Admitted to Bachelor of Laws, University of Law
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Tang Chiu Tang, Kermit
在过去两年,新媒体与传播这个课程不但让我学习到丰富的媒体知识和传媒理论,它还让我获得不同的专业技巧,例如影片制作,动态图像设计和网页设计等等。 更重要的是,透过这个课程网我可以参加不同的活动和比赛。我曾经就参加了流动电影节,纪录片制作和不同的参观活动。这些宝贵的经验让我大开眼界,对我未来的工作也有一定的帮助。 而课程专有的设备借用服务是我最喜欢的地方,因为我可以在这里借用到很多专业的影片制作设备。例如有单镜反光相机,灯光设备和稳定脚架。在课余时间里都可以自己尝试制作影片。 总括而言,新媒体与传播是一个能学习到专业知识,同时也能获得实用的技巧的课程。
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HUI Hing Yee Bauhinia
2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Sociology)
"If you fell down yesterday, stand up today." HKU SPACE CC is a place to offer you the second chance in pursuing your goal. The life as an associate degree student in CC was tough, but valuable. Studying in social sciences is a pathway to further investigate our society, as well as ourselves. I hope that all of you can enjoy the diversity of campus life in the coming year.
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Chong Kwan Ho, Kenneth
我的DSE考得很差,当时对未来感到迷惘。完成毅进文凭后,我入读了HKU SPACE CC的市场营销高级文凭课程。
一开始我对全英文的学习感到非常不习惯,但幸好每一节课堂结束后老师都很愿意提供帮助。我在HKU SPACE CC这两年有非常精彩的学生生涯,例如参加电影学会和学校提供的讲座,这些经历都令我成长非常多。这两年的成长和经历,让我终於获得理工大学的学位,真的非常感激这两年在HKU SPACE CC遇到的人。
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Mark Ng
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
I am so lucky to have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to pursue my Associate Degree in Business Administration. Two years ago, when I was planning to choose Business as my major, many people discouraged me by saying that it is extremely difficult to get an offer from universities because the competition is too keen. Luckily, I insisted on my decision and the results turned out to be quite the opposite. Now, I have four admission offers from top universities in Hong Kong and most importantly, I can see my growth in the business studies. There are three elements in HKU SPACE CC that contributed to my success today. First, the lecturers are always willing to help. For example, they organised several mock interviews to help us prepare for the university interviews. We could also consult them with our personal statements writing and career development. With the help of several lecturers in HKU SPACE CC, my team won the champion of the ACCA Business Competition 2015, which definitely broadened my horizon and added more value to my resume. Second, the Student Development & Counselling Services (SDCS) is extremely helpful; they regularly organise talks about interview skills and university admission, and besides I can also check out the records on university admission and interview questions from the past years. With all this useful information, I understand more about the university admission and interviews. Third, school exchange and internship were also wonderful experiences. I joined school exchange to Beijing and Taiwan last summer, and an internship with Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong; these experiences not only allowed me to meet more friends from different cultures, but also strengthened my business-related skills.
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