Associate of Biomedical Sciences

Application Code 報名編號 : AD122
Biomedical Sciences focuses on the study of how cells and organs function in the human body. It enhances our understanding of human diseases and their treatment and prevention strategies. Therefore, biomedical scientists are at the forefront of medical research, and they play a pivotal role in the maintenance of human health.
Programme Aims and Features
This programme is a two-year, broad-based education programme that integrates specialism subjects in Biomedical Sciences with generic skills and experiential learning courses. It aims to strengthen students’ knowledge and practical skills in the core areas of Biomedical Sciences (e.g. Cell Biology, Molecular Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Anatomy and Physiology). Students are provided with the comprehensive academic and laboratory training necessary for their pursuit of undergraduate studies in Biomedical Sciences or its related disciplines (e.g. Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Medical Laboratory Science, and Nursing).
Opportunities for Further Studies
2023 Overall Progression Rate: 82%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 78%
Some of our graduates/students are admitted to UGC-funded degree programmes every year. The list below shows the programmes that our graduates/students^ of recent years have articulated to*:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BNurs (Hons)
HKU SPACE International College
Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to various
degree programmes offered by the HKU SPACE International College .
Career Prospectus
The programme provides a solid foundation for graduates to pursue further studies at university or develop a wide range of careers in biomedical research, medical laboratories, healthcare industry, medical device companies, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors.
Special Entrance Requirements
In addition to the minimum entrance requirements, applicants are also required to have obtained Level 2 or above in HKDSE Biology and Chemistry, or Level 3 or above in Combined Science (Biology and Chemistry), or Level 2 or above in HKDSE Biology/Chemistry plus Level 3 or above in Combined Science (Biology/Chemistry), or equivalent.
*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.
Experiential Learning Course:
Year 1
Year 2
Core Curriculum Courses |
Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment and resources available.

- 2019-2020 Associate of Biomedical Sciences (Year 2)
- 2020-2021 BSc (Hon) in Medical Laboratory Science, PolyU (Year 1)
- Other offer received: BSc Nursing (Hons), CUHK (Year 1)
- Other offer received: BSc (Hons) in Biological Science, HKUST (Year 2)
Being a medical laboratory technologist has always been one of my goals. Although I did not perform well in my DSE, HKU SPACE CC reignited my hope. I was deeply inspired by the lecturers in the college. They are professional, helpful, and friendly. With their enormous support and experience sharing, I have learnt from my mistakes in DSE. I studied hard and learnt how to study effectively and happily. Without the assistance from college lecturers, I would never succeed.

- 2020-2022 Associate of Biomedical Sciences
- 2022-2023 PolyU BSc (Hons) in Radiography
- Other offer received: HKU Bachelor of Chinese Medicine
- Other offer received: HKU BSc in Speech and Hearing Sciences
- Other offer received: EdUHK BEd (Hons) Early Childhood Education
I am particularly grateful for the opportunities provided by CC which allow students to clean up their mistakes, embark on new journeys, and pursue their dream jobs.

- 2019-2021 Associate of Biomedical Sciences
- Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (Year 3)
- Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Bioengineering (Year 1)
時光荏苒,兩年的旅程不經意間到了尾聲。回想過去,經歷了多次人生的挫敗,一度很想放棄大學夢,但HKU SPACE CC 這個親切的校園讓我看到了轉機。起初家人反對,認為修讀副學士課程不切實際,坊間不太認可。但事實上,其評核模式與大學類近,課程內容亦能充分銜接大學課程,為學生打下良好的基礎。而且,學院致力為我們營造有利和積極的學習環境和氣氛,例如新設的自修室,我很喜歡到那裏溫習和討論習作。更重要的是,老師悉心的教導和栽培,讓我沒齒難忘。他們不惜犧牲自己的休息時間解答學生的問題,在空餘時間,更會和學生打成一片,閑話家常,亦師亦友。最後想借此機會感謝媽媽、HKU SPACE CC和我們的programme coordinator Dr Ng Sai Ming。
給師弟妹的話: 每一次的挫敗都是讓自己成長和變得更加堅強的好機會。所謂「山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村」,當我跌至谷底、前面看似無路時,HKU SPACE CC 給予了我出路。當你走出深淵、重見天日之時,你會由衷感激那些磨難讓你更有底氣面對前面的挑戰,一切的付出都是值得的。

- 2018-19 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2019-20 BSc in Medical Laboratory Science, PolyU (Year 1)
- Other offer received: HKU BSc in Biological Science (Year 3)
- Other offer received: HKUST BSc in Biological Science (Year 2)
- Other offer received: CUHK BSc in Natural Sciences (Year 3)
- Other offer received: PolyU BSc in Medical Laboratory Science (Year 1)
Studying at HKU SPACE Community College (CC) did change me a lot. I was lost after the DSE results were released, but my destiny has been changed since then. I no longer considered the DSE experience a failure once I stepped into CC, because I had ANOTHER CHANCE. It was not necessary to be on the same path as your classmates. Life would be a lot easier if you have made the right choice after DSE. In fact, studying at CC was more relaxing than at the university - with like-minded friends, trust-worthy teachers and modern facilities around. There are not many differences between CC and a university in terms of learning experiences. Just treat this place as a new start after your secondary education and move on to your next destination!

