Application Code 報名編號 : CC001
- 一年制課程,適合未符合副學位入學資格同學報讀。
- 修畢課程可申請報讀本學院兩年制副學士 / 高級文憑。
- 學院特設「基礎專上教育文憑獎學金」(HKD10,000) 贈予成績優異並直升本學院副學位課程的基礎專上教育文憑畢業生。
- 加強學生的「全人發展」,重點培育學生的語言能力、思考能力、以及分析與演講技巧;
- 採用廣泛的學習模式,融入科學、社會科學、文化、信息技術及哲學等多種學科,以增強學生的學術潛能和擴闊他們的視野;
- 為學生升學至副學士、高級文憑課程或同等學歷課程作好準備。
- 在社會環境中以英文及中文(包括口語及寫作)清晰地傳達想法;
- 分析一系列學科領域的基本概念及其與人文的相關性;
- 將一系列學科的基礎理論應用于社會和自然中的不同情景。
- 課程修業年期:十二個月
- 修讀形式:混合式學習課程
- 授課語言:英語 (除中國語文科外)
- 一年制基礎專上教育文憑課程旨在為香港中學文憑考試考生或具有同等學歷的人士打下穩固的學術基礎。學生畢業後可報讀本院兩年制副學士或高級文憑課程,為未來修讀學位課程做好準備。 學院的一些副學士學位和高級文憑課程有特定的入學要求(例如最低累積GPA或DFS特定課程的要求成績),詳情載於學生手冊。 學生可修讀中、英、數等基礎科目以鞏固學習能力。 此外,學院也提供不同範疇的選修科目,如社會科學、文化研究、人文學科、自然科學等,擴闊學生視野。
- 英國語文及中國語文科#第一級或以上;及 最佳成績的五科*†■ 最少達 六分^或以上;
■ 申請人報考少於五科,但成績達六分或以上,學院仍會考慮其申請。
^ 第五級**=七分;第五級*=六分;第五級=五分;第四級=四分;第三級 = 三分;第二級 = 兩分;第一級 = 一分。
國際普通中學教育文憑 (IGCSE)/ 普通中學教育文憑(GCSE)
完成中五或以上課程;及於國際普通中學教育文憑(IGCSE)或普通中學教育文憑(GCSE) ;
取得最少五科(包括英國語文科及其他語文學科) 達到C級(或第四級)或以上成績 ;
理想升學 機會處處
基礎專上教育文憑課程晉升副學士的畢業生 | |||
本學院課程 |
升讀院校 |
升讀課程 |
Associate of Science |
BSc Chemistry |
Associate of Science |
BSc Molecular Biology & Biotechnology |
Associate of Science |
BSc Risk Management |
Associate of Health Science |
BNurs |
Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities |
BA Philosophy |
Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities |
BSocSc Gender Studies |
Associate of Biomedical Science |
BSc Natural Sciences |
Associate of Social Sciences |
BSc Exercise Science & Health Education |
Associate of Engineering |
BEng Computer Engineering |
Associate of Health Science |
BSc Biological Science |
Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities |
PolyU |
Broad Discipline of Language, Culture & Communication |
Associate of Business Administration |
PolyU |
BSc (Hons) Logistics Engineering with Management |
Associate of Engineering |
PolyU |
BEng (Hons) Industrial & Systems Engineering |
Associate of Arts in Legal Studies |
CityU |
LLB | |
Associate of Arts in Legal Studies |
CityU |
BA English Studies |
Associate of Social Sciences |
LU |
BSocSc (Hons) |
Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies |
HKEduU |
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture - Music |
基礎專上教育文憑課程晉升高級文憑的畢業生 |
Higher Diploma in Business |
BSc Information Management |
Higher Diploma in Engineering |
BEng |
Higher Diploma in Information Techology |
BEng Computer Science |
Higher Diploma in Engineering |
PolyU |
BEng (Hons) Electronic & Information Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Engineering |
PolyU |
BSc (Hons) Engineering Physics (Optoelectronics) |
Higher Diploma in Engineering |
PolyU |
BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Engineering |
CityU |
BEng |
Higher Diploma in Marketing |
CityU |
BBA Information Management |
- 完成課程後,學員資歷未達聘任公務員,即香港中學文憑考試 5 科 2 級 (包括 中、英文) 之要求;及
- 其他院校未必認可本學院所頒授的資歷或不獲作為銜接副學位或其他課程的升學資歷;及
- 學生不能申請學生資助處提供的「專上學生資助計劃」但可申請「擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃」;及
- 基礎專上教育文憑課程屬低於專上課程級別。根據現行入境條例,如申請人所選讀之課程並非專上課程級別,其來港就讀的簽證或進入許可申請或不獲入境事務處批准。
語言和數學課程(選擇4-7課程) |
核心科目 |
選修课程(根據語言和數學課程的選擇數量,選擇3-6課程) |
選修科目 |
總共:10課程 (30-31.5 附屬學院學分) |
對於在香港中學文憑考試英語 (口語部分) 中考獲4級或以上 (或同等資格) 的學生,不能報讀 “大專英語寫作技巧”課程。
學生根據他們在香港中學文憑考試英語科目 (或同等資格考試) 的成績,由英語老師安排修讀“大專英語寫作技巧”或“英語語法”課程中。
語文能力增益課程 (4.5附屬學院學分) 僅適用於香港中學文憑考試中文語言考獲1級的學生。
- 修畢課程大綱內所規定的科目並取得至少30個學分;
- 累積平均積分點達1.7或以上;
- 在所有核心英語科目(即英語(一)和英語(二))中獲得C-或以上的成績;
- 必須參加學院安排不計算學分的研討會系列課程,並須完成有關評核。

