2017-19 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(中國語言、文學及文化)
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Ng Cheuk Ping
2019-2021 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
Although we might get failed in the DSE exam, this is not the end. We need to be brave to face our fault and think about how to improve. DSE exam is only a process in our life, we still need to work hard for our future. After studying at HKU SPACE CC, I think I found my life goals. I used to be very unclear about what I like to do or study. However, the teachers in HKU SPACE CC are patient to teach us, during the learning process, I found what I like most.
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Noel Liu
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
接過文憑試成績表,我決定修讀HKU SPACE CC商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)課程。兩年間,老師無論在學業或升學上都給予 同學指導,師生間關係和諧,有融洽的學習環境。在學習方面,老 師亦會以生活例子,令同學更明白市場學的概念。
學院提供豐富的課外活動,我曾擔任商學會副主席,為我的大專生 活增添色彩,同時亦學會不少課本外的知識。今天我能夠完成夢 想,除了感謝老師外,身邊的戰友亦功不可沒,大家互相扶持,為 兩年的大專生活劃上完美的句號。
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Matthew Yeung
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 1)
The Higher Diploma in Business programme provides not only specialized knowledge to the students but also the opportunity to explore one’s surroundings, and more importantly, the chance for one to improve oneself and get well prepared for the upcoming life. No matter what happens, please never give up. Working hard is always the key to success. HKU SPACE CC will definitely be a good platform for you to start a new chapter of life.
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Hung Chun Ho, Oscar
2015-16 Diploma in Foundation Studies
In 2015, I was in the watershed of my life, followed by my failure in the HKDSE. I was lucky enough to earn a chance to study for the Diploma in Foundation Studies (DFS). It turns out that my experience studying for the DFS is very different from my old days in secondary school. The emphasis on continuous assessment means that our performance is assessed in an all-round manner, and this eases off my exam stress. The multi-disciplinary nature of the curriculum also opened my eyes to new academic disciplines which I did not encounter at the high school level. This 1-year programme let me re-built my confidence in Science, and put me back on track to pursue further studies in this area when I promoted to the Associate of Science programme. I’m convinced I made the right choice studying for the DFS.
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Kwan Chun Hin, Kelvin
2010-11 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
During the two years of studies in the Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene, I found it a very memorable experience. The unique "Problem-based Learning" teaching method has allowed me to develop logical and critical thinking which has enhanced my ability to analyse problems independently. These are important for me to work in the dental field. In addition, the clinical sessions have given me the opportunity to treat patients who have a wide range of oral health problems. It is very useful for my future career. And now, I am glad to have become one of the enroled dental hygienists in Hong Kong and I believe I can apply my knowledge and experience and contribute to the community.
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