在HKDSE放榜时,我见到自己的成绩,徬徨之外,我也想不出有甚么形容词描述当时的心情,我知道自己升大学无望,又不知出路如何。听友人介绍副学士,而且以理学学系来说,港大附属学院最好,升学率亦高,既然无路可走,我只好硬着头皮地报读了。 开始时自己跟不上学习进度,不少课程的难度比高中更难,幸好学院的讲师抽空指导我,而且还很有耐性地解释每个重点,自己再每日温习,最后用了一年时间便升上自己理想的大学。虽然学院的课程比较难,但不无好处,除了补充在中学学不了的知识外,当升上大学后,会更容易跟上大学的课程。 纵使有人说读副学士是没出路,但回头望,我觉得港大附属学院是我人生的里程碑,为我升读大学前作最佳准备。
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Woo Ka Tsun Anson
Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication (Year 2)
Two years studying at new media and communication was very fulfilling. Students are acquired with technical skills in media production, such as photo shooting and video making. Assignments are not limited in paper work , some also requires students to get out side , take photos or record videos. When the assignments are done, both the products and the grades are satisfying if you gave your best.
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Joyce Kwan
2017 Graduate of Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
HKU SPACE CC gave me an opportunity to achieve my university dream. I am grateful that I can be one of the members in HKU SPACE CC & HKU. In the two years of study there, the programme gave me a lot of chances to develop my strengths, build up knowledge, clinical skills and enhance my passion in nursing. Although the workload in all of the courses and practicum are quite enormous, the lecturers there are very supportive, and they gave a lot of advices to me about how to overcome those workloads. I really feel delighted that I can meet them in HKU SPACE CC as they made my road become easier. I hope I can keep my passion up in my future study. Good luck!
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2011-12 年度应用科学副学士(生命科学)一年级
还记得高考放榜那天,从老师手上接过成绩表后,我只感到徬徨、迷茫、绝望。当时,我根本不清楚除了大学以外,香港还有甚么升学途径,我只留在家中问问亲友的意见,及后上网搜寻「副学士」相关的学院和课程。又亲身听了各院校的讲座和学生分享,最后选择了港大附属学院,我最有兴趣的科目是应用科学副学士(生命科学)。至今,我无悔当初所作的抉择。 副学士的生活确实辛苦,因为你要有很强的意志力才能不断坚持,继续走下去。当时我在未开学的时候已熟习修读课程的大纲,及计划未来一年的方向目标。每天除了温习,便是回家赶lab report或者project,又或要赶写personal statement,准备大学面试。虽然辛苦,但当中亦有收穫。副学士的校园生活不再有「班主任」式的提醒,但庆幸我选择了港大附属学院,内里有完善的升学辅导及自学中心,加上每位讲师都满腔热诚,还有counselor的辅助,当遇到难题时,他们都愿意助你,与你度难关,让我感受到在学习以外的人间温暖。事实上,港大附属学院提供的Non-JUPAS升学资讯,是各专上学院中最齐全的,只要自己主动去接触,这些资源都是属于你的。 港大附属学院是一个很好的学习地方,让我学懂管理时间及自我,实为升读大学的不二之选。希望大家都能寻找一条属于你的副学士之路!加油!
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Zenos Pun
2017-18 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics Stream), Year 2
Ho Natalie Sienna
2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
The study of AAMCCS provides a unique opportunity for students to delve deeper into the world of media and entertainment in a dynamic and engaging way. I was intrigued by how each part of this programme helped develop students’ creativity and critical thinking skills, which are highly valued in the tertiary education system. Through AAMCCS, students could gain the skills that they need to succeed in the media and entertainment industries. I am now all and all ready to proceed to my next stage.
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