- 2018-19 Diploma in Foundation Studies
- 2021 Advancement to BEng Materials Science and Engineering (City U)
Studying Diploma in Foundation Studies programme (DFS) gave me a chance to gain different professional knowledge through a multidisciplinary curriculum, such as science, culture, history, etc. It was a fantastic learning experience because I could understand the world more from different perspectives. The college granted me a lot of chances to learn with captivating activities. These experiences further ignited my interest in studying. During my DFS study, I was always given chances for group discussions which are a platform that I could communicate with others in English and get immediate feedback and advice from my teachers. The learning process was amazing and I could boost my English speaking. Last but not least, the warm and positive learning atmosphere in DFS was the catalyst and motivation supporting me to study further and continuously explore my curiosity of the world. I am so honoured to have the opportunity to study this foundation programme. All the friendships and memories that I experienced in CC will last forever.

- 2015-16 Diploma in Foundation Studies
- 2016-18 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences)
- 2018 CUHK BSc in Natural Sciences
- 其他取錄:香港中文大學自然科學理學士
- 其他取錄:香港城市大學理學士(生物醫學)
- 其他取錄:香港理工大學應用生物兼生物科技(榮譽)理學士學位
Looking back at my DSE results, it was a hard time for me. Then I made one of the most satisfying and paramount choices in my life - choosing the DFS programme at HKU SPACE Community College - which changed my life. I remember that at the beginning of the first semester, I tried very hard to adapt to the environment. As time went by, I became familiar with the environment and built up my confidence. I would like to thank many nice and kind lecturers for helping and teaching me a lot. Whenever I came across questions related to my study or career, they were willing to help. After studying the DFS programme, the most important achievements were realising my real interest, rebuilding my confidence and identifying new goals for myself. The time I spent here was so enjoyable and it was also the turning point in my life.

- 2016-17 Diploma in Foundation Studies
- 2017-18 Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies (Year 1)
Studying this DFS programme made me understand the importance of team spirit since a lot of assignments are done in groups. I made friends with many people when doing different group projects and presentations. I think that working in a team is much more enjoyable than working alone. Besides, the interactive teaching method used by the teachers in the college made me very impressed, especially the course of College Speaking. I was shy and didn’t dare to express myself. However, through a variety of trainings in performances and personal speeches, I became more out-spoken and out-going. I am now more willing to come into contact with people and able to adapt to unfamiliar environment.

