Ho Shing Hang
2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
I am proud to have been part of the inaugural graduating class of the Associate of Economics programme (AECON). My passion for economics started in high school, and I knew that pursuing it in my higher education was the right decision. The programme provided me with the perfect platform to develop my quantitative and qualitative skills through its holistic approach to mathematics and specialized economics courses.
Lecturers of the programme were compassionate and patient and supported me in areas ranging from academics to life planning. The workshops and field trips expanded my knowledge and gave me practical exposure. Also, I made many friends who pushed each other to excel and grow, creating a rich and dynamic learning environment. All in all, my experience at AECON was enriching and unforgettable.
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Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene (2017-19)
I started my career in dentistry as a dental surgery assistant before being enroled into the Dental Hygiene programme. It is indeed my luck and pleasure to have the opportunity to further my study in the dental field. I still remember how excited I was on the day I received the offer.
HKU SPACE Community College, with the support of the Faculty of Dentistry of HKU, provided a qualified and complementary course. Throughout these two years, my life has been significantly enriched and enlightened. The instructors were very knowledgeable, approachable and caring, and they taught from a problem-based approach, which enabled us to gain in-depth understanding of the topics and develop advanced reasoning skills. I am certain that the clinical experience and guidance acquired in the programme will lead me to a successful and rewarding career.
Dental Hygienist is a career more than earning a living. It is interesting because we perform a wide variety of tasks to prevent oral diseases and promote oral health. In addition to enhancing one’s quality of life, it is a wonderful adventure to communicate with different people from all walks of life.
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陳希雅 (Hailey)
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Cheng Tsz Fung, Koster
2015-16 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
一切全因緣份的指引,入讀HKU SPACE CC實乃無意之選。所幸在此我學會了和人的相處之道,亦結交了不少戰友,一嘗中學未能如願的心願。中學時期的勤學苦練在DSE時無法展現出來,最終在此處嚐足甜頭,使我可不需花太多時間在主科上,而把時間花在其他科目中學習更多元化的知識。各師弟師妹或有疑惑,中文中學的學生會不會受授課語言影響?其實會的,但在Year 2升上大學的中文中學學生也不在少數。切記勤能補拙。至於學習,只要抱有好奇好學之心,用心鑽研,必能有所成就。其次壓力一定會有的,只要緊記順其自然,不驕不躁,對學習和人際關係的發展才會有益無害。
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Cheng Chor Wing, Billy
Graduate Aviation Consultant, EC Harris (Hong Kong) Ltd.
From ancient times, humans have had strong aspirations to fly in the sky. From the Wright brothers to the A380, humans have spent less than 150 years to develop aviation industry. It is amazing and interesting to me, which inspired me to join the aviation industry. I am currently working in a consultancy firm as a Graduate Aviation Consultant after my bachelor’s degree in aviation management. My main responsibility is supporting my team in airport operation, International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) standards and civil aviation regulation. I was assigned to work in different projects with some of the biggest international firms, which explored my insights and increased my international experience. From my pervious project experience, I have drafted the Standard Operating Procedures for helicopter/helipad operators, amended a risk assessment report/risk register for airport operation and held risk workshops with stakeholders, which can enhance my knowledge and working skills such as communication skills with clients and business English etc. I am glad that I can work with a high qualification and professional teammates, who are air traffic controllers, management directors, risk managers and urban planners, etc. that support me a lot. Leveraging the Higher Diploma – Aviation Studies built up my aviation knowledge and expanded my networking in the aviation industry. This programme has equipped me with professional knowledge and technical skills to deal with the challenges in the aviation industry, which is applicable for your future carrier. Besides, the Hong Kong Government and Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) have agreed to build a 3rd runway in Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), but they are facing a challenge of insufficient manpower in the coming years. Therefore, I highly recommend this programme for those who are interested in aviation as your future career.
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Kwok Ho Sang, Sunny
Bachelor of Aviation Management, Swinburne University of Technology
Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies is a nice programme. It covered different aspects in Aviation and helped me understand the operations of the aviation industry. The wide spectrum of learning activities including internship programme, study tours and aviation industry visits broadened our horizon and exposure beyond the textbooks. Graduates of this programme might articulate to the bachelor degree programme offered by Swinburne University of Technology.
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