New Student Welcome Page - New Student Welcome Page - Admission - HKU SPACE Community College
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New Student Welcome Page


Welcome to HKU SPACE Community College! 

As a new student, campus life can be exciting, but it can also be challenging at times. We have designed this page to help you transition smoothly into college life and excel in your studies. Read on to find out about our Orientation Programme and the useful resources for new students.

Make sure to:

1. Complete online registration and attend the Orientation Day


After settling the tuition fee, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to access iEnrol.


Check the schedule for your programme's orientation date and time. 


Attend the photo-taking session on the Orientation Day for your Student Identity Card.

2.  Join workshops and watch videos


Activities include: 
- English Enhancement Courses

- Time Management Workshop

- Study Skills Workshop

- and more...


You can learn about:

- Orientation Induction

- Timetable

- Class Swapping

- and more...

3. Log in to Learner Portal and check out the resources for new students

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Check the official student online information platform Learner Portal regularly so you won't miss out important information announced via emails and student notices.

To view your class timetable, please log in to Learner Portal after 2:00 pm on 6 September 2024 (tentative). The first semester will start on 13 September 2024.  


Other Information

  • Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) here.

  • If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at the designated emails or hotlines here.