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Nixon Fong
对高中毕业生来说,升学比任何事都重要。高考后,我选择了港大附属学院,报读资讯科技高级文凭课程中的Networking Stream。努力进修,2012年毕业,投身社会,开展人生新一页。今日回首,选择修读资讯科技高级文凭是我明智的决定。 本课程包含CCNA及CCNP的内容(两者皆为Networking专业认可证书),也有不同领域的电脑知识。港大附属学院的讲师用心授课,理论与实践并重,更带队参加 Networking公开比赛,获奖无数。 十年磨剑苦,一朝试锋刃。毕业后,我在英国电讯公司 (British Telecom) 实习,为期六个月。同期实习中,也有毕业于其他院校学生。我庆幸学院给我的是「宝剑」。半年来,面前一个个Networking 的难题,都能迎刃而解。 今年身边多位朋友大学毕业,正感前途茫茫。而自己已有明确的人生目标,更觉自己的运气实在不错。
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Chan Hor Shan
2013-15 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
HKU SPACE CC的工商管理副学士课程帮助我重新订下目标,为升上大学做好准备。在学院学习,使我对工商管理有更深切的认识,亦助我做好自己的生涯规划,期望在此领域上有更进一步的发展。学院学术气氛浓厚,同学间有着共同的信念,彼此扶持,为实现理想努力。在讲师的帮助下,我的演说能力和面试技巧日渐进步,也令我更有自信,在待人接物的技巧上更趋成熟,对将来的发展有莫大裨益。
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Lam Man Hei
BA (Hon) in Language Studies, senior year in EdUHK
Translation is not all about manipulating languages, in fact we must have a good knowledge of the different forms of writing and what the authors want to deliver. The two years of study has also fostered my understanding of different cultures and why they are so different from one another.
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Fung Tsz Yan, Codie
Graduated from HD in Interior Design in 2014
All our lecturers are qualified academics or well-experienced practitioners in the industry, and are very responsive to our questions and enthusiastic.
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Yung Yu Hang, Leo
Flight Attendant, HK Express
Hi, I am Leo, a graduate from 2014 of Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies (HDAS). After graduation, I took the Bachelor degree of Aviation Management in Griffith University and had a wonderful experience of studied aboard in Brisbane Australia.
HDAS provided many opportunities for site visits which gives students to learn on the field rather than only focus on the theories. During 2 years studies in HDAS, I had visited different aviation organisations in Hong Kong such as Heliservices and HAECO. Also, I had joined three different Study trip and had treasurable memories and knowledge gain from the trip. Visited the Airbus A320 production line at Tianjing, visited varies organisations related to aviation education including Universities and factories in Beijing and Sichuan, also visited Singapore Airshow helps me to know more about the development of modern aviation. I am glad to have chances to attend all three available study trips during my study. I had learn much not only the knowledge but also social skills which is very important in aviation because aviation is also about the connection to the world.
These two years in HKU SPACE CC really helps me to build up confident and decided to go for study aboard. Thanks for the partnership between HDAS programme team and Griffith University that I had benefits from credit exemption which let me finish the degree programme within two years. I had joined University’s flying club and soaring society to have some hands-on flying experience. It was amazing but felt nervous when I had a first flight on a pilot seat having my own controls on takeoff. Luckily I had my instructor with me and had some flight simulation experience on the lab before during the time studying HDAS that made me remain calm for the rest of the flight.
I am now working at HK Express as a flight attendant. HK Express is a LCC and had many differences compared to legacy airlines. What are those differences? I was heard and learn from the HDAS for the first time of what LCC is. Aviation is still developing and will keep glowing in the future. Let join us and share the passion of the sky!
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