- 2018-19 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2019-20 BSc in Occupational Therapy, PolyU (Year 1)
- Other offer received: HKU BSc in Biochemistry (Year 3)
- Other offer received: HKUST BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Year 2)
- Other offer received: PolyU BSc in Occupational Therapy (Year 1)
The two-year learning journey at HKU SPACE Community College (CC) helped me to get prepared for studying in the university. The skills that I learnt at CC are useful for my undergraduate studies and even help me stand out from other students. For example, the diverse courses provided by the ABMS programme deepened my understanding of the biomedical science field and helped me complete advanced courses in occupational therapy more easily and effectively, comparing to a fresh secondary school graduate. Also, the helpful lecturers at CC (especially in this programme) not only provided me with a comprehensive explanation of the important concepts in biomedical sciences, but also made a lot of useful recommendations for my assignments and future planning. Thus, I was able to make great improvement and choose the path which I really love.

- 2015-16 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2016-17 BSc in Biochemistry, HKU (Year 3)
- Other offer received: HKU Biochemistry (Year 3)
- Other offer received: CUHK Natural Sciences (Year 3)
- Other offer received: CityU Biomedical Sciences (Year 3)
- Other offer received: CityU Applied Biology (Year 3)
Studying Biomedical Sciences at HKU SPACE CC was a precious experience to me after HKDSE. This programme equipped me with a broad-based education and generic skills that helped me build a solid foundation in pursuit of university studies in pathological and microbiological sciences. Throughout the two years, I was not only provided with an in-depth study of advanced medical knowledge but also granted many opportunities to sharpen practical skills in laboratory sessions that strengthened my technological skills and health science specialism. Besides, the learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was very desirable; teachers were supportive and also classmates were enthusiastic and diligent about learning. Although the learning process was demanding and challenging, it was valuable, worthwhile and rewarding. The two-year student life at HKU SPACE CC will be engraved in my memory forever.

- 2015-16 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2016-17 BSc in Medical Laboratory Science, PolyU (Year 1)
- Other offer received: HKU Biochemistry (Year 3)
- Other offer received: HKUST: Biological Science (Year 2)
- Other offer received: CUHK: Natural Sciences (Year 3)
- Other offer received: PolyU: Medical Laboratory Science (Year 1)
The study in Associate Degree of Biomedical Science provided me with opportunities to have a deeper exploration into the field of Medical Science. The courses provided by this programme are diverse and covered most of the essential knowledge in health science which is useful for the further study in healthcare professionals such as Nursing and Medical Laboratory Science. Apart from the academic life, the Community College also provides various activities for us to join. For example, I have joined the Tainan study tour and Voluntary service organised by the Student Development and Counselling Service. Last but not least, the failure in HKDSE is not equal to desperation. I appreciate that the HKU SPACE Community College gave me a second chance to pursue my goal to study in university.

- 2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2015-16 HKUST BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Year 2)
Being one of the students that came from a secondary school using Chinese as a medium of instruction, I faced some learning difficulties initially because my English standard was relatively lower than others. However, the problem became my motivation for improving my English; for example, I tried hard to look up the meaning of all English terms before my lessons. When I still did not understand those scientific jargons, I could ask the lecturers for help. I believe that genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Finally, my hard work paid off and I got eight offers from six UGC-funded local universities. Everyone may have his or her own weaknesses, but success is waiting for those who can persist in their studies. I hope my story will give you some inspiration and all of you can enter your desired university in the future.

- 2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2015-16 HKU BSc in Biochemistry (Year 3)
The Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) programme provided me with a wide range of exposure to health and medical sciences, which laid down a solid foundation for my university studies. Learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was inspiring and encouraging. With my supportive and helpful classmates, I was able to enjoy my studies and complete my group projects. Although the learning life was challenging, it was very fruitful and rewarding. I am so grateful for the help from the College, especially from the biomedical sciences programme, and I am sure future students will feel the same way.

- 2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
- 2015-16 PolyU BSc in Medical Laboratory Science (Year 1)
HKU SPACE CC provides a wide variety of programmes suitable for most students with varied interests and preferences. Having chosen the Biomedical Sciences programme, I was exposed to more advanced medical knowledge, human biology and technological skills in science that I had never been taught in my secondary school. Studying the field that I like made learning enjoyable, even though there were hard times in chasing the deadlines of projects, assignments and presentations. It was initially quite challenging to adapt to dramatic changes in the learning style and the level of study at the Community College. However, with the readily available facilities and kind help from the lecturers, learning effectively is no longer mission impossible. Not only did I acquire knowledge from HKU SPACE CC, but also an indomitable character to deal with hardships in life.