Ho Man Hon, Felix
2013-14 Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology (Computer Science), Year 2
HKU SPACE CC is my alternative gateway to further my study after failing to enrol in undergraduate programmes offered by the UGC-funded universities. The study mode here gives me more freedom than the secondary schooling experience that I received before. There is no past examination paper or revision exercise, but there are different types of reference materials. We need to develop our own way of revising each course, and broaden our views and knowledge. I have been interested in programming since my secondary school, but I have not received any formal and regular training on computer programming. The AIT programme gives me a lot of chances to acquire practical programming skills, and also some useful advice on how to develop a good programme. It also strengthens my knowledge in the field of computer and information technology in order to improve my programme design. HKU SPACE CC provides me with a lot of experiences that are very useful in my future study. It is my pleasure to study here.
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Chan Wing Hong, Anson
2021 Undergraduate, BEng (Hons) Air Transport Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
I am glad to have studied for the Higher Diploma in Aviation and Piloting at HKU SPACE Community College. I believed that many people had a dream like me, to pilot a plane and fly in the sky. When I was in the secondary school, I was certain that I wanted to become a pilot in the future. I love flying and believed this occupation would suit me well. After completing my secondary education, I struggled to find a suitable aviation-related course in Hong Kong—especially about flying. Finally I discovered HKU SPACE Community College, which offered the course on aviation and piloting.
2019-20 was my first year at HKU SPACE Community College. It was my most memorable year in which I took part in the Australia Aviation Study Trip. During the trip, we secured many precious opportunities such as a trial flight at Moorabbin Airport in Melbourne. I was allowed to sit at the front of the aircraft with my instructor, and I would never forget the excitement during my first take-off and landing. I was so energized because I knew it was one great step toward my dream, and it confirmed that I had chosen my future career correctly.
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Liu Yee Tsun, Alvin
2011-12 年度应用科学副学士(资讯科技)二年级学生
相信不少人和我一样,放榜后进不了自己心仪的大学。那一刻对於自己的前途,的确是十分迷茫。幸好,港大附属学院就在前方替我照亮了那未知的道路。当初因为父母一句话:「随著自己的兴趣而选择」,即使我从没有读过跟电脑相关的科目,最后亦选择了资讯科技副学士课程。 在港大附属学院的生活让我的眼界扩阔了不少,亦让我认清自律的重要性。由於自由度十分高,学习和玩乐的时间全由自己掌握。我在这里认识了一班好朋友,大家从早到晚也在学院内,不论上堂、温书、吃喝玩乐也在一起,大家就像一家人一样,而港大附属学院就是我们的家。我十分庆幸我选择了港大附属学院,它给予我另一个入读大学的机会。希望大家也能够在港大附属学院内找到自己的兴趣,认清自己的目标,掌握自己的未来。
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Chan Sum Yee Kristie
在HKU SPACE CC读书对我来说,是一个转捩点,故我十分珍惜这个机会。但当我愈紧张想争取好成绩时,考试状态反而愈差,故及后学懂调整自己心态,才能有健康的身心灵应付挑战。作个比喻,你愈抓紧手中的一把沙,沙子愈快从你手上流走;相反,你懂得放轻手,沙子才不会猛的流走。学懂这个道理有利你们日后走更远的万里路。还有,到你们毕业时,或许会觉得自己还有很多不足,如你能有这个觉悟,我反倒要恭喜你,因为你有好学不倦的精神,这是要成为医者其中一个重要的态度。
另外,在HKU SPACE CC读书学到多少,就靠自己的主动性有多高。当遇到不明白时不用担心,虚心问老师就好了,他们会非常耐心地为你们解说。问得愈多,意外收获愈多。在此,我也想多谢老师们的教导和鼓励。
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Leung Mei Ching Ada
2018-20 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Chan Chin Ching, Gore
2014-15 工程学副学士二年级
在CC读副学士只有短短两年,时间并不长,但对我来说却非常重要。我学到很多不同知识,亦认识了很多不同的人。 在CC,除了自己的主修外,还要学习其他科目的知识,例如艺术、歷史、社会科学等,达至全人教育。因此,我了解自己的能力和选科的重要性。就我而言,因我数理比较强,所以读工程比较轻松,但其他科目则比较逊色。有些同学因选了不合适的科目,结果读得非常辛苦,成积又不理常。所以选对了就事半功倍,反之则事倍功半。学习以外,我也认识了不少对工程很有热诚的朋友,有些对程式很在行,有些则对硬件很了解。从他们身上我获益良多。 在此希望大家亦能在CC获得成功,找到自己的理想,并达到自己的目标。
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