CC. Remember, the struggles you are in today are for developing your strengths for tomorrow.

Yeung Suen Yan, Eunice
Yeung Suen Yan, Eunice
  • Associate of Social Sciences

Studying in HKU SPACE CC helps me broaden my horizon. It is not only a stepping stone to get into university, but also equips me to be an all-rounded student. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes and asking questions. These learning processes can make us grow and gain more knowledge. Failure in public examination does not mean that you are a loser. On the contrary, studying in HKU SPACE CC offers you another opportunity to achieve your goals. “No one can decide your way, only you can.”

Kong Cheuk Yan, Michelle
Kong Cheuk Yan, Michelle
  • Associate of Social Sciences

Due to my failure in public examination, I decided to apply for HKU SPACE CC, not only as a second option to further my study, but also a second opportunity to strive for my future. Despite the enormous amount of academic pressure I encountered during my study in CC, the sense of success and fulfilment was even greater when I realized that my GPA was better than expected. I would like to thank the lecturers in Social Sciences Domain, who were always there to help me with my difficulties. I also found them to be extremely passionate as I as always welcomed to ask questions outside classes and had received a lot of extra knowledge. I truly appreciate their efforts as well as passion towards teaching.

Suen Hin, Andy
Suen Hin, Andy
  • 2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Offer received: HKU Social Sciences (Year 3)

Life is like a roller coaster; sometimes it’s not as smooth as we expect. Indeed, on the day of the release of my HKDSE results, it was a disaster for me. However, I didn’t give up and I chose to enter HKU SPACE CC to strive my best to get into university. In these two years I realized that studying in a college is never a bad thing. Here I met a lot of companions who have the same goal as me. I also met many awesome lecturers who are passionate in teaching and show every support to me. I feel really blessed to have them. What’s more, I can finally choose to study something I’m interested in, which is Psychology and find my career goal. Studying in HKU SPACE CC is definitely a valuable experience for me. Here is one of my favourite quotes from the Batman movie, “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” Sometimes we do fall down badly, but in this process we will become stronger. Staying positive will always be a key to success. Let bygones be bygones and get well prepared for the future challenge. Good luck!

Fung Ming Him, Michael
Fung Ming Him, Michael
  • 2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
  • Offer received: HKU Social Sciences (Year 1)

“What didn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I failed in HKDSE but it didn’t defeat me. I wiped my tears and prepared the best for upcoming challenges. HKU SPACE CC has provided everyone a platform to introspect for previous deficiency. Lecturers from Social Sciences domain are all nice and passionate. They are good role models for students. They provide useful consultations on both future career and academic which has encouraged me to embrace challenges. I would never say studying in Associate Degree programmes is the end of the story. Instead, it turns you to a new leaf and brand new chapter.

Ho Cheuk Lam
Ho Cheuk Lam
  • Associate of Social Sciences
  • Offer accepted: CUHK Bachelor of Social Science
  • Other offer received: HKU Bachelor of Social Sciences
  • Other offer received: CityU BSSc in Applied Sociology
  • Other offer received: PolyU BA in Social Policy and Administration

It is fine for you to be sad for a while after you receive an unsatisfactory result in the public examination, but don’t let the depressed feeling engulf you. It is undeniable that studying in a community college is very stressful as most students are “GPA-oriented”. Although it will be a tough journey for those who embark on it, remember to keep a positive learning attitude and find some buddies with a similar goal. Studying Social Sciences in HKU SPACE CC is a fruitful journey and you will definitely meet many enthusiastic students and lecturers. Work hard and believe in yourself!

Li See Wai, Bianca
Li See Wai, Bianca
  • 2014-15 Associate of Social Sciences (General Theme with focus on Psychology)
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Social Work, Year 1
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Criminology, Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Media and Communication, Year 3

Early when I entered HKU SPACE CC, I described it as a jail. Life is harsh in here because the heavy workloads push you to the limits and remind you that you have no time to relax yourself if you want to escape from this hell. Luckily, I’ve met life-long buddies and allies here as well. We work together and fight for the mutual targets together. They not simply provide spiritual supports to me but also flourish my 2-year life in HKU SPACE CC! So, forget the frustrations. Today your new life begins! Stay tough! Stay focus to your dream! One day, you deserve the achievements from your efforts paid!

Lit Hoi Tung, Daniel
Lit Hoi Tung, Daniel
  • 2014-15 Associate of Social Sciences (General Theme with focus on Psychology)
  • Offer received: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, BSc Exercise Science and Health Education

“When life throws you a curve, lean on it.” This College is the most worthy curve that I have ever embarked on. It's understandable that students would feel dazed with the HKDSE failure. By joining this College, you gain a valuable experience of clarifying life goal. Coming with group presentations and campus life, you are equipped with practical time-management, problem-solving and communication skills, which are useful for shaping a mature self towards a successful path. Also, all lecturers in the Social Sciences domain are caring and professional, who are the best educators that I have ever met. You will capture more than you expect once you lean on HKU SPACE CC.

Yuen Baty
Yuen Baty
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Social Sciences, Senior Year

Obstacles are often chances for us to learn and better equip ourselves. Studying in HKU SPACE CC has definitely been a memorable experience. Not only did I gain academic knowledge, but I also learn life skills like time management and problem-solving skills. What is more, in times of despair and fear, I am glad that there were always lecturers and group mates being all ears. However hard it can be, as long as you keep moving on with your unwavering spirit, hope will always be there waiting for you.

Cheng Lai Ling
Cheng Lai Ling
  • Offer received: HKU Social Sciences (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CUHK Sociology (Year 1)
  • Offer received: PolyU Social Policy & Administration (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU Applied Sociology (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU Public Policy, Management, & Politics (Year 3)

Studying in HKU SPACE CC has definitely been a valuable experience. It has not only equipped me with knowledge, but also prepared me with the mentality to be a university student. Time-management, problem-solving, and presentation skills can be enhanced, and most importantly, I have developed different perspectives when commentating on social issues. I am so thankful to meet the lecturers in the Social Sciences Domain; they are really helpful and considerate.

