方舜諾 (Ian)
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Tang Hoi Yiu
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
In semester one, I felt puzzled and frustrated because I was not familiar with the new subjects and the new environment at HKU SPACE Community College. Thus, my exam result in semester one was far away from what I expected. Luckily, I met a lot of friends and lecturers here. They motivated me to work hard and help me to get across the difficulties.
I got an excellent result in the following two semesters under this positive learning atmosphere. Meanwhile, I received two interviews from CUHK and HKUST, followed by two conditional offers two weeks after the interview. I was excited when I received both offers from CUHK and HKUST, and I can’t wait to start my university life.
Failure is the key to success. Associate degree may be a good choice for you to get back into university and I wish all of you have a wonderful life in HKU SPACE CC. Keep your eyes on the goal and just keep taking the next step towards completing it.
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Dominie Sit
修讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程,使我可以順利升讀大學。在這兩年,我接觸市場學及管理學知識。在課堂上,講師會給予同學討論的時間,使我們對知識了解得更透徹。另外,講師亦會把課本知識應用於日常生活例子,不但使我們加深印象,更令學生能活學活用。我每次考試能考取好成績,確實有賴講師們的悉心教導。 HKU SPACE CC不但關心學生的成績,亦著重我們的課餘活動。我曾代表院校出席欖球比賽,豐富了我的大專生活,更使我認識了一班好朋友。
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Ko Sun, David
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2015-17)
I discovered my life goal thanks to HKU SPACE CC. Before I started to study at HKU SPACE CC, I had the same mindset as many people that a person’s future is decided by their HKDSE results. Unfortunately, I failed my HKDSE gaining only 16 marks. I knew right then that a F.6 student could not find a long-term job with such a score, so I applied to study the HKU SPACE CC HD IT programme. At that moment, I never would have believed that one day I could actually go to university. However, today, I am proof that dreams can become a reality. While studying at HKU SPACE CC, my change in attitude has led to my current success. In the past, I didn’t pay much attention to studying and never really thought about my future. However, college lecturers are so different from secondary school teachers. They not only teach the knowledge from books but share their insights about life, letting you know how to enrich and change your negative habits and attitude. I have been transformed from a classic “lazy” student to much more enthusiastic person. I am not afraid of hard work because I believe that what I do is meaningful for my future. I got high GPA in semester 1 which was enough to prove my eligibility for university. HKDSE is not the be-all and end-all! So, if you are in a similar position, you should seriously consider studying in HKU SPACE CC in order to develop your experience and interest. Indeed if you feel equally lost, I believe that HKU SPACE CC can help you to change and enlighten your mindset and life. I recently accepted an offer form HKUST BEng in Computer Science. This would have been impossible without a combination of my personal hard work and the kindness and support I received from my lecturers at HKU SPACE CC. I am eternally grateful!
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Cheung Ho Yim
2016-18 Associate of Business Administration
The score I obtained in HKDSE was not satisfactory. I took Physics and Chemistry as electives in my secondary school but later I recognised that science was not my interest. Therefore I decided to study ABA in HKU SPACE CC and had finally obtained satisfactory results. HKU SPACE CC offered me another chance to admit to university and has provided me with a lot of opportunities to learn and grow.
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Chan Ying Kit, Sonic
Flight Attendant, Cathay Pacific
To pursue your dream, getting in a university is not the only path now. I am really thankful after taking the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies in HKU SPACE CC.
I have learnt a lot of aviation knowledge in these two years. The whole package of study was practical and the learning experience was extraordinarily sensational. No matter what outcome you are aiming for, you can get quality study and knowledge here, which can actually help you to achieve higher academic standard!
This programme opened the door of aviation industry for me. The most rewarding experience was meeting a lot of experts in the industry who were experienced and professional. Thanks to them, we got to know the most up-to-date knowledge and information about the subject, and the current practice in the workplace.
Flying is not easy at all. I am a cabin crew of Cathay Pacific Airways now. I have visited many places where I have never been to, such as London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam etc. There is no boundary to fly in the sky. This programme has helped me to take off from the ground and land back again securely with useful knowledge and experience. Had I not chosen CC as my post-secondary study, I would still be engaging in something “down to earth”, without dreams and hopes.
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