2017-19 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(中國語言、文學及文化)
HKU SPACE這個美麗的校園,給予我再次飛翔的翅膀,學識淵博的中文系老師與熱情慷慨的同學,給予了我展翅翱翔的信心和勇氣。
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Wan Kam Leung, Christopher
2013-2015 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream)
HKU SPACE Community College provides a comfortable learning environment for students who seeking for further studies or finding an IT related job. “No Pain, No Gain”. After received the HKDSE result, I knew I could not become an university student. Luckily I have applied HKU SPACE Community College Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme through E-APP, therefore I kept on working hard to achieve my final goal in College. I put my largest efforts to work hard in studying and hoping to achieve my goal - enter to the university. HDIT programme provides different technique courses with theoretically lectures and practical laboratories to let us become familiar with those topics. In networking stream, students could have the ability to learn different network protocols and troubleshooting techniques. It is a good opportunity for me to study in the College with state-of-the-art computing facilities and enhanced my knowledge with passion. Studying in HKU SPACE Community College also offers us an opportunity to participate in an international competition namely the Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition. It was a great opportunity for me to improve my networking skill through competition with Hong Kong and Macau post-secondary students. Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme in HKU SPACE Community College is a charming and wonderful programme that could help students being prepared for the future studies and career path. I have successfully gained the offer from CUHK for further study. HKU SPACE Community College has delighted my study path and my learning journey.
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2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(生命科學)一年級
港大附屬學院關注學生的升學、就業及多元化發展。這裡有關升學和就業的資訊及輔導十分充足,幫助我們找到自己的目標。而且課程多元化,讓學生接觸不同範疇的知識,增廣見聞。 雖然生命科學的課程較深,但勝在與大學的理學士課程水平相若,讓學生於入讀大學前打好基礎。而且這裡的每位講師都用心教學、準備充足,課後仍會細心解答同學問題,更會用心聆聽及解答我們對升學和就業的疑問。就是這樣,我才能輕鬆升上大學,更認識了一班好朋友及好講師。高考的成績未如理想,未必代表與大學無緣!
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Jonathan Yung
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management
This programme gave me a chance to work in different libraries as well as a solid foundation in the library and information management field. The professional placements were helpful in training us to be familiar with working in a real-life situation.
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Lam Ka Ling
2022-23 理學副學士二年級
The teachers in HKU SPACE CC and HKU are friendly. They were willing to answer my questions patiently. Also, the summer bridging course is very helpful for my study. I appreciate it!
About the tips in studying, it is crucial to make friends and form study groups. Friends will give you emotional support. During the pandemic year, all courses were taught through Zoom. I felt afraid and lost at that moment. Luckily, my friend encouraged me and studied with me every day. Eventually, my friend and I got high GPA that semester!
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Wong Yan Tung
2020-22 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
I equipped myself with storytelling skills, software and digital marketing knowledge during the past 2 years. The pandemic has changed our school life, with the support given from lecturers and friends, I am now a university student.
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