Krystal Hung
2014-15 AALS Year 2
HKU SPACE Community College is the place where I learn to seek accomplishment – The road to success, may be tortuous, just keep the faith and aim high. Thanks to the whole-hearted teaching of every lecturer, I find my dedication and perseverance to triumph. No matter what others say, just focus on your own and believe in yourself – never doubt your capabilities.
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Tsang Tsz Ho
2022-2023 Associate of Economics (Year 1)
Studying at HKU SPACE CC is a non-regret decision. The Associate of Economics (AECON) programme is intended to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of economics, covering microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. It goes beyond what is taught in secondary education, providing students with a deeper understanding of economic principles and their practical applications. With experienced and attentive lecturers, students can benefit from a supportive and engaging learning environment. The programme is an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing future studies and careers in fields. By taking advantage of this outstanding program, students can lay a strong foundation for their future success.
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回想起兩年間,從失望到迷茫,再重整心情、努力奮鬥,最終達成自己定下的目標。最初,只是因為對市場學感興趣而選擇修讀。但是,在修讀途中卻意外地有更多的得著,除了可以實踐理論、學以致用、發揮潛能外,透過專題研習更能加強溝通和與人合作的能力。當中畢業計劃書更是和組員用一整年的時間,由零開始,花了不少心血而完成的。 在港大附屬學院讀書,少不免遇上大大小小的困難,甚至會感到低落。不過,在這兩年期間,從講師、社工以及同學的身上,我明白到,每一段經歷的發生都有原因,每一項挑戰都能帶來豐富的得著。 感謝學院的栽培,令我的大學夢最終成真。追夢的過程雖然辛苦,但是只要相信和堅持,你,其實會比想像中得到更多。 只要付出努力,同學的收穫可能比我的更為精彩。
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2021-2023 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(主修中國語言、文學及文化)
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Yam Chi Hong, Hugo
Associate of Social Sciences
Is failing in public examination the end of the world? Definitely, NOT. Studying in HKU SPACE CC is a cornerstone for my future study. CC does not only equip me with knowledge, but also time-management, communication and critical thinking skills. It is a place to fulfill our dreams. Getting a university degree is not the only way to succeed. Therefore, do not let GPA be your sole pursuit in the college. Try to enjoy these two years of college life. I am grateful to have known so many Social Sciences domain lecturers; they will show you the way to solve various problems. You just have to be pro-active and ask for help, they will be there for you anytime.
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