資歷架構級別: 4
資歷名冊登記號碼: 08/001726/4
登記有效期: 01/09/2008 至 登記持續有效
Application Code 報名編號 : AD119
- 心理及健康
- 政府及國際研究
- 社會福利及社會行政
- 社會學
BComm Journalism Major (International Journalism)
BSocSc (Hons) Policy Science & Management
香港大學專業進修學院 - 國際學院
畢業生亦可報讀香港大學專業進修學院 - 國際學院提供的全日制銜接學位課程,包括:
倫敦藝術大學 (University of the Arts London)
愛丁堡龍比亞大學 (Edinburgh Napier University)
西英格蘭大學 (University of the West of England, Bristol)
* 以上列表只提供部份升學例子以作參考。
通用技能 |
Experiential Learning
專門知識 |
CoreYear 1
Year 2 Psychology and Wellness Theme
Government and International Studies Theme
Social Welfare and Social Administration Theme
Sociology Theme
核心課程科目 |

- 2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Social Work and Social Administration)
- Offer received: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Social Work
I know that not every freshman can handle social science subjects in a short period. Actually, I have spent a year to find a more suitable method for me to study. Please remember enjoy the college life and make friends. Good luck!

- 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (year-one student)
- Offer received: The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Social Work
Studying in HKU SPACE CC was definitely one of the best learning experiences. The life here was not easy, yet I received much help and support from the kind-hearted lecturers and friends. Moreover, the resources on non-JUPAS application had helped me a lot in preparing for university admission interview. I was grateful that CC had given me a second chance to achieve my goal and I never regret studying here!

- 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Social Work and Social Administration)
- Advancement to City University of Hong Kong, BSocSc Social Work, Year 2
- Other offer received: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, BSc Gerontology, senior entry
- Other offer received: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BA (Hons) Social Policy and Administration, Year 3
- Other offer received: City University of Hong Kong, BSocSc Politics and Public Policy (Public Management), Year 3
The end of a journey is the beginning of another. It is important to reach the destination, but the journey itself is what help us grow. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destination. Hang in there!

- 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Social Work and Social Administration)
- Advancement to The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Social Work
- Other offer received: The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Social Work
DSE is neither the end of your learning/ career nor your destiny. Just do your best!

- 2017-18 Associate of Social Sciences (Gerontology)
- Advancement to The Chinese University of Hong Kong, BSc Geronotology, Year 3
- Other offer received: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BA (Hons) in Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management, Year 3
Studying in HKU SPACE CC is a great experience to me. I learnt a lot from the lecturers and classmates. Be hardworking and stay positive!

- 2016-18 Associate of Social Science
- 升讀香港中文大學文化研究文學士
- 其他取錄:香港中文大學文化研究文學士三年級
- 其他取錄:香港中文大學性別研究社會科學學士(兩年制)一年級
- 其他取錄:香港大學社會科學學士三年級
- 其他取錄:香港城市大學社會科學學士(犯罪學及社會學)三年級
- 其他取錄:香港城市大學社會科學學士(公共政策與政治)三年級
- 其他取錄:香港浸會大學社會科學學士(社會學)三年級
- 其他取錄:香港理工大學社會政策及行政(榮譽)文學士學位三年級
- 其他取錄:香港教育大學全球及香港研究(榮譽)社會科學學士三年級
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College was a fruitful learning experience for me to acquire knowledge and enhance my social skills. The lecturers here were professional and nice. They were willing to help and support the students when they were in need. Thanks to their help, I received offers from different universities.

- 2015-16 Associate of Social Sciences (Social Welfare and Social Administration)
- Offer received: HKU Social Work (Year 1)
It has been tough studying in HKU SPACE CC - but thanks to the lecturers here, it has been made a whole lot easier. They are so helpful and eager to answer my questions whether those are academic or personal. Their passion shows in every class and this has motivated me to learn better and think more. I am grateful for such cherished experiences. Spending two years at college may sometimes seem wearying but as long as your goal is clear and you plan ahead, you CAN achieve it. It does come true. Remember to reach out to friends and classmates when the going gets difficult. There is such welcome mutual support on offer for tired brains. Working as a team may enable you to reach new heights. There is still so much to be happy and positive about!

- Associate of Social Sciences
Is failing in public examination the end of the world? Definitely, NOT. Studying in HKU SPACE CC is a cornerstone for my future study. CC does not only equip me with knowledge, but also time-management, communication and critical thinking skills. It is a place to fulfill our dreams. Getting a university degree is not the only way to succeed. Therefore, do not let GPA be your sole pursuit in the college. Try to enjoy these two years of college life. I am grateful to have known so many Social Sciences domain lecturers; they will show you the way to solve various problems. You just have to be pro-active and ask for help, they will be there for you anytime.

- Associate of Social Sciences
It is a tremendous, yet challenging time to study at HKU SPACE CC. On one occasion, various academic issues stressed me a lot, non-JUPAS interviews, meeting deadlines – the list goes on. Not only is the life here all about competition, but it also marks your first milestone in your pathway of intellectuality. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Staying at this new environment in entirety, lecturers and all other people I met here gave me an impression of friendliness, and we had each other’s back. This is undeniably a place where we can forge enduring friendship.

- Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Social Sciences
- Offer received: CUHK Bachelar of Science in Global Studies
- Offer received: PolyU BA in Social Policy and Administration
- Offer received: CityU BSc in Public Policy, Management, and Politics
Guided by the passionate and experienced lecturers, the various inspirational courses I attended allowed me to deepen my understanding of social sciences. It definitely laid a solid foundation for my undergraduate study and solidified my desire to advance in this field.

- Associate of Social Sciences
- Currently HKU student Offers received in 2011: HKU BSocSc (Year 2);
- Other offer received: HKBU BSocSc (Hons) in Government and International Studies (Year 2);
- Other offer received: CityU BSocSc (Hons) in Policy Studies and Administration (Year 2)
Studying at HKU SPACE Community College is a certainly a memorable experience; you will definitely get what you deserve once you have devoted your efforts and made some sacrifices. I really appreciate the way in which HKU SPACE CC provided me with an opportunity to prove I was capable of being admitted to tertiary education in spite of my great setback at HKAL. I would also like to thank all my lecturers and classmates as they a taught and helped me in so many different aspects. This made the whole experience so unique and worthwhile.