Angela Lee On Ying
2019-2020 Associate of Biomedical Sciences (Year 2)
Being a medical laboratory technologist has always been one of my goals. Although I did not perform well in my DSE, HKU SPACE CC reignited my hope. I was deeply inspired by the lecturers in the college. They are professional, helpful, and friendly. With their enormous support and experience sharing, I have learnt from my mistakes in DSE. I studied hard and learnt how to study effectively and happily. Without the assistance from college lecturers, I would never succeed.
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2010-11 应用科学副学士(实用中医)课程毕业生
修读应用科学副学士(实用中医)课程期间,我得到了很多启发,亦改变了很多。它使我由一个对中医毫无认识的中学生,变成了今天立志要成为一个好医师的大学生。当中最大功劳的当然是对我循循善诱的讲师。学院的讲师不但热心教学,更关心学生,为建立良好的学习气氛付出了不少心血。我本身的性格比较内向,所以在就读中学时,我从来没有在上课时发问过一条问题。但是当我接触这个课程后,我终于体验到学习的乐趣。而课后向讲师亦成为了两年学习的最宝贵时光。课程亦使我们有机会到不同行业见习及到国内中医大学校访,使我们体验将来的学习环境,增加了和专业人士沟通的机会。 这两年副学士的学习经验帮助我们扩阔了不同领域的知识,亦为我们现在的学习打好基础,使我们现在学习更顺利,目标更清晰。
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苏子龙 (Vincent)
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Suky Li
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
This programme enables me to develop advanced business knowledge and build a global perspective. Our lecturers are supportive and nice. Not only did they teach me business knowledge, but they also provided suggestions when I had any difficulties. I feel motivated to learn at HKU SPACE Community College.
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文学副学士(语言及人文学科) - 中国语言、文学及文化
因中学时期不曾修读中国文学科,在副学士课程中毅然选择中国语言、文学及文化为主修,起初犹恐心有余而力不足,然修读相关课程后却发现当中趣味盎然,此后学习自然辖然开朗。兴趣是最好的老师,所谓「知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者」,了解自己的兴趣所在,寓学于乐,自能游刃有余。 副学士也许并非是同学心中所想的「大道」,但条条大路通罗马,副学士亦不失为宝贵的学习及人生经验。副学士学科选择繁多,除书本知识,亦有培养思维、人文素养的选修科供同学选择。此外,老师的良言忠告,同学间的砥砺劝勉亦是另一珍贵回忆、收穫,日后回想,有若三月春风,暖人心扉。 有谓「学之广在于不倦,不倦在于固志」,同学若能清楚目标、兴趣所在,学习也就自然得心应手。
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Chak Ho Wai
2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
Before knowing about new media, I felt frustrated in study as I would never achieve a satisfying result no matter how much effort I made. Coincidently, I met New Media and Communication. I found it to be interesting for me and gave me fuller motivation to get deeper into it. This course emphasizes practical techniques rather than theories. In these two years, I have become familiar with market analysis, photography, video shooting, softwares such as Premiere, After Effect, Illustrator etc. The most impressive experience was the studying trip in Japan. Visiting Japanese TV studio and media school broaden my knowledge. Overall, New Media and Communication provides comprehensive new media knowledge which gives me a clear future direction and career path.
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