资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 15/003662/L4
登记有效期: 17/12/2015 至 登记持续有效
Application Code 报名编号 : HD133
HD in Healthcare & Health Plan Administration 医护与健保行政高级文凭
BA (Hons) Language & Speech Sciences
BA (Hons) Nursing
香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院
毕业生亦可报读香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院部份学位课程。
* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。
通用技能 |
专门知识 |
Year 1
Year 2
Experiential Learning (Select ONE from below)

- Offer received: PolyU - BNursing (Year 3)
- Offer received: HKU - BNursing (Year 1)
- Offer received: CUHK - BNursing (Year 1)
- Offer received: CUHK - BSc Public Health (Junior intake)
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC has enriched my knowledge of the health care sector and nursing. This programme was useful and interesting. It provided a positive learning environment and encouraged us to cooperate with each other. I have learnt more about the health delivery and health financing systems in Hong Kong from the healthcare and public health courses, which broadened my horizon and helped me perform better at the University interviews. I appreciate the College for providing an opportunity to achieve my goal, paving the way for a fruitful future!

- Offer received: THEi - BSSc Sports and Recreation Management in Sports Therapy (Year 3)
I was so confused when I got my DSE results two years ago. Fortunately, I noticed that there was a Programme called Healthcare & Health Plan Administration at HKU SPACE CC. These two years of studies helped me understand the spectrum of issues in the medical system in HK. It showed me the different social institutions and broadened my understanding of healthcare systems around the world. It enriched my understanding of pathophysiology and the related studies, and provided me with the experiences of back-office work in the healthcare delivery system. These really helped me to fully realise my interest and to decide what I want to do in the future. Moreover, my classmates were positive and competitive. We worked together and fought together. I also really appreciated the teachers and HKU SPACE CC for giving me this opportunity to further study in the degree programme.

- Offer received: CUHK - BSc Community Health Practice
- Offer received: PolyU - BA Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC was a fruitful experience for me. It provided a diverse range of healthcare knowledge, and a solid understanding of the healthcare system fundamentals, enabling me to pursue further education at university.
The internship was a valuable opportunity, in which I applied the knowledge learned in the lessons. I became more aware of the issues in the primary care sector, and I found my interest in ameliorating the problems in the healthcare sector. I would like to extend my gratitude to the lecturers as they always advised and encouraged me.

- Offer received: CUHK - BNursing (Junior intake)
- Offer received: CUHK - BSc Public Health (Junior intake)
- Offer received: PolyU - BA Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management (Year 3)
- Offer received: LingU - BSSc Health and Social Services Management (Year 3)
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC helped me acquire a deeper understanding of the Hong Kong healthcare system and its upcoming challenges. I also learned more about theories and various problem-solving skills. Internship provided the learning environment for me to practise what I learned at the College. This precious experience helped me develop both academically and personally. Students could also join different clubs at HKU SPACE CC to develop humanistic values and interpersonal skills. These prepared me for the future. I am grateful for the learning experiences and thank the College for helping me progress successfully to the University.

- 现就职於医疗服务
两年前考文凭试成绩不理想,於是决定报读港大附属学院。由於本身对医疗行业有兴趣,碰巧「医护及健保行政」高级文凭课程又刚推出,所以便报读,又因这决定,才有幸踏入医疗行业。两年间讲师们耐心教导,他们优秀的教学方式,使我更用心学习。同学之间会互相鼓励及交流,学习过程并不孤单,更营造良好的学习气氛。课程提供讲座及实习机会,令我不只在知识上进步,实践上亦有增益。 现在我已正式受聘在诊所全职工作,踏入医疗行业第一步。全因入读这科,我才可以找到前路。

- Offer received: EduU - Bachelor of Education (Primary) in General Studies (Year 1)
文凭试放榜后,虽然与大学梦擦身而过,但我立下决心继续装备自己,希望能够完成大学梦。最后我修读了HKU SPACE的「医护及健保行政」高级文凭课程,课程中包含了跨学科的内容,巩固了我对不同范畴的知识,为进入大学打下基础。另外,课程中需要完成实习,令我熟习到实际的工作环境,认清自己的就业方向。老师除了在课堂上能够维持良好的教学气氛,课余时也十分热心地抽出时间教授同学们入读大学的面试技巧,令我十分感激。学院还会举办很多入读大学的讲座及提供资讯予同学,令我们在升学中装备得更好,提升入读大学的机会!

- Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Nursing
Studying Healthcare and Health Plan Administration at HKU SPACE CC has exposed me to a broader spectrum of healthcare issues, ranging from health planning to the structure of the medical system in Hong Kong and other countries. As the number of the aging population has rocketed, the healthcare demand for elderly service and organizations is increasing. This Programme enriches my health sciences knowledge, while helping me understand the factors behind the demand and supply for elderly services. All these help students think more thoroughly about their interests and future decisions. During our internship, students were assigned to different community centres or clinics, where they experienced, or observed first-hand, the routine tasks and duties of a community nurse or counsellor. This was a brand-new experience for most students. I really appreciate the college for giving me a second chance to achieve my goal to study in the university.

- Offer received: CUHK - BSc Public Health (Year 2)
- Offer received: PolyU - BSc Food Safety and Technology (Year 3)
- Offer received: LingU - BSSc Health and Social Services Management (Year 3)
Studying Healthcare & Health Plan Administration at HKU SPACE CC has fostered my knowledge of the healthcare sector. The teachers here are welcoming, which allows me to ask questions and learn in a comfortable atmosphere. The Programme courses are diverse, interesting, and useful. They broaden my horizons on society and the causes and impacts of diseases in broader historical and comparative contexts. There are also sociology and positive psychology courses, and I have learnt a lot about the different healthcare delivery and financing systems from my coursework assignments. In addition, my internship provided a precious opportunity for me to understand my potential and strength. I participated in a community centre and earned health promotion experiences, which are advantageous for my future career. I will enter the university soon and I thank HKU SPACE CC for offering me the opportunity!