Alan To
Student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology (2013-2015)
It is hard to forget the bad days after releasing of HKDSE results. Eventually, I decided to study in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme at HKU SPACE CC. It definitely was a stepping stone for me to enter the university. The lecturers were very much willing to help us, which made me feel hopeful. They were teachers with heart and we could feel every lecture was delivered with full devotion. They conducted lessons with absolute verbal clarity, and they were so friendly that we did not feel embarrassed to ask them questions when we had difficulties. Also, they guided us to get ourselves familiarized with all kinds of network equipment in the laboratory. All in all, studying in CC was an extremely valuable experience. After lectures, they offered us information about admission to university and taught us how to perform well in interviews. As an IT student in the networking stream, I learned a lot of professional knowledge about CCNA and CCNP. I learned how to configure the routers and switches through different kinds of network protocols and cables. Also, all students had the opportunity to implement these protocols on real professional equipment. HKU SPACE CC provides us a lot of opportunities to enrich our profile. For instance, I was a helper in the admission day and I was recommended to participate in the Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition. These experiences are very useful to help us to be approved by the university. In summary, I am grateful to the lecturers and I find myself fortunate to have studied in this college and related programme. Although this articulation route is a bit longer than others, I entered UGC-funded university and regained confidence eventually.
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能夠升讀理工大學對我好像一個夢。我知道我對物流的認識 不深,因此最後能升上理工大學,我真的很感恩,同時亦 覺得不可思議。當初收到DSE成績,我以為跟「大學」無緣 了,從來讀書都不太有幹勁,對升學沒有太大希望。因著種 種的偶然,我入到HKU SPACE CC升讀物流及運輸,而這個環境令我改變了不少。 我相信在HKU SPACE CC的同學,都十分迷茫。而這裡的老師總是不斷鼓勵我們。 對我而言,在這裡學習到的不只是關於供應鏈的知識,最重要的是這裡教導我一個 關於學習的態度,重要的是有好學的心,好讓我能把握機會去好好學習。
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Jackson Chan
回想起那個常常不發一語的自己,在港大附屬學院修讀的兩年間,令我脫胎換骨。修讀市場學的學生,往往能透過學院提供的不同機會,例如:專業人士講座、營商比賽及實習計劃等,發揮潛能。當中教我最為印象深刻的,是和組員一起經過一整年時間,以數不盡的心血完成的畢業作品。在製作畢業專題習作的計劃書期間,由構思產品特性、市場策略及宣傳廣告概念等,所運用的知識及技巧,都是從講師及課程中學到的。到最後能夠在一眾講師及學生面前報告及獲獎,實在令人鼓舞! 畢業後,我經由香港大學專業進修學院國際學位課程中心,升讀澳洲科廷大學商學士(廣告與市場學)課程,學懂更多市場學及廣告學的專業知識;我現時身處澳洲修讀碩士課程,認識很多來自澳洲本土、德國、馬來西亞等國家的同學舍友,擴闊眼界及社交圈子。 在此,我衷心感謝學院的悉心栽培,圓了我的大學夢。
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2019-21 中文專業傳意高級文憑
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2014-16 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(中國語言、文學及文化)
當初跟不少人一樣,只想靠「太空」升上大學;但卻有些意外的際遇。十分慶幸遇上一班好同學、好老師,難忘一起add drop,做group project 的日子。離開了「太空」,偶爾會有師生聚會,彼此分享近況,老師也很關心作為畢業生的我們。唯一後悔的是沒怎參加課外活動。眼見朋友的人際關係因而變好,的確十分羨慕。升上大學,也許因為兩年時間太短,其實也沒太多人會做齊上大學的五件事。這番話或者有些叫人難以置信,不少師兄姐也認為在「太空」的生活比較愉快,所以在努力之際,也好好珍惜在「太空」的日子吧。
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