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Tse Fung
2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
HKU SPACE CC提供多元化的學習領域,各式各樣的選科讓我不斷學習新知 識,進行新嘗試。AAMCCS的課程以理論結合實踐的教學方式教學,更能發展學生潛力。再者,從中選擇喜歡且擅長的科目給予自己無限動力堅持下去,例如電影研究、創意產業設計、拍攝剪接,令我確立自己的未來發展方向。最後,感激共同奮鬥的戰友,以及循循善誘的師資,他們的陪伴和教導大大幫助我的求學之路。
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Gigi Siu
2015-16 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 2)
This programme enriched my knowledge in the field of Economics, which has helped me to build a solid foundation for further study in university. The lecturers are patient and caring. I had a fruitful learning experience in HKU SPACE Community College.
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2014-16 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(中國語言、文學及文化)
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Fung Chun Wing
2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
Being one of the students that came from a secondary school using Chinese as a medium of instruction, I faced some learning difficulties initially because my English standard was relatively lower than others. However, the problem became my motivation for improving my English; for example, I tried hard to look up the meaning of all English terms before my lessons. When I still did not understand those scientific jargons, I could ask the lecturers for help. I believe that genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Finally, my hard work paid off and I got eight offers from six UGC-funded local universities. Everyone may have his or her own weaknesses, but success is waiting for those who can persist in their studies. I hope my story will give you some inspiration and all of you can enter your desired university in the future.
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Pun Bishal, Dave
2016-17 基礎專上教育文憑
Failing the DSE has turned out to be the best thing that happened to me in my life. If I hadn’t experienced this failure, I would have never known the importance of hard work and dedication. Studying DFS was amazing. It’s simply one of the best years in my life both academically and personally. It gave me not only a shelter from the rain and protection from my insecure future, but also boosted my confidence to take challenges again and again. It also made me realize that failure is not the worst thing. On the contrary, not willing to try again is the worst. After studying DFS programme, I began to believe in myself that I was much more capable than I thought. Lastly, I would like to thank my DFS teachers for their warm love and kind support. It would not have been possible for any of us to move forward if they were not there with us.
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