Yam Chi Hong, Hugo
Associate of Social Sciences
Is failing in public examination the end of the world? Definitely, NOT. Studying in HKU SPACE CC is a cornerstone for my future study. CC does not only equip me with knowledge, but also time-management, communication and critical thinking skills. It is a place to fulfill our dreams. Getting a university degree is not the only way to succeed. Therefore, do not let GPA be your sole pursuit in the college. Try to enjoy these two years of college life. I am grateful to have known so many Social Sciences domain lecturers; they will show you the way to solve various problems. You just have to be pro-active and ask for help, they will be there for you anytime.
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「HKU SPACE CC 的學生有很高的質素」這句話,到現在我升讀理大後依然深信不疑。回想兩年多前,懷著重新開始的決心報讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程。雖然我的公開考試成績不算理想,但這課程的面試官著重評核我的態度和個人特質,讓我感受到這所學院對學生的重視。 這課程教授內容實用,講師有著豐富的專業知識及經驗,讓學生們能夠理解和應用所學的理論。課餘時他們亦樂意解答學生學習上的問題。這些元素讓HKU SPACE CC的學生在就業或升學都能發揮所長。
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Cheung Ka Man, Dorothy
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
My experience gained here, with my UGC-offers tell that choosing HKU SPACE CC is definitely a wise choice to make. All lecturers are nice and friendly, they are always happy to help if I have any questions about the study. During these 2-year time of study, not only have I gained knowledge from lecturers, but I also enhanced my interpersonal, communication and organisation skills. Most obviously when organising activities of Caring Angel, which is a scheme organised by SDCS of the college. Both extra-curriculum activities and study time in HKU SPACE CC have made my life becomes fruitful.
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Gu Xin Yi, Lucy
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
During my HKU SPACE CC study, I have gained 13 A+ and 2 A out of 15 courses in my first three semesters. Sincerely, I was glad to meet a group of lecturers who encouraged me to ask questions actively, even the less skillful ones, which helped me a lot in my digestion of knowledge in depth. Meanwhile, thanks to the English Enhancement Courses prepared for mainland students in the first semester, I was exposed to multiple incredibly effective learning approaches. I'm convinced that both the business knowledge and the study skills I attained in HKU SPACE CC could benefit me a lot in my future study.
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Wong Lei Yee
2015-16 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2)
I can tell you that a two-year study experience at HKU SPACE Community College is valuable and fruitful. Studying is not independent work and I made lots of friends here including classmates and lecturers. I always met lecturers who were willing to stay behind to teach us. Last summer I joined an internship programme at Hongkong International Terminals (HIT). Together with students from different universities and colleges we analysed the relationship between the velocity of a crane and the lifetime of components. I was very glad that I could make use of my study to apply my knowledge at work and that I could broaden my horizon. Thank you HKU SPACE Community College for giving me a great opportunity to learn and to explore my talent!
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Mandy Kong Man
2020-2022 Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
Before studying the Dental Hygiene Programme, I was a dental surgery assistant. Although I have some basic dental knowledge from my previous work experience, it was an entirely different experience from a chairside assistant to be an operator. The programme comprehensively trained my ability to become a qualified dental hygienist.
The clinical training was way more comprehensive than just cleaning the teeth. Motivating patients to perform good oral hygiene daily is an essential routine. It also allowed me to have more opportunities to communicate with different types of patients, such as, patients with special needs/ mental health problems. Although it was challenging for me, it built up my patience in treating patients. And I really get satisfaction when I know patients who have improved their oral health status.
Other than attending classroom seminars/ lectures, the problem-based learning module requires critical thinking and analytical skills which also helps me to gain motivation in learning. It also gives me a deeper understanding of the content of knowledge that I can immediately apply to treat patients with different oral and medical conditions.
The tutor and instructors from the programme are knowledgeable and passionate about teaching. I am so grateful for all the support and guidance given by them. It has been an incredible learning journey and the skills I gained in this programme have made me become a better and a more confident professional in the workplace.
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