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2020-21 中文專業傳意高級文憑
就讀HKU SPACE CC中文專業傳意課程對我而言是一次浴火重生的機會。由於曾經的身體緣故,我的升學路途並不暢順,沒有完成DSE更倍感自卑。困難重重下,不少人勸告我放棄學業,直接投身社會大學。感激本課程給予我機會重新投入學習,甚至得到叩響香港大學大門的機會,離夢想更進一步。
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Leung Ho Lok, Tommy
Graduate, Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies
I love the sky! Until now, I still remember my trip to Sapporo. In this flight, I had a chance to visit the Boeing 747-400 cockpit. During the conversation with the captain, he encouraged me to be a pilot and ignited my passion to fly. In February 2014, I joined the Singapore Airshow Study Trip with the College. In this trip, except the Airshow aerobatic display, the most exciting activity was CAE visit. During the visit, we all had a chance to fly a few minutes in the A320 simulator. When I was flying, I understood why I want to fly; Why I want be a pilot. That flight helped me to know my passion to fly is as strong as ever. I am working for Jardine Aviation Services Limited as a Passenger Services Agent now. My responsibilities are assisting airline passengers to board the aircraft or to transfer to other flights, etc. I can gain a lot experience from this job like customer service, airlines policy, etc. that will be helpful to my career in the future. This Aviation Studies programme provided plenty of knowledge from experienced lecturers. The knowledge isn't only applicable for my job, but also in my life. Besides that, the College arranges internship opportunities in local airlines, and study trips for us like Beijing in 2013 and Singapore in 2014. I am very pleased that I applied to this course two years ago. In the College life, we still “Work Hard! Play Hard!” But, the most important isn't what you do, is how you do it.
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梁慧琪 (Nicole)
升讀香港浸會大學傳播 (公關及廣告)
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Suen Pui Ka
2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
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