2020-2022 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(主修中国语言、文学及文化)
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Chiu Ka Yan Heloise
2020 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Translation and Interpretation
Studying translation at HKU SPACE CC not only helped me to improve my languages, but also helped me to find my passion and goal. I have gained so much from this programme, including the knowledge and skills of translation and interpretation. And the Taiwan study tour gave me an opportunity to know more about translation and broaden my horizons. Also, the teachers were professional, nice, and helpful. I really enjoyed my studies here!
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WONG Oi Kuen Sandy
2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Gerontology)
Studying in HKU SPACE CC is a great experience to me. I learnt a lot from the lecturers and classmates. Be hardworking and stay positive!
Ho Po Yi, Hana
2017-18 Associate of Science (Biochemistry) (Year 2)
I received offers from both HKU SPACE CC and another community college, and got into a dilemma of choosing either one of them. Providentially, I decided to study in HKU SPACE CC, and that should be a right choice. Almost all lecturers in HKU SPACE CC were very patient. The lecturers gave us clear instructions and were very attentive to our study. They helped us understand every topic. Not only did they help us to get a high grade in the courses, they wanted us to get something useful for our future studies. HKU SPACE CC lecturers prepared everything for us. What we needed to do was to work hard so that we would not disappoint our lecturers for their efforts and sincere teaching. Besides, I’ve made a lot of friends in HKU SPACE CC. I considered them as study partners and buddies as we supported each other. I enjoyed my study in HKU SPACE CC, where there was pleasant learning atmosphere.
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Ivan Fok (Class of 2019)
两年前考文凭试成绩不理想,於是决定报读港大附属学院。由於本身对医疗行业有兴趣,碰巧「医护及健保行政」高级文凭课程又刚推出,所以便报读,又因这决定,才有幸踏入医疗行业。两年间讲师们耐心教导,他们优秀的教学方式,使我更用心学习。同学之间会互相鼓励及交流,学习过程并不孤单,更营造良好的学习气氛。课程提供讲座及实习机会,令我不只在知识上进步,实践上亦有增益。 现在我已正式受聘在诊所全职工作,踏入医疗行业第一步。全因入读这科,我才可以找到前路。
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Reza, MD. Raiyan Bin
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing and Data Science Theme Year 2)
Right after high school, I made a decision to take a couple of gap years instead of going directly into higher education. Soon after discovering my interest in Information Technology, I joined HKU SPACE CC, where I was given a chance to learn more about IT and prepared for my future in this ever growing industry. Choosing HDIT at HKU SPACE CC was one of the best choices that I have made because it allowed me to touch on a vast array of IT domains which exposed me to various fields in IT. Apart from the robust IT courses provided at HKU SPACE CC, another great aspect of the College was the lecturers. Throughout my studies here, not only did they help enhance and develop my IT skills, they were also mentors who were willing to assist me outside of my studies. With their help and guidance, I was able to articulate to university studies.
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