Wong Ching Ki
Wong Ching Ki
  • 2013-14 Associate of Social Sciences (General Theme A - Psychology), Year 2
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Social Sciences

I got a HKU offer of 4-year Social Sciences programme. In fact,I didn't think that I would get this offer before interview. I just consider that if I apply this programme, I have 50% to get the offer; if I don't apply this programme, I have 0% to get the offer. After the interview, I felt satisfied with my performance. But I i didn't think about it anymore. "I do the best, God do the rest!" To me, I believe if something belong to me, they will belong to me, and vice versa. We should have faith that God has something better in store. Anyway, thanks people who help me and support me!

Leung Cheuk Man Ada
Leung Cheuk Man Ada
  • Offer received: CUHK BSSc in Sociology

I never thought that any of my time has been wasted because there is always a strong feeling of "genuine learning". Courses in HKU SPACE CC have helped train me to become a more capable social sciences student. Now I believe I am quite equipped to meet the requirements of universities and I am ready to face the challenges in my future studies.

Teresa Leung
Teresa Leung
  • Offer received: CityU BA in English Studies
  • Offer received: Lancaster University BA in Psychology
  • Offer received: The University of Sheffield BA in Psychology
  • Offer received: University of Sussex BSc in Psychology
  • Offer received: University of East Anglia BSc in Psychology

I have found these few years to be extremely fruitful. Most of the lecturers that I have encountered are of high quality, either academically or in terms of their teaching attitude. More importantly, in HKU SPACE CC, as long as you have paid enough effort, you are very likely to get what you deserve. Strive for the best, no regrets!

Ng Ka Man Janis
Ng Ka Man Janis
  • Offer received: CityU BSc in Criminology

Group assignments are emphasized in tertiary education and it is thus important to plan your lectures timetable with your friends together. I am very grateful that I had three good friends to accompany me throughout the two years of study. We had all lectures together and of course finished all group assignments together. The friends whom I have made in HKU SPACE CC not only helped me to get admission to a bachelor’s degree, but also enriched my life in these two years.

Chung Tsz Kwan Charmaine
Chung Tsz Kwan Charmaine
  • 2013-14 Associate of Social Sciences (General Theme A - Psychology), Year 2
  • Offer received: CUHK Psychology (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU Criminology (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (Year 1)
  • Offer received: PolyU Applied Psychology (Senior Year)

Two years at the College has made me a mature learner. Academic life requires active and motivated learning. I enjoy listening to lectures a lot, which has made me understand human behavior differently. I have also met lecturers who are enthusiastic about their profession and teaching, from whom I learn not only academic knowledge, but also their personal experiences and interests, which are sources of motivation for my pursuit of knowledge. The many wise people I encounter here must include classmates, who later became my good friends. We spend lectures together, work for challenging group assignments from day to night, and nevertheless share laughters and tears together. I hope that you will share such experiences, and I wish you a fruitful life here.

Lai Sze Man Karen
Lai Sze Man Karen
  • 2013-14 Associate of Social Sciences (General Theme A - Psychology), Year 2
  • Offer received: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Bachelor of Science in Gerontology)
  • Offer received: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy Administration - Senior Year Entry)
  • Offer received: The University of Hong Kong (Bachelor of Social Sciences - Senior Year Entry)

It has been nearly two years since I first started studying in HKU SPACE Community College. It is amazing to see how far I have come and what I have accomplished when studying the Associate of Social Sciences programme. I have gained an in-depth understanding of the world that we are living in and developed a critical stance when examining different social issues. Undeniably, life in CC is not easy as we have a heavy workload during the semester. However, the experience is rewarding in itself because I learn about multi- tasking and to work efficiently under stress. The lecturers are passionate in teaching and always ready to offer help. If you are looking for a completely different learning environment, do come and join us!

Lee Meng Meng Minnie
Lee Meng Meng, Minnie
  • Associate of Social Sciences
  • Offer received: HKU BEd Liberal Studies Teaching (Year 1)

Learning is a life-long journey. The past two years that I have spent at HKU SPACE Community College have been a crucial turning point for me. Undoubtedly, life is tough. However, it is true that if you work hard, it will pay off. Life in the Community College has been truly memorable and I really appreciate the way that lecturers are always ready to help us. In addition to teaching us theories, they also equip us with the skills to enter university, as this is actually a mutual goal. Throughout the whole journey, these professional always encourage and support us. They are the ones who have frequently told us not to give up and do whatever it takes to fulfill our dream.

Leung Wing Kuen Vicky
Leung Wing Kuen Vicky
  • Associate of Social Sciences
  • Offer received: HKU BSocSc (Year 2)
  • Offer received: CityU BSocSc (Hons) in Policy Studies and Administration (Year 2)
  • Offer received: CityU BSocSc (Hons) in Asian and International Studies (Year 2)
  • Offer received: HKIEd BSocSc (Hons) in Global and Environmental Studies (Year 1)

The two years spent at HKU SPACE CC has been essential preparation for my further studies. As an insider, I love the active learning environment among my fellow students. Added to this, I appreciate the passion of the lecturers in teaching, inspiring students' thinking as well as answering our endless questions. To me, by studying Social Sciences, particularly Politics and Administration, HKU SPACE CC has broadened my understanding of society and honed my analytical skills, I learnt to view real-life issues from various perspectives. Even now, I still perceive that the period spent studying at HKU SPACE CC was an incredibly influential life stage which enabled me to engage in a thorough reflection on my own interests, abilities and goals.