Henry Chan
2017 Graduate of Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
This programme provides a good articulation route to chase my dream in nursing. Lecturers are professional, caring and friendly. It equips me with the fundamental nursing skills and knowledge. HKU SPACE Community College is a good choice to strive the best for a place in university. I had the chance to experience the clinical routine of a nurse and practice nursing skills on the real patients while having clinical placement in different settings like community setting, elderly home and sub-acute hospital ward. Through the placement, I’ve learnt more about the roles and responsibilities of a nurse. The experience laid a good foundation to my nursing academic and career path.
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Ng Wai Ting, Wendy
2014-15 Associate of Science (Chemistry) (Year 2)
With an unsatisfactory result in HKDSE, my university dream was seemly distant. Instead of being desperate, under the recommendation of my seniors, I chose HKU SPACE CC to achieve my dream again. Two-year college life flies, and what I acquired is not simply the bachelor’s degree offers from prestigious local universities, more importantly, the enlightenment and encouragement from my lecturers and companions; that enabled me to be a better person. Be conscientious, responsible and empathetic in the college, and you can eventually reach your goals for sure.
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Winky Wan
HKU - BSc (Hons) Information Management (Year 3)
This programme equipped me with fundamental knowledge of business and laid a firm foundation for my further studies. The teaching was practical, with real-life examples that broadened my perspectives on the contemporary world.
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Tsoi Chun Hei James
2022-2024 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Finance Theme)
During my studies under the ABA programme of HKUSPACE CC, I’ve acquired abundant knowledge and skill sets in the business domain and it certainly helps me develop the right perspectives and insights in the business field. Moreover, the curriculum provides me with an adequate foundation of various business aspects to gear myself comprehensively. That is crucial for my transition to university studies.
Besides, what differentiates HKUSPACE CC from other schools are its extensive learning resources, first-rate lecturers and multicultural student groups. Studying in such a cosy setting enables me to pursue my passion without apprehension. I will not hesitate to say that enrolling in HKUSPACE CC’s ABA is one of the wisest decisions I’ve made.
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Ip Chak Yan, Taylor
2019-2021 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Applied EconomicsTheme)
All roads lead to Rome. This sentence has been proved by my study and life in the HKU SPACE CC. My DSE score was completely out of my expectation, and I did not meet the entrance requirements of university. You may feel frustrated at this stage, but I'm sure you'll change your mind once you try. HKU SPACE CC offers me another chance to start over. In addition to fruitful courses and helpful teachers, there are also students with the same goal. Astronauts, see you in university!
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Annie Chan
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
This programme enriches my knowledge in business and finance, and lays a solid foundation for my university studies and future career development. Our lecturers are professional, supportive and caring. I enjoyed my two years of study at Higher Diploma in Business. I am glad that I chose HKU SPACE Community College.
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