Rai Digant
BSc (Hons) in Aviation Operations and Systems, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In my experience, HKU SPACE provides a great learning opportunity for students who want to pursue their career in different fields such as aviation, nursing, business management and so on.
I joined HKU SPACE back in 2016 to seek knowledge and experience in the aviation field. The two years of higher diploma course in Aviation Studies enabled me to obtain professional skills and knowledge in this sector. Some of these are aviation operation, management, case studies on future development, human factor, safety risk and assessment, etc. All of these modules were taught by high calibre professors, who had many years of experience in their respective specialism in the aviation industry.
Apart from teaching elements in the classroom, the programme team also ensured that we get more exposure and learning opportunities in the professional world of aviation. Some of these opportunities took me to Singapore Airshow 2018, Australia and Junior Airport Management course at Incheon Airport Management Training Academy. Participating in these programmes greatly increased my knowledge, skill, vision and most importantly a motivational boost for me to be a part of this industry in the future.
HKU SPACE CC has some of the best facilities such as a physical and online library, self-learning common rooms, IT equipment, etc. Which ensured that students are not restricted when it comes to learning. My friends and I used these facilities to the fullest for our course assignments, presentation preparation and occasional chit-chats.
Overall, in my opinion, the college has not only built up my understanding in aviation but also paved a way for me to meet my goal of becoming an aviation business analyst. I am currently studying further to obtain my degree in Aviation Operation and System at a reputable university. This would not have been possible had I not have a solid foundation in aviation.
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Leung Lok Tin
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Lam Man Kit
在最後一屆高考放榜時,由於成績未達入大學的基本要求,感覺很失望。那時,不少中學同學和老師都稱讚港大附屬學院的課程設計,自己又喜歡科學,所以就決定入讀理學副學士。初入學時,不少的課程都較中學的程度深,需要付出大量時間溫習和練習,幸好我認識了一班好朋友一起努力。 學院有很多優秀的講師,每當我遇到困難,他們都樂於幫助及耐心教導,令我的成績飛躍進步。學院為我提供了一個學習的機會,增長知識,培養興趣,豐富我的人生。多謝港大附屬學院和各位講師。
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Wan Kin Fu
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
當初選擇HKU SPACE CC的原因是希望能升上三大,而SPACE CC亦是最多人能升上三大。我只是因為中文未及格而升不上八大。雖然我只有一年經驗,但當中也學到不少,印象最深刻的是chemistry和statistics課堂,想不到chemistry也能夠那麼有趣,而statistics亦令我對數學更感興趣。祝大家早早從太空升上八大。
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Hilda Tse
2021 -2022 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
HKU SPACE CC provides me with a platform to enter the university. I learned a lot of knowledge theoretically and practically, with the help of lecturers who are nice and helpful, met friends with whom I can work hard and study, and gained useful information for future studies through the SDCS website. Each opportunity makes me grow and feel fulfilled, so I am grateful that HKU SPACE CC gave me a chance.
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Paul Wan
Offer received: Bachelor of Laws, University of London
法律行政人員高級文憑是一個全日制課程,提供有很多與法律相關的課堂,從而令我學習到不同的法律,例如: 刑事法、公法、公司法等。透過此課程,穩固了我的法律基礎。
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