作为末代会考和高级程度会考考生,我曾遇到巨大的压力,进不了大学,当时十分懊悔,总想当初更努力就好了。 幸好我报读了港大附属学院商业学高级文凭(市场学及管理),讲师以具体实例,和不同的方法讲解课题,使学生能深入理解,这令我明白自己并非没有能力,而是不懂窍门。刚入学的时候,我没有想过能取得优秀成绩,但讲师让我拥有多一次的机会去努力。而此时,我已准备好在大学中继续努力,向梦想出发。 我衷心希望,曾遇到失败的同学们不要放弃,要抓住每一个机会去努力,有朝一日,必能实现梦想!
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Vanessa Leung
2023 -2024 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
My study at HKU Space CC was invaluable. The passionate teachers not only taught me valuable professional knowledge, but also inspired my personal growth by encouraging me to explore different opportunities . This well-rounded approach has cultivated my interest in business, especially finance, and provided me with practical guidance for my academic and career goals.
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Ng Hoi Lam, Jasmine
I was desperately hoping for changes, seeking a place where I could discover my strengths and unleash my potential after experiencing a setback in my life - the HKDSE. Luckily, studying at HKU SPACE CC enabled me to pick myself up from where I fell. The programme equipped me with the skills required for becoming a better learner, and the guidance from lecturers showed me to the right path.
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2017-19 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(中国语言、文学及文化)
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Cheung Chung Man, Mon
2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Social Welfare and Social Administration)
It has been tough studying in HKU SPACE CC - but thanks to the lecturers here, it has been made a whole lot easier. They are so helpful and eager to answer my questions whether those are academic or personal. Their passion shows in every class and this has motivated me to learn better and think more. I am grateful for such cherished experiences. Spending two years at college may sometimes seem wearying but as long as your goal is clear and you plan ahead, you CAN achieve it. It does come true. Remember to reach out to friends and classmates when the going gets difficult. There is such welcome mutual support on offer for tired brains. Working as a team may enable you to reach new heights. There is still so much to be happy and positive about!
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