Jasmine Galenzoga Cua
2018-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
As a former Higher Diploma (Marketing) student, HKU SPACE Community College not only provided me with solid foundations in marketing, but also equipped me with valuable experience, such as ways to collaborate effectively with groupmates and deliver professional presentations, which enhanced my practical skills. My initial intention was to have a better start for my career as my unsatisfactory DSE results hindered and discouraged me from pursuing studies at local UGC universities. However, the lecturers gave me the support and knowledge that stimulated my learning interest and motivated me to acquire further knowledge. In the end, I was overwhelmed when I received offers from universities. Consequently, I realized that no matter how disappointed you were with your public exam, you could still have a fresh and equal start at CC to get into universities.
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2021-23 中文專業傳意高級文憑
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在HKU SPACE CC的這段時間,我學習到不少關於供應鏈 和交通運輸的知識,並有機會到相關的機構參觀,例如香 港國際貨櫃碼頭、城巴和新巴的巴士廠。此外,本課程提 供不少比賽和實習機會,把課堂上所學的概念和理論付諸 實踐,令我累積不少經驗。助我完成大學夢。
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2021-2023 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(主修中國語言、文學及文化)
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文學副學士(語言及人文學科)- 英文及英語文學研究
自港大附屬學院畢業後,我於同年入讀香港大學文學院二年級,主修比較文學。 自己一直有志入讀港大文學院,這成了我選擇港大附屬學院的主要原因。很幸運地學院讓我直接入讀副學士二年級,雖然已經畢業多年,回想起「那些年」,仍很懷念在學院讀書的日子。學院的講師都十分有教學熱誠,備課充份,知識廣博,樂意與學生分享看法,這無形中訓練我的獨立思維能力。我很享受同學一起努力學習的日子,大家都以升讀大學為目標,一起奮鬥的感覺很好!在港大附屬學院學習讓我日後更易適應大學課程,且有很好的成績。
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Isabel Cheung
Student of HKU, Bachelor of Science in Information Management (Year 3) in 2017-18
The programme has given me many chances to learn and explore. The internships provide chances to expand and push my boundaries, thus enforcing the knowledge I have gained in lessons.
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