Li Wing Sze
2015-17 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities - Japanese Studies
After entering HKU, I still cherish my memories at HKU SPACE CC where I had friendly teachers, fellow classmates and 'battle companions' who had the same goals. Although the coursework was tough, I was able to get through it and achieve my final goal: entering HKU. Enjoy your life at Community College!
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2017-19 (中國語言、文學及文化)
在HKU SPACE CC這兩年,學到的是堅持不懈到最後一刻,管理安排好時間,儘早編寫課業大綱,按步完成功課,避免臨急抱佛腳。遇到任何課題或升學疑難,老師都十分樂意幫助和解答,所以同學可以踴躍提問。
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Ben Kong
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business, Year 1
This 1-year study at HKU SPACE was fantastic and extremely valuable. The Programme provided courses to develop my logical and problem solving skills on finance and business. When I look back, I find that going to HKU was a wonderful choice.
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Lau Hon Hei Henrick
2017-19 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
This feels like a second chance in life for me. I could never be able to study law if not joining the AA Legal Studies Programme.
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Hung Hei Tung Stephanie
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
Because of the failure in HKDSE Chinese subject, I have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to continue my studies. I chose to study Engineering is because I had studied Physics and M2 during secondary school. In year 1 semester 1, I was learning the basic knowledge for the engineering subjects. In year 1 semester 2, I started thinking what I want to choose for the engineering subjects; electronic engineering, computer science or computer engineering. In year 2 semester 1, I started to apply the universities and attend interviews.
I am now studying in HKU SPACE Community College, Associate of Engineering year 2. I believed that most student in this College wanted to get a high GPA in order to get into university. I think the key to success is that you need to be hard working, cooperating with others during group projects, as well as seeking help from the lecturers. Since group projects accounted a big percentage in many lectures, so you need to cooperate with others and find group mates carefully as some may be free-riders.
The lecturers in the College, especially in the Engineering department, are willing to help and provide suitable guidance. I think the lecturers in the Engineering department is really different from my previous school teachers, they are always enthusiastic to help us, not only academic problems, but also about our careers. They will also bring you to visit different universities and find professors to give us talks, also finding students that had studied in the college to give us sharing.
After two years of hard work in HKU SPACE Community College, I got three conditional offers from HKUST and CUHK. I am really delighted that I had made the right decision at the very beginning which is continuing my studies in this College. If you want to continue your studies but your marks is not enough to get into the universities, I would suggest you to apply associate degree programmes in HKU SPACE Community College.
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Sherry Lee Chi Yin
2017-19 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (English Studies)
I never expected to step into such a welcoming environment at HKU SPACE. The lecturers were all very heart-warming and eager to help, whether the issues were academic or personal. I have met new friends that I still have contact with and are very close to this day. The experiences I had with my fellow classmates, academically and socially, were very valuable for my personal development. All in all, communication is definitely key around HKU SPACE.
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