- 2016-17 基礎專上教育文憑
- 2017-19 文學副學士 (法律學)
- 2019 香港城市大學法律學學士
Failing the DSE has turned out to be the best thing that happened to me in my life. If I hadn’t experienced this failure, I would have never known the importance of hard work and dedication. Studying DFS was amazing. It’s simply one of the best years in my life both academically and personally. It gave me not only a shelter from the rain and protection from my insecure future, but also boosted my confidence to take challenges again and again. It also made me realize that failure is not the worst thing. On the contrary, not willing to try again is the worst. After studying DFS programme, I began to believe in myself that I was much more capable than I thought. Lastly, I would like to thank my DFS teachers for their warm love and kind support. It would not have been possible for any of us to move forward if they were not there with us.

- 2015-16 Diploma in Foundation Studies
- 2016-17 Higher Diploma in Transport and Logistics Management (Year 1)
Studying for the Diploma in Foundation Studies has given me with a valuable and unforgettable experience. I remember the time playing exciting games on welcoming day and the lively learning atmosphere in the interactive classes. I've come to realize that serious learning can also be done with fun. The most important change for me was my transformation to becoming a more confident and dedicated student. With a stronger belief that I can do it, I find myself more motivated towards my goal of studying at university.

- 2015-16 Diploma in Foundation Studies
- 2016-17 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Year 1)
Studying the Diploma in Foundation Studies was the most unforgettable year to me, as I could find my way to tertiary education though studying different subjects. Besides of knowledge from textbook, I also had a chance to widen my horizons by participating in seminars and activities provided by the College. Moreover, I made a lot of new friends during my study. It is a joyful learning experience in this programme.

- 2015-16 Diploma in Foundation Studies
- 2016-17 Associate of Science (Year 1)
In 2015, I was in the watershed of my life, followed by my failure in the HKDSE. I was lucky enough to earn a chance to study for the Diploma in Foundation Studies (DFS). It turns out that my experience studying for the DFS is very different from my old days in secondary school. The emphasis on continuous assessment means that our performance is assessed in an all-round manner, and this eases off my exam stress. The multi-disciplinary nature of the curriculum also opened my eyes to new academic disciplines which I did not encounter at the high school level. This 1-year programme let me re-built my confidence in Science, and put me back on track to pursue further studies in this area when I promoted to the Associate of Science programme. I’m convinced I made the right choice studying for the DFS.

- 2013-14 Certificate in General Studies
- 2014-16 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- 2016 BA English for the Professions, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Foundation programme, or as some misinformed people may refer to it, the so-called a stepping stone for those HKDSE losers, is actually much more than that! I still remember a lecturer teaching on the summer bridging course who said "HKDSE is just a fragment in your life, it is not the be all and end all” Indeed, throughout my three years at HKU SPACE Community College, the foundation year was the most beneficial to my studies. As a student in AA English Studies, it is vital for me to be able to express my thoughts in a systematic and cohesive way. The foundation year cultivated my essay writing skills and enhanced my English proficiency which has proven to be essential for further studies at the tertiary level. Speaking of survival skills, being able to manage deadline is a must in college life. Undoubtedly, this is also an opportunity to learn how to prioritize tasks and deal with pressure. The programme enhanced my self-motivation and my ability to become a better student equipped with impressive time management skills. Now, I am currently studying at PolyU and would like to express my deepest gratitude to those lecturers at HKU SPACE CC who helped me along the path tertiary education. Without their belief in me and their dedication to me, I would not have enjoyed such success.

