Wong Yuk Fong
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
在港大附属学院修读工程学副学士课程,扩阔了我的视野,教我获益良多。回想当初公开考试放榜时,知道自己的成绩远差于预期,我感到十分徬徨与迷惘。在网上看过资料后,选择入读港大附属学院继续学业。 修读工程学课程,令我学习到各方面的专门知识,如电脑架构,程式设计和电路知识等。除此之外,学院亦着重通识教育,让学生能全面发展,认识自我。 回望过去,学院不但提供另一条升学路径,亦令我能更好装备自己,面对困难。
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Lai Tsz Ching
2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
This program has given me opportunities to learn about cultures. Through hands-on training in the areas of movies, music, and magazines, I have grown increasingly interested in creative development. I am thankful to the teachers at AAMCCS because they have been so nice and supportive throughout my studies. As creation usually requires time and effort, their guidance also motivates me to cultivate my self-control. After developing my artistic imagination and practical abilities in the college, I am better equipped to study creative media and production.
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Yu Tsun Hin
2017-18 Associate of Science (Biological Science) (Year 2)
I chose HKU SPACE CC because it provided a high chance for students to enter into universities. Apart from the good learning and study atmosphere in HKU SPACE CC, I actually learnt a lot with the guidance of the teachers. Every lesson in CC ensured that students could learn something which they had missed in secondary school.
Besides, I appreciate teachers' patience a lot for their quick responses to students' questions.
Activities organised by the College also enriched students' college life. They were very different from the events organised when we were in secondary school.
I hope that all of you will obtain excellent GPA in HKU SPACE CC and find your way to go!!
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Lin Matthew
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing and Data Science Theme Year 2)
After graduating from secondary school, I studied an associate degree programme at a community college. However, due to my inability to adapt to a new learning environment and my poor habit of not doing school work, I performed poorly and could not complete the programme. In hope of continuing my study, I retook DSE in 2018, hoping to improve my results and get a place in a university through JUPAS. This unrealistic expectation turned out to be another failure.
Instead of giving up, I self-reflected and concluded that I should learn from my mistakes and improve myself. Self-discipline and time management are essential for success, and I developed a habit of keeping an organised schedule, urging myself to perform the duties of a competent learner.
HKU SPACE CC provided me a second chance. The courses that HDIT offers closely adheres to my interest, and I was able to choose my desired stream (Computing and Data Science stream). The CDS stream gave me insight into Computer Science fundamentals, such as data structures, discrete mathematics, and object-oriented programming. I also had the opportunity to take an internship, which gave me first-hand experience in using emerging IT technology and cooperate with colleagues.
CC also enabled me to meet some great people. Lecturers are friendly and caring, and help is always available whenever I needed. I have also made some fantastic friends, who helped me tackle academic problems and group projects. One of my friends, who is a senior, greatly inspired me to aim higher and work harder to achieve my goal of getting into a university.
The future may seem uncertain and you may feel lost; keep calm, carry on and you will eventually find the right path.
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Felix Lok
2015-16 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 2)
I have gained a knowledge of the fundamentals of Economics that I think will be a great advantage in my coming university studies. Hence, I am glad that I chose this programme.
Kelly Ng
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Corporation Administration and Management), Year 1
This programme has provided me with a solid foundation knowledge of business management which can be linked with my university studies. The teachers were extremely helpful and answered all my questions during my studies. It was definitely worthy to spend 2 years in HKU SPACE CC in order to prepare for studying in university.