Chan Oi Ling
2015-16 Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying at CC was a tough but rewarding experience. I had to adopt to the change of using English as the medium of instruction and also took many courses which were not directly related to Science. However, after studying these subjects, my interest to other academic fields were developed, including Philosophy, Psychology and Visual Art. It is a surprising result! I found my dream in Year 2 - Earth Science. This realisation had triggered my thirsty of knowledge about our Earth. I didn’t mind spending extra time outside class time to research and read books as well as asking lecturers questions, as I believe there is no shortcut to success, except hard work. CC is memorable for me because there are lots of passionate and helpful lecturers and I am thankful to them. All I can do is to keep learning and work hard to reward them for their teaching and time.
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