- Diploma in Foundation Studies
- Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- City University of Hong Kong, BA Linguistics
Studying in the foundation programme was one of the most fruitful years in my life as I had a chance to learn new fields of subjects, such as Film and Philosophy, in order to understand the concepts by watching related movies that were quite new and interesting. In fact, we had to do a film-making project based on one of the concepts learnt at class, which allowed us to further apply the terms and concepts learnt to deepen our understanding. Even though I started my Associate of Arts in English Studies afterwards, we students still kept in touch with the lecturers and often missed the lessons. Having now the opportunity to choose between English and literature at the Baptist University and Linguistics at City University, I will never forget the time chasing deadlines, having fun company of classmates and consultation hours with patient lecturers. ”

- Student of the Higher Diploma in Engineering Programme
- Diploma in Foundation Studies
當我中五完成毅進課程後,便投身社會,工作了接近七年,直到2014年得朋友介紹入讀學院的基礎專上教育文憑,亦多謝學院 給我這個讀書的機會。 還記得第一天來到九龍灣的校舍,都有擔心自己會否跟不上進度,讀書壓力會否很大,令人透不過氣?結果,這一年來,我肯定 了自己讀書的能力,而且,更一再找到自己真正路向。此外,對比起工作時每天面對爾虞我詐的人事關係,在學院裡我有幸還結 識了一班志同道合又能交心的好朋友,所以我十分慶幸選擇了基礎專上教育文憑這條升學路。

- Student of the Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities Programme
- Diploma in Foundation Studies
Facing the failure of HKDSE, I did not meet the entrance requirements of Associate Degree programmes. Losing the clear direction towards studying, I was undoubtedly confused. Fortunately, the Diploma in Foundation Studies (DFS) offers me a chance to pave my way to tertiary education. By taking the 1-year course, I’m given a taste of studying various subjects so as to develop my interests in a variety of academic disciplines. The programme also helps me by offering training in critical thinking so that we’re all well-equipped with the skills required to get into an AD / HD programme. In short, I enjoyed taking the course as a starting point of my study journey as it indeed provides me with a variety of learning opportunities.

- Student of the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies Programme
- Diploma in Foundation Studies
Two years ago, I finished my HKDSE examination. Although the result displeased me, I hoped I could get into university one day. Therefore, I chose this programme because I knew would have a chance to study in higher education after this. I think this programme has helped me a lot in giving me a clear vision of where I am heading. Besides, I also improved my learning skills through studying different subjects. In addition, I made a lot of friends in this programme. I am enjoying this programme very much.

- Diploma in Foundation Studies
The College is indeed much more than a place to fight for a high GPA. Over the years, I’ve benefited a lot in interest mining and personal development. Specializing in Science, I have also explored my interest in various subject areas including psychology, culture and even philosophy, thanks to the multi-disciplinary nature of the programme. The focus on continuous assessment and group work has also polished my communication and problem solving skills, which would be useful for a lifetime. I particularly treasure the preparatory workshops that the College offered before the start of our study. Workshops on English writing, presentation skills, as well as student sharing sessions gave me a head start by familiarizing myself to the learning environment at a tertiary level.

- Diploma in Foundation Studies
我在文憑試的失誤並非我學習歷程中的終結,而是開展我學習的新一頁。在課程中,學習的內容是可以讓我在往後的課程中打好基礎,迎接更多的挑戰。 同學間的互相合作,令我建立良好的人際關係。加上同學間的互相支持,令我在遇到問題時,會更有動力解決問題。 同時,我發現自己並非輸在起跑線,只是讓自己做好熱身,令我在往後的學習跑道上更能翱翔。

- Diploma in Foundation Studies
Studying in CGS (renamed as DFS) is the most unforgettable learning experience in my life. I think the content of the programme is just at the right level so that I was able to be familiar with the study mode at a tertiary level in a short period of time. At the same time, studying here also allows me to improve my interpersonal skills. I met a lot of new friends when I was studying in CGS; we helped each other to get projects done. We still have a good friendship now even if we are not studying in the same programme.