Lo Lok Man
Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Social Science
After the public examination, HKU SPACE CC offered a valuable second opportunity for me to strive for my dream to study at university. In these two years of college life, I benefited a lot and experienced personal growth. Although it was not an easy journey, hard work and effort would definitely be rewarded.
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Vanessa Lau
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Corporation Administration and Management), Year 1
I have learnt practical knowledge and skills in business management which can be applied in my future academic and career path. Lecturers were patient and caring about our learning progresses which enhanced our motivation to study. Overall, HKU SPACE CC is a good platform for us to pursue our targets.
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Chan Chin Ching, Gore
2014-15 工程学副学士二年级
在CC读副学士只有短短两年,时间并不长,但对我来说却非常重要。我学到很多不同知识,亦认识了很多不同的人。 在CC,除了自己的主修外,还要学习其他科目的知识,例如艺术、歷史、社会科学等,达至全人教育。因此,我了解自己的能力和选科的重要性。就我而言,因我数理比较强,所以读工程比较轻松,但其他科目则比较逊色。有些同学因选了不合适的科目,结果读得非常辛苦,成积又不理常。所以选对了就事半功倍,反之则事倍功半。学习以外,我也认识了不少对工程很有热诚的朋友,有些对程式很在行,有些则对硬件很了解。从他们身上我获益良多。 在此希望大家亦能在CC获得成功,找到自己的理想,并达到自己的目标。
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WOO Chau Suen Amanda
2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Sociology)
Studying at HKU SPACE CC was an irreplaceable experience! You could concrete your dream, seek advice from lecturers and meet your best friends here. All you need to bear in mind is to believe in yourself and follow your passion. Every effort will be rewarded. You can do it!!!
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杨淑殷 (Joyce)
升读香港城市大学媒体与传播系 (数码电视与广播)
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Lam Chin Kwan
2015-16 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
I did not believe I would have an opportunity to study in The University of Hong Kong when my HKDSE result was released. However, HKU SPACE Community College provided me a second chance to pursue my university goal, with a quality education delivered by its Engineering Programme Team. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all lecturers who have taught me in the past year. They were not only teaching the knowledge from the textbooks, but also inspiring me to learn through lab sessions, training workshops and visits. After one year of study at HKU SPACE Community College, I am so happy to tell you that I was admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thank you so much!
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