Victor Li
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
This programme not only enriched my knowledge in the field of business. During my time at HKU SPACE, I had the opportunity of joining different extracurricular activities e.g. ACCA Hong Kong Business Case Competition. All of these learning experiences broadened my perspective and enabled me to prepare for my further studies.
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Annie Chan
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
This programme enriches my knowledge in business and finance, and lays a solid foundation for my university studies and future career development. Our lecturers are professional, supportive and caring. I enjoyed my two years of study at Higher Diploma in Business. I am glad that I chose HKU SPACE Community College.
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Hung Hei Tung Stephanie
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
Because of the failure in HKDSE Chinese subject, I have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to continue my studies. I chose to study Engineering is because I had studied Physics and M2 during secondary school. In year 1 semester 1, I was learning the basic knowledge for the engineering subjects. In year 1 semester 2, I started thinking what I want to choose for the engineering subjects; electronic engineering, computer science or computer engineering. In year 2 semester 1, I started to apply the universities and attend interviews.
I am now studying in HKU SPACE Community College, Associate of Engineering year 2. I believed that most student in this College wanted to get a high GPA in order to get into university. I think the key to success is that you need to be hard working, cooperating with others during group projects, as well as seeking help from the lecturers. Since group projects accounted a big percentage in many lectures, so you need to cooperate with others and find group mates carefully as some may be free-riders.
The lecturers in the College, especially in the Engineering department, are willing to help and provide suitable guidance. I think the lecturers in the Engineering department is really different from my previous school teachers, they are always enthusiastic to help us, not only academic problems, but also about our careers. They will also bring you to visit different universities and find professors to give us talks, also finding students that had studied in the college to give us sharing.
After two years of hard work in HKU SPACE Community College, I got three conditional offers from HKUST and CUHK. I am really delighted that I had made the right decision at the very beginning which is continuing my studies in this College. If you want to continue your studies but your marks is not enough to get into the universities, I would suggest you to apply associate degree programmes in HKU SPACE Community College.
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2020-22 中文专业专意高级文凭
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Leung Tsz Wa, Connie
Graduated from HD Interior Design in 2014
The course curriculum is pitched at the right level for the students which inspires learning and paves the path for a promising career in interior design.
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过去两年在港大附属学院的生活,虽然学业繁重,但乐在其中。专门的学科知识及练习助我为入读大学作准备,亦提升我对市场学的兴趣,同时也认识了不少志同道合的朋友,一起面对挑战和难关。 我印象最深刻的是毕业专题习作,能与朋友一起发挥创意,发展独特的商业计划书,从中也学以致用。当初入读学院的不习惯及不甘心,转化成为了我奋斗的动力,全赖学院的支持让我完成大学梦。 这两年有不少难忘的回忆,再一次谢谢学院、讲师及朋友的鼓励!
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