Alexandra Chau
2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
Dear future AAMCCSers,
Uniqueness is your best sword in cultural studies. This is a place to practice self-love, reflect on your identity and express yourself. Don’t let others influence you. You be the influencer, be the inspiration, BE YOUR OWN MUSE.
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2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(生命科學)一年級
港大附屬學院關注學生的升學、就業及多元化發展。這裡有關升學和就業的資訊及輔導十分充足,幫助我們找到自己的目標。而且課程多元化,讓學生接觸不同範疇的知識,增廣見聞。 雖然生命科學的課程較深,但勝在與大學的理學士課程水平相若,讓學生於入讀大學前打好基礎。而且這裡的每位講師都用心教學、準備充足,課後仍會細心解答同學問題,更會用心聆聽及解答我們對升學和就業的疑問。就是這樣,我才能輕鬆升上大學,更認識了一班好朋友及好講師。高考的成績未如理想,未必代表與大學無緣!
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Pun Bishal, Dave
2016-17 Diploma in Foundation Studies
Failing the DSE has turned out to be the best thing that happened to me in my life. If I hadn’t experienced this failure, I would have never known the importance of hard work and dedication. Studying DFS was amazing. It’s simply one of the best years in my life both academically and personally. It gave me not only a shelter from the rain and protection from my insecure future, but also boosted my confidence to take challenges again and again. It also made me realize that failure is not the worst thing. On the contrary, not willing to try again is the worst. After studying DFS programme, I began to believe in myself that I was much more capable than I thought. Lastly, I would like to thank my DFS teachers for their warm love and kind support. It would not have been possible for any of us to move forward if they were not there with us.
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Rey Matthew Israel
Graduate of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Graphic Design, Middlesex University London
This programme has equipped me with a solid foundation in time management, creativity, and proficiency in graphic design, which has driven me to thrive as a dedicated designer.
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Lily So
BA in English Studies, CityU (Year 3)
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Wong Kin Yung
2011-12 Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
2011 was the turning point of my life. I did not get good results in the HKALE and felt very frustrated. After conversations with family and friends, I chose to study Higher Diploma programme in Engineering at HKU SPACE Community College. During the school life at HKU SPACE Community College, I was well equipped with both engineering theories and practical training which were very useful in pursuing studies at universities and my future career. Besides, the programme provided placement opportunities, which further enhanced the skills and techniques that I learned from lessons. In 2012, I was successfully admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thank you so much!
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