Chan Cheuk Yiu, Jessamond
2021 Undergraduate, BBA (Hons) Aviation Management and Logistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Growing up with many curiosities about the sky—how the clouds hang, how the heavy metal objects fly, why airplanes leave white marks in the sky and so on—taking the path of aviation study filled up most of the unknowns for me. Clouds go through atmospheric cycles to form and deform, aircraft wings are designed in sweepback shape like birds to produce lift against their weight, and a contrail is the form of cloud when hot humid air mixes with the exhausted fuel-air mixture. Each of these mysteries that have been answered remind me of my favourite motto, “Every expert starts as a beginner.”
I am very thankful for every opportunity HKU SPACE CC provided for me—a wide range of experiences, airshows, internships at the airport, study tours, and, of course, the flying experience in Melbourne. Memories get washed off by time, but my first flying experience will stay fresh and exciting. From ground briefing to the Cessna simulator and climbing into the Sling2, to flying along the coastline and bringing the plane back onto the runway, feelings were beyond words!
The lecturers who have been or are still working in the aviation field provided the most updated and related sources for my study and career path. Staff were more than willing to help with any sort of problem, and they provided guidance for my study and career planning. Finishing the first year in HKU SPACE had broadened my vision and encouraged further learning in the field. I can’t wait for the next year to start!
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能到HKU SPACE CC读副学士课程十分感恩。比起纯粹书本知识, 我获得的更丰富。老师的用心让我心头温暖,继续努力不懈。与同 学的合作让我增广见闻,渴望与人交流。我没有破釜沉舟的决心, 但只要对自己有所交代便可。感激有这两年时间让我沉淀自己的任 性妄为和跳跃思维。每个人都需要不同的锻炼,而每条路都不可能 平坦。祝愿各位和自己步步得著,收获满满。
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Jess Xie
2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
AAMCCS is a good academic programme for students to expand their minds and vision. We can understand the world again from different angles and the knowledge we learnt from class. It is an excellent trip to get into the relationship between various media and humans, as well as some of the hot issues in society (like gender). Teachers in AAMCCS pay lots of effort on us to assist us in chasing our future purpose. They advise on our future studies, working paths, and academic questions. The help and knowledge I have gained here have been invaluable, and I hope you all can feel it. Study hard and fight for your life!
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Chan Ka Ho, William
2015-16 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
Working hard is the most important key studying in HKU SPACE CC. In here, everyone wants to get into the university, I studied very hard, read reference books, asked teachers for help and luckily, I have a lot of friends who are willing to teach me to get good results in exams. Besides, the relationship between students and lecturers is good not only in academic but also for some daily activities. Lecturers are willing to listen what difficulties you faced and help you to success, so studying HKU SPACE CC is the best choice to learn and get into the university.
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2021-23 中文专业传意高级文凭
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Chan Sum Yee Kristie
在HKU SPACE CC读书对我来说,是一个转捩点,故我十分珍惜这个机会。但当我愈紧张想争取好成绩时,考试状态反而愈差,故及后学懂调整自己心态,才能有健康的身心灵应付挑战。作个比喻,你愈抓紧手中的一把沙,沙子愈快从你手上流走;相反,你懂得放轻手,沙子才不会猛的流走。学懂这个道理有利你们日后走更远的万里路。还有,到你们毕业时,或许会觉得自己还有很多不足,如你能有这个觉悟,我反倒要恭喜你,因为你有好学不倦的精神,这是要成为医者其中一个重要的态度。
另外,在HKU SPACE CC读书学到多少,就靠自己的主动性有多高。当遇到不明白时不用担心,虚心问老师就好了,他们会非常耐心地为你们解说。问得愈多,意外收获愈多。在此,我也想多谢老师们的教导和鼓励。
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