Chan Yiu Hang
2014-15 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2)
After receiving my HKDSE results, I felt disappointed and I was confused about my future. However, by having the valuable chance to complete the Higher Diploma in Engineering programme at HKU SPACE Community College, I was able to develop practical skills and knowledge through lectures, lab sessions and site visits. With lecturers’ patience and guidance, together with the advanced engineering equipment, I became a well equipped and knowledgeable engineering student. I am so happy to tell you that I was finally admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thank you so much!
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劉雅文 (Nadia)
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Suen Siu Leong, Amy
2015-16 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying Biomedical Sciences at HKU SPACE CC was a precious experience to me after HKDSE. This programme equipped me with a broad-based education and generic skills that helped me build a solid foundation in pursuit of university studies in pathological and microbiological sciences. Throughout the two years, I was not only provided with an in-depth study of advanced medical knowledge but also granted many opportunities to sharpen practical skills in laboratory sessions that strengthened my technological skills and health science specialism. Besides, the learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was very desirable; teachers were supportive and also classmates were enthusiastic and diligent about learning. Although the learning process was demanding and challenging, it was valuable, worthwhile and rewarding. The two-year student life at HKU SPACE CC will be engraved in my memory forever.
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Mok Ka Ho
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Security Stream, 2012-2014)
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College has brought me unforgettable memories. That was not only the hard life in study but also the learning environment. The lecturers are professional that they explain the topics effectively. They are also helpful and kind that they are willing to answer our questions patiently and providing us with a pleasant environment on study. I have met a lot of guys having the same goal as mine. We studied, learned and had discussions about what we got from the lectures. I was not alone whenever striving for my future in college because the teachers and my friends were always at my back to give me a great support. The college also provided me with lots of valuable information and resources on the related career path and development which guided me to the right planning for future. The knowledge and the skills I learnt from the college are really practical and useful today. The lessons in college were totally different from those in secondary school. The former ones were more interesting and more active. We could work on lab exercises more often. Therefore, my knowledge on computing has been enhanced with such plenty of practices. And these skills help me a lot when I was interviewed by the university. The experience in the college secured me with a ticket entering into university and equipped me well for the future. I am grateful for all that I have gained from the High Diploma in Information Technology Programme from HKU SPACE and now I have been successfully admitted to the Information Engineering at Chinese University of Hong Kong for further study.
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Chan Pei Chi, Bigi
2018-20 Associate of Nursing Studies
The ANS programme has been a stepping stone for me to achieve higher and get closer to my destination - to be a university student.
The experience at HKU SPACE CC was fruitful and rewarding. The programme comprises me different courses such as Nursing Foundation, Health Promotion, and Languages, which equipped me with nursing knowledge and skills. Besides, my communication and problem-solving skills were also enhanced through working on projects with my fellow classmates. Facing various kinds of challenges was unavoidable during the two years’ study. However, the lecturers were extremely caring and helpful. They gave me a helping hand such as offering mental support and professional suggestions when I was under stress and had obstacles in my studies.
I was blessed to have completed my practicum during this hard time (Covid-19). It was a unique and golden learning opportunity for me to shadow the nurses in an Elderly Home when the epidemic was alleviated. It provided me a chance to put the theories that I learned in lessons into practice like nursing assessments, vital signs measurements, and insulin injections. I also learned more about the management and measures that were adopted during this period so as to prevent the outbreak of Covid-19 in the healthcare setting.
To conclude, HKU SPACE CC has nurtured me to become a well-rounded person, and has equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and strength to become a competent healthcare professional in the future - one who will help the patients to achieve their optimal health.
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在HKDSE放榜時,我見到自己的成績,徬徨之外,我也想不出有甚麼形容詞描述當時的心情,我知道自己升大學無望,又不知出路如何。聽友人介紹副學士,而且以理學學系來說,港大附屬學院最好,升學率亦高,既然無路可走,我只好硬著頭皮地報讀了。 開始時自己跟不上學習進度,不少課程的難度比高中更難,幸好學院的講師抽空指導我,而且還很有耐性地解釋每個重點,自己再每日溫習,最後用了一年時間便升上自己理想的大學。雖然學院的課程比較難,但不無好處,除了補充在中學學不了的知識外,當升上大學後,會更容易跟上大學的課程。 縱使有人說讀副學士是沒出路,但回頭望,我覺得港大附屬學院是我人生的里程碑,為我升讀大學前作最佳準備。
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