2020-2022 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(主修中國語言、文學及文化)
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Ho Shing Hang
2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
I am proud to have been part of the inaugural graduating class of the Associate of Economics programme (AECON). My passion for economics started in high school, and I knew that pursuing it in my higher education was the right decision. The programme provided me with the perfect platform to develop my quantitative and qualitative skills through its holistic approach to mathematics and specialized economics courses.
Lecturers of the programme were compassionate and patient and supported me in areas ranging from academics to life planning. The workshops and field trips expanded my knowledge and gave me practical exposure. Also, I made many friends who pushed each other to excel and grow, creating a rich and dynamic learning environment. All in all, my experience at AECON was enriching and unforgettable.
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Fung Tsz Ho
The programme allowed me to have a better understanding in eSports ecosystems and developed my skills in event management, eSports business start-up strategies etc. Moreover, the programme gave me opportunities to connect with professionals in the field and gained valuable experiences.
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LAI Chun Ki, Aldous
Student of City University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media (Year 3)
When it comes to the term eSports, most people have the perception of “teenagers playing online games”. As a matter of fact, playing online games was just a small part of knowledge under the Higher Diploma in eSports at HKU SPACE CC. Apart from the skills learnt in practical sessions, I gained valuable experience when working with professionals to handle eSport projects. I also got to know that there was a wide range of career opportunities after graduation, including event organizer, programmer, sports coach, and media production, etc., which allowed me to have better planning for my further career.
Lecturers of this programme were patient to help and always encouraged us to try new things. Not only were they professional in teaching, they were also willing to answer any question regarding our academic or career development. They provided me with valuable advice which enabled me to pursue my dream in eSports. I would like to express my gratitude to all lecturers who have taught me. Thank you very much!
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Yiu Yuk Hei, Shine
2020 香港大學香港研究三年級
I have been equipped with skills to critically analyze media text, identity, gender, consumer culture and spatial politics. More importantly, I have learnt to acknowledge the fluidity of culture, the problems of everyday life and identification of the omnipresence of discrimination and inequality in society.
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Mary Yu and Irene Li
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management in 2012-13
We had been given the opportunity to join the project of establishing a new Information Centre for Civil Engineering Department in The University of Hong Kong and also the project of establishing a new library for the Scout Association of Hong Kong. Other than that, we also had the chance to take our work placement in two different international schools. To sum up, this programme provides a springboard for our further study and also prepares us for career development within the information sector.
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