Ng Tik Hei, Calvin
2015-16 Diploma in Foundation Studies
Looking back at my DSE results, it was a hard time for me. Then I made one of the most satisfying and paramount choices in my life - choosing the DFS programme at HKU SPACE Community College - which changed my life. I remember that at the beginning of the first semester, I tried very hard to adapt to the environment. As time went by, I became familiar with the environment and built up my confidence. I would like to thank many nice and kind lecturers for helping and teaching me a lot. Whenever I came across questions related to my study or career, they were willing to help. After studying the DFS programme, the most important achievements were realising my real interest, rebuilding my confidence and identifying new goals for myself. The time I spent here was so enjoyable and it was also the turning point in my life.
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Szeto Man Kin
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
My performances in HKDSE were not satisfactory, which resulted in no university offers. However, my outstanding GPA at HKU SPACE CC allowed me to obtain my first-time scholarship and the chance to get into HKUST. Although you might be frustrated at this moment having to study an associate degree, I’d like to remind you that if you work hard, it would be a fruitful experience that may lead to many more opportunities in the future.
“Astronaut”, keep empowering yourself! I wish you all the best in the future!
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Nixon Fong
對高中畢業生來說,升學比任何事都重要。高考後,我選擇了港大附屬學院,報讀資訊科技高級文憑課程中的Networking Stream。努力進修,2012年畢業,投身社會,開展人生新一頁。今日回首,選擇修讀資訊科技高級文憑是我明智的決定。 本課程包含CCNA及CCNP的內容(兩者皆為Networking專業認可證書),也有不同領域的電腦知識。港大附屬學院的講師用心授課,理論與實踐並重,更帶隊參加 Networking公開比賽,獲獎無數。 十年磨劍苦,一朝試鋒刃。畢業後,我在英國電訊公司 (British Telecom) 實習,為期六個月。同期實習中,也有畢業於其他院校學生。我慶幸學院給我的是「寶劍」。半年來,面前一個個Networking 的難題,都能迎刃而解。 今年身邊多位朋友大學畢業,正感前途茫茫。而自己已有明確的人生目標,更覺自己的運氣實在不錯。
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Miranda CHAN
2018 Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies, HKU SPACE Community College
My school life in HKU SPACE CC was fruitful yet challenging. Here are the five key elements that summarize the 2 years of Archi-life.
First, team work is quintessential to every aspect of my learning experience, from learning to cooperate and communicate, to achieving a goal that could not otherwise be achieved, to sharing ideas and learning from each other. This makes you and the team/ classmate grow together.
Second, active learning is part of architecture. While an engineer knows everything about something, an architect ought to know something about everything. This is very different from secondary school life, where instead of being told what you must do, you must decide on your scope of study and decide on your design direction where there is no right and wrong. For example, in one of the projects we participated - Together We Build, we were given an objective to design a furniture for an elderly center. To build something, you must understand a lot of different aspects, including the end user, the site and the surrounding environment. You must also decide how to conduct your own survey. You need to constantly put yourself into the end users’ shoes to build a good design that suit their lifestyle.
Third, a “can-do” mentality is crucial to an architectural student. You should never give up before you try, because then you would never know what you are capable of. One of the projects we built was a 1-to-1 scale model, and we chose an aquaponics system, which turned out to be incredibly complex, extremely difficult. But more importantly, doable.
Which brings me to the fourth point. Passion is what helps you through the day, gives you the “can-do” mentality, and helps you knock down obstacles one by one. Architectural students are those who keep improving the design within the time given—although there will be obstacles. Having passion is what drives one to overcome them, making us stronger and more persistent, and helping us overcome our failures.
Fifth, I’m also glad to have such a great team of tutors and mentors here. They are very experienced in their fields, some are even still working in the field and therefore are knowledgeable with up-to-date practical suggestions, know-how and advice. They are all willing to and patient to share their thoughts and experiences, which has sped up my learning curve.
Architectural study is really fun, because it is not just about schooling; it is a mindset, a way of thinking and a key for us to open up our curiosity to everyday life.
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2 years in AHS programme was not a cakewalk for me, but it was worth it. All the courses, practicum were very intense as it provided various opportunities to equip students to step in nursing field. Nursing is not only about practicing skills, but also requiring your evidence based, professional knowledge. Apart from the theories and human physiology, practicum in different health care settings was also provided to every student. This valuable experience inspired and motivated us to be more proactive in learning and caring. Challenges, difficulties and frustrations are unavoidable, but it is blessed to have many supportive companions and lecturers along these 2 years. The new journey in HKU has started, I am still grateful to have this precious memory in AHS.
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