Academic Matters
Please click here to view the 2024/25 academic calendar.

Student Handbook is one of the main sources of information for students. It contains important information such as programme structures, adverse weather arrangements, scholarships, and student services and facilities. You are advised to check out the academic policies from the handbook, including:
Registration and Academic Regulations
Programme Structures
Grading System
Graduation Requirements
Student Handbook for the new academic year can be downloaded from Learner Portal starting from mid-August.
After logging in, go to: My Resources → Community College → Student Handbooks.
Course Exemption (Generic Chinese Language)
Students are eligible to apply for exemption from taking the compulsory Generic Chinese Language course under the following conditions. The College will permit students to take another course as a replacement (substitute course) for approved cases.
Students who do not have local Chinese Language background at Secondary 4 or above; or
Students with overseas Qualifications (IB Diploma, SAT, GCE, IGCE, GCSE or IGCSE result); or
Students who have taken Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students).
Year 1 students of the following programmes who wish to apply for exemption from the Generic Chinese Language Courses offered in 2024/25 (Semesters 1 and 2) should submit an application on or before 5 September 2024.
Diploma in Foundation Studies (DFS)
Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (AALH)
Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (AALS)
Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies (AAMCCS)
Associate of Economics (AECON)
Associate of Geography (AGEO)
Associate of Social Sciences (ASOCSC)
Higher Diploma in Aviation and Piloting (HDAP)
Higher Diploma in Business (HDBUS)
Higher Diploma in Geotechnical Engineering (HDGE)
Higher Diploma in Healthcare and Health Plan Administration (HDHHPA)
Higher Diploma for Legal Executives (HDLE)
Remarks: For students of other programmes, please submit your application before the start of the academic year in your Year 2 of study.
An application fee of $200 will be charged for late applications submitted on or after 6 September 2024. Please note that late applications may result in failure in taking the substitute course in the same semester and this may cause a delay in graduation.