Chan Yu Kit
2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
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Enid Lam
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Web and Multimedia Development Stream, 2012-2013)
As a final HKALE candidate in 2012, I was disheartened by my examination results which did not enable me to be admitted to university. I was confused about my future. I thought my dream of university life was broken. Fortunately, I chose to study the Higher Diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE Community College. After a year, my dream came true. The College life is completely different from secondary school. During this year, I have learnt many practical skills in IT and the College has provided me with abundant resources for my study. The schedule of classes wasn’t tight so that I have studied without pressure. Meanwhile, I can have the right balance between rest and study. The lecturers are very supportive and always share their experience with us. The most important thing is that they have helped me to build up self-confidence. I believe I will rise to the challenge in my further studies, and be capable to solve any problems that come my way. Studying in HKU SPACE CC was an unforgettable year. This provided me with a springboard for the admission to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong.
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Ng Ngai Ming
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2014-16)
14 July 2014, is the day I received my unsatisfactory results in HKDSE. It was a very tough period for me and I began to think about what my efforts had achieved. Fortunately, I got an encouragement from my friend, “The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose.” I then started my two-years of studying at HKU SPACE CC. The two-year Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme has taught me a wide variety of related knowledge and has given me an elated college life. I made many new friends, as well as those nice and patient lecturers. They provided many precious opinions on my study plan, which definitely relieved my anxiety. Majoring in the networking stream, the course introduces professional knowledge of CCNA and CCNP. I have learned switching, routing knowledge and most importantly, the practical skills. Through theoretical and practical teaching, I am provided with a solid foundation for future studies and work. I would also like to thank the college for providing the excellent facilities, as well as the wonderful work efficiency of the college staff. My initial success really confirms what the college principal, Professor L S Chan said, “The College is truly your bridge to a brighter future.”
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Vincent Kwok
2017-18 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Stream), Year 2
Chen Danyan
2021-2023 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Finance Theme)
Embracing uncertainty and embark the first step. The methods of learning in HKUSPACE CC are different from those in secondary schools. Independence sets the baseline while companions determine the boundaries of achievement. Study in here, fortunately, I found myself, formed friendships and began to genuinely savor life’s pleasures. When youth is on your side, just try and step out.
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2017-19 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(中國語言、文學及文化)
HKU SPACE這個美麗的校園,給予我再次飛翔的翅膀,學識淵博的中文系老師與熱情慷慨的同學,給予了我展翅翱翔的信心和勇氣。
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