Sheng Leung Cheung, Casado
2013-14 Associate of Engineering, Year 1
My time in HKU SPACE CC has been an enlightening experience on multiple levels. While the courses here have provided me with vast amounts of contextual knowledge, I also picked up valuable habits which I am certain will be beneficial as I continue my academic endeavours. The greatest challenge that I had to overcome was adjusting to a new education system. In high school, teachers often – figuratively speaking – held student’s hands along the process. Students were expected to attend for about seven hours of schooling every day from Monday through Friday. The scheme in CC is completely different, teaching hours vary greatly and so time management was essential. I quickly realized that I had to improve my old lifestyle in order to prevent work from accumulating. I learned the importance of discipline and scheduling so I could effectively balance my studies, hobbies and social life. Experiencing this change is necessary for any scholar that wishes to further their academic career into the university level, as it will be the same then. Another welcoming gesture was that many lecturers willingly shared their personal experiences with students to prepare us for adversities we might face in the future. Despite having very busy schedules, lecturers excelled both inside and outside the classrooms. The many discussions I had with all my lecturers often proved very fruitful. Lecturers always provided insight not only on the course they taught but also on how that specific course related to Engineering or simply life as a whole. The new environment also served as a great means for cultural enrichment. Having graduated from an international school, I did not have much insight about local students, but after these past few months I have made various friendships which have exposed me to another side of Hong Kong. I re-established the respect that I have for education as I became aware of the trials and tribulations that others have to face and was reminded that I have to cherish the opportunities I have. HKU SPACE CC taught me that education at the post-secondary level is not mandatory, it is a voluntary decision and thus it is a commitment in which the amount of success one can enjoy is directly proportional to the amount of effort one puts in. It is this philosophy that gives me the courage and certainty to take my next step in life.
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