
Chow Kam To, Ricky
2009-10 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Year 3)
I was very frustrated as I did not get good results in my Form 6 study. As I was very interested in the computer field, I then made a big decision and came to study in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE Community College. The programme broadened my horizons and focused on equipping students with practical skills and techniques. I also met many good friends here and really enjoyed my school life. I was admitted to the BEng (Hons) in Computer Science at The University of Hong Kong in 2010. I believe I have made a right choice. HKU SPACE Community College has brought me to a brighter future.
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2010-11 應用科學副學士(實用中醫)課程畢業生
修讀應用科學副學士(實用中醫)課程期間,我得到了很多啟發,亦改變了很多。它使我由一個對中醫毫無認識的中學生,變成了今天立志要成為一個好醫師的大學生。當中最大功勞的當然是對我循循善誘的講師。學院的講師不但熱心教學,更關心學生,為建立良好的學習氣氛付出了不少心血。我本身的性格比較內向,所以在就讀中學時,我從來沒有在上課時發問過一條問題。但是當我接觸這個課程後,我終於體驗到學習的樂趣。而課後向講師亦成為了兩年學習的最寶貴時光。課程亦使我們有機會到不同行業見習及到國內中醫大學校訪,使我們體驗將來的學習環境,增加了和專業人士溝通的機會。 這兩年副學士的學習經驗幫助我們擴闊了不同領域的知識,亦為我們現在的學習打好基礎,使我們現在學習更順利,目標更清晰。
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Wong Yu Ming, William
2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
The Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) programme provided me with a wide range of exposure to health and medical sciences, which laid down a solid foundation for my university studies. Learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was inspiring and encouraging. With my supportive and helpful classmates, I was able to enjoy my studies and complete my group projects. Although the learning life was challenging, it was very fruitful and rewarding. I am so grateful for the help from the College, especially from the biomedical sciences programme, and I am sure future students will feel the same way.
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Cheng Chi Yip, Michael
Management Trainee, SATS HK Limited
The goal of being a pilot is my dream after a cockpit visit when I was 14 and it ignited my passion to Aviation for many years. Unfortunately, I started studying an Associate Degree in Social Sciences at HKU SPACE Community College after high school and then I transferred to the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme after my first year of studies. As an Aviation Studies student, I experienced plenty of valuable opportunities to learn about the Aviation industry through exchange programmes, oversea visits and internships. Most of our lecturers are Hong Kong professionals working in the Aviation industry. They are willing to “facilitate” our studies and share their experiences in the field by providing practical tasks in our courses. I remembered a remarkable assignment in the risk management course. We were required to perform a Risk Assessment on a local Aviation agent and my team was one of the top three groups in our programme and we won a ferry helicopter flight gift certificate. In addition, I benefitted greatly from a training tour in Korea for the Asia-pacific Aviation Education & Training Symposium which inspired me to discover the joy of working in the industry and through discussions with the Aviation experts from around the world. I was lucky to be one of a very small number of people who was selected as an intern at the Metrojet Ltd., a Hong Kong-based six stars private operator. During the summer internship, I participated in a number of strategic positions in various departments from Engineering & Flight Operations to Corporate Safety. I also received an overview of a typical Air Operator to understand the perspective between Business & Commercial Aviation which was great experience and starting point for my future development in the Aviation industry and developed my ability to learn new knowledge for my further training. Time flies, I will be spending my last semester in Aviation Studies. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all the lecturers, staff and my lovely classmates in the programme. The joy of Aviation is built from passions, determination, dedication and insistence and I believe a successful “Aviator” should have these elements to keep their excellence. Never let obstacles stop you, strive focus on your passion.
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Ho Cheuk Lam
Associate of Social Sciences
It is fine for you to be sad for a while after you receive an unsatisfactory result in the public examination, but don’t let the depressed feeling engulf you. It is undeniable that studying in a community college is very stressful as most students are “GPA-oriented”. Although it will be a tough journey for those who embark on it, remember to keep a positive learning attitude and find some buddies with a similar goal. Studying Social Sciences in HKU SPACE CC is a fruitful journey and you will definitely meet many enthusiastic students and lecturers. Work hard and believe in yourself!
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2017-19 理學副學士
Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are definitely caring and patient. With the guidance and support from the teachers, I have built up a better foundation and have prepared well for my future study.
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