Yiu Tsz Ting, Anthony
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Nursing
I am Anthony, a year 2 student who loves and enjoys devoting myself to the aviation industry. Here is my 'adventure' in HKU SPACE CC. To start with, I would like to describe my academic experiences. All the lecturers from my course are industry specialists. Although they always have a tight schedule, they have fully supported to me if I encounter any difficulties. What's more, they have used their wide connections in the industry and prepared numerous site visits for students such as Cathay Pacific City and Heliservices. Apart from study and site visits, our College offers a variety of internship opportunities to us. For me, I have been working in Cathay Pacific Services Ltd. from January 2014. It has strengthened my knowledge and I have gained practical experience which benefits my future career and gives me a general picture of the ‘real world’. The College also organised various study trips for students. I took part in three international events: the Singapore Airshow 2014, the China Airshow 2014 and the Asia-Pacific Aviation Education & Training Symposium. In these events, we chatted with representatives of well-known organisations (e.g. Airbus, Boeing) and they always answered with a detailed explanation. It allowed us to learn cutting-edge technology from international talents. Sometimes, we exchanged contact details with them (i.e. Facebook and LinkedIn). And now to the most exciting part in my school life – Orientation Camp. From planning to holding, the programme team was not involved too much and students were the role players in this event. Better still, we could meet many new students and build up a positive relationship with them and guide them to the right way if they came across any difficulties. All in all, our programme provides vast and limitless opportunities for us. You can gain many valuable experiences unless you choose to miss out on the opportunities that are waiting for you. I hope you will join with us and be a next generation talent. Hope to see you soon! “Beware of missing chances; otherwise it may be too late someday” – Franz Liszt
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Leung Yiu Po, Bob
2016-18 (Humanities)
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Chen Danyan
2021-2023 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Finance Theme)
Embracing uncertainty and embark the first step. The methods of learning in HKUSPACE CC are different from those in secondary schools. Independence sets the baseline while companions determine the boundaries of achievement. Study in here, fortunately, I found myself, formed friendships and began to genuinely savor life’s pleasures. When youth is on your side, just try and step out.
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Lee Kwan Fai, Issac
2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
Through studying in this program, I have gained a lot of knowledge and practical skills. The programme covers a wide range of courses, such as Visual Storytelling and Digital Photography Production. Before taking the course, I was amazed that photographers could take excellent photos. After taking the photography lectures, we learned something about composition, exposure triangle and so on. I could apply those theories when I took photos. Moreover, the assignments were not just written assignments. We did have other assignment liked motion graphics. We could develop our creativity by using the “After Effect”. It was so fulfilling when you were able to create your own masterpiece. Moreover, we had study trip to broaden our horizons. I did enjoy this programme a lot.
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2020-22 中文专业传意高级文凭
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2014-16 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(中国语言、文学及文化)
对多数人而言,大学远胜副学士。但事实上,副学士并不比大学逊色。在学院的时候,大家的目标明确,读书虽然辛苦,但总会遇到同路人,彼此切磋砥砺,向目标前进。大学生活虽说因人而异,但总是难以重拾在学院读书时那种和老师同学互相交流,团结奋斗的感觉。 两年虽然辛苦,但在这场持久战中找到目标和梦想才是最重要的,这更是许多大学生所不具备的宝贵经验。既来之,则安之,与其埋怨懊恼,不如好好装备自己,继续前行。
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