資歷架構級別: 4
資歷名冊登記號碼: 20/000011/L4
登記有效期: 01/09/2020 至 登記持續有效
Application Code 報名編號 : AD 125
2023 年總升學率:88%
BA Landscape Studies
BSc (Hons) Public Health
BSocSc (Hons) Geography & Resource Management
BSc (Hon) Environmental Management & Technology
BEng Energy Science & Engineering
BSocSc Asian & International Studies
BEng (Hons) Product & Industrial Engineering
BSc (Hons) Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics
BSc (Hons) Spatial Data Science & Smart Cities
BSocSc (Hons)
BSocSc (Hons) Geography
BSocSc (Hons) Global & China Studies
BSocSc (Hons)
BSc (Hons) Executive Management
BSc (Hons) Integrated Environmental Management
BSocSc (Hons)
BEd (Hons) (Primary) - General Studies
香港大學專業進修學院 - 國際學院
畢業生亦可報讀香港大學專業進修學院 - 國際學院部份學位課程。
* 以上列表只提供部份升學例子以作參考。
Year 1
Year 2
Experiential Learning
CoreYear 1
Year 2

- BSSc in Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Year 3)
HKU SPACE CC has given me different kinds of geography knowledge, including physical and human geography, which prepared me for studying in the university after two years of study. Field trips were also awesome, and I have widened my horizon. On top of that, the lectures were caring and always gave guidance to us, which also helped us achieve great academic achievement and proceeded to the university. I really enjoyed the journey at CC.

- Bachelor of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong (Year 3)
I am one of the graduates from this new programme, the curriculum is versatile and well-designed to guide students in learning from scientific, geographical and socio-economic perspectives. This programme aims to offer a multitude of knowledge that can prepare students for future studies and career.
Not only does the curriculum enlighten my understanding of geography and boost my interest towards it, the lecturers are also extremely excellent and willing to help us. If you are interested in studying geography, please do not hesitate, and apply for the programme right away!

- 2020-21 Associate of Geography
- The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts
I have fulfilled my dream upon achieving satisfactory academic results at HKU SPACE Community College. Teachers are very helpful and friendly. We share our difficulties with teachers during the consultation sessions. I would never forget the guidance that our lecturers have given to us during the 2 years study. The lecturer always gave us her valuable comments on our assignments and projects so that we could excel in our academics. In short, the friendly lecturers guided us to get to know more about the subject areas. Finally I have obtained excellent academic results and progressed to the University of Hong Kong.

- 2016-18 Associate of Social Sciences
- Education University of HK, Bachelor of Education in Geography
HKU SPACE CC provided me with the knowledge that facilitated my learning journey in EdUHK. I have learnt a lot of useful concepts and critical thinking skills that can be utilised in my university studies. Most importantly, the biggest benefit of studying at HKU SPACE CC was equipping me with the knowledge and attitude to explore the things around me. Everything can inspire you when studying at HKU SPACE CC, and you will become an active observer of nature without being ashamed of asking for the professional and academic advice from the kind lecturers. At CC, if you can dream it, you can do it.