資歷架構級別: 4
資歷名冊登記號碼: 18/000009/L4
登記有效期: 01/09/2018 至 登記持續有效
Application Code報名編號 : AD124
BA Comparative Literature
BA General Linguistics
BA Language and Communication
BA & BEd Language Education - English (Double Degree)
BA Linguistics
BA Translation
BA Linguistics and Language Applications
BA (Hons) Linguistics & Translation
BA (Hons) English Studies & Digital Communication
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture
BA (Hons) Language Studies - English
倫敦藝術大學 (University of the Arts London)
愛丁堡龍比亞大學 (Edinburgh Napier University)
西英格蘭大學 (University of the West of England, Bristol)
* 以上列表只提供部份升學例子以作參考。
通用技能 |
Experiential Learning Couse:
專門知識 |
Year 1
Year 2
Electives: (Choose ONE course from the following)
核心課程科目 |
Year 1
Year 2
* English for Business: pertained to students with non-Chinese background
Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment and resources available.

- 2020 - 2021 Associate of Arts in English Language and Literature, Year 2
- 2021 Senior entry to BA English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
HKU SPACE CC helped bridge the transition between high school and the real world; giving students independence while still helping them navigate college life. Studying English Language and Literature fostered my interest in English, literature, and linguistics by offering a wide range of courses that piqued all of my interests, as well as equipping me with knowledge and skills that proved to be useful once I entered
The programme and the teachers encouraged students to see the beauty of the English language and the courses were carefully chosen to cater to the needs of students, satisfying students’ thirst for knowledge.

- 2019 - 2020 Associate of Arts in English Language and Literature, Year 1
- BA (Hons), The University of Hong Kong, Year 1
The AAELL programme has given me a taste of analysing poems and literary classics and has taught me some basic linguistics concepts, helping me realize my interest in both English literature and general linguistics. In hindsight, the knowledge that I acquired from the AAELL programme was essential to adapting to university.
Throughout my first year at CC, the helpful guidance and assistance from lecturers, along with the tailor-made courses, made me feel certain about my goal. Therefore, this year I am enrolled in The Bachelor of Arts at the University of Hong Kong, and expect to graduate in 2024. Choosing to study the AAELL programme is one of the wisest decisions I have made.
For the very first time, I found my passion which has now led me to a new chapter in life.

- 2018 - 2019 Associate of Arts in English Language and Literature, Year 1
- BA (Hons), The University of Hong Kong, Year 1
Relinquishing a bachelor programme offered by another university, I am determined to study English at the University of Hong Kong. Studying English and English Literature in HKU SPACE CC has not only allowed me to gain invaluable insight into the art of language but also kindled my passion for English, contributing to my indulgence in the world of literature. My desire for learning has been growing over the years and HKU SPACE CC has further enlightened me. Seeing that English is not solely used as a means of communication, HKU SPACE CC has inspired me to know more about other genres of English literature. Not only did I explore more about the beauty of English, I also gained invaluable insights and got unexpected breakthroughs, academically and intellectually.

- 2019 - 2020 Associate of Arts in English Language and Literature, Year 1
- BA & BEd (Hons) Language Education - English (5-Year Double Degree Programme), The University of Hong Kong, Year 1
It is astonishing to see how I have transformed into a confident and competent individual after the first year of study in HKU SPACE CC. The AAELL programme equips students with knowledge based on various disciplines in language studies. The lecturers have provided us with ample support both academically and personally. Their thoughtful insights on study and life have constantly reminded me of the purpose of education. While my AAELL fellows and I are eager to articulate to university, it is a healthy fight among us.
We share our common goals and are allied to strive and thrive. This programme has indeed granted me a second chance of progressing to university and brought me one step closer to my aspiration as a prospective English teacher.