2017-19 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(中国语言、文学及文化)
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由于公开试成绩未如理想,所以我跟入读大学的机会擦肩而过。当时,我感到短暂的迷失,也不知道该何去何从。然而,在朋友的推荐下,我最终选择了报读HKU SPACE CC的商业学高级文凭(市场营销及广告)课程,抱着随遇而安的心态开始我另一段学习之旅。 HKU SPACE CC的讲师热诚教学,不但教授课本的理论,而且不时分享有关工作经验,让同学对实际市场环境有更深入的了解。另外,老师十分关心学生,不时给予鼓励和建议。这一切,让我寻回自信。 我非常感谢讲师对我的支持。
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Wong Kin Lok
2018-2020 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)- 人文学科
纵使经历文凭试失败,但条条大路通罗马,HKU SPACE CC提供使我能入读心仪大学 的另一途径。我修读的人文学科涵盖不同学术 范畴,例如哲学、历史,让我有机会认清自己的能力及目标。只要抓紧目标,勿忘初衷,定能获得意想不到的收获。
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Yau Hei Tung, Haston
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
Studied in HKU SPACE CC can definitely provide science students with opportunities to study highly-qualified courses in HKU. This experience gave me inspiration that I should study hard and get into HKU. Most of the teachers are nice and helpful. They are willing to help if you seek help from them. Although I failed to get into local University in the first year, it did not dispirit me as I believed my determination and passion could let me overcome the challenges. Finally, it's grateful to receive offers from HKU and PolyU. These experiences allow me to understand nothing can stop me to pursue my own goal if I truely love and want it. Working hard is the most important factor to succeed.
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Jeffrey Chan
2018-19 Diploma in Foundation Studies
Studying Diploma in Foundation Studies programme (DFS) gave me a chance to gain different professional knowledge through a multidisciplinary curriculum, such as science, culture, history, etc. It was a fantastic learning experience because I could understand the world more from different perspectives. The college granted me a lot of chances to learn with captivating activities. These experiences further ignited my interest in studying. During my DFS study, I was always given chances for group discussions which are a platform that I could communicate with others in English and get immediate feedback and advice from my teachers. The learning process was amazing and I could boost my English speaking. Last but not least, the warm and positive learning atmosphere in DFS was the catalyst and motivation supporting me to study further and continuously explore my curiosity of the world. I am so honoured to have the opportunity to study this foundation programme. All the friendships and memories that I experienced in CC will last forever.
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2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
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