课程 - HKU SPACE Community College
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社会科学 社会科学

文学副学士 (法律学)

Programme Code: AD 108 3416 6338 2305 5315 aals@hkuspace.hku.hk

资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 07/001583/4
登记有效期:  05/05/2008 至 登记持续有效

Application Code 报名编号 : AD108







本课程的毕业生可以豁免英国特许会计师公会 (ACCA) 专业考试的《企业及商业法》(LW) 考卷。





BA and BEd Language Education - English (Double Degree)
BA and BSc (Double Degree)
BEd and BSocSc (Double Degree)
BSc Information Management

BA Cultural Management 
BA English
BA English Studies

BSSc Global Studies 
BSSc (Hons) Government & Public Administration

BA English
BA Linguistics and Language Applications
BA Media & Communication
BA Translation and Interpretation
BSocSc Criminology & Sociology
BSocSc Psychology
BSocSc Public Policy, Management and Politics 
BSocSc Public Policy and Politics

BSocSc (Hons) Business Psychology

BA (Hons) Music
BBA (Hons)
BComm (Hons) Journalism Major (Chinese Journalism)
BSocSc (Hons) China Studies
BSocSc (Hons) European Studies - French Stream
BSocSc (Hons) Government & International Studies

BA (Hons) Social Policy & Administration
BBA (Hons) International Shipping & Transport Logistics

BEd (Hons) (Primary) General Studies Major
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) English Language

BSc (Hongs) Executive Management
BSocSc (Hons) Policy Science & Management

香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院

伦敦艺术大学 (University of the Arts London)

西英格兰大学 (University of the West of England, Bristol)

爱丁堡龙比亚大学 (Edinburgh Napier University)





* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。

  • Advanced Chinese Language
  • English for Academic Purposes I and II
  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Business
  • Information Technology Fundamentals
  • Quantitative Analysis I 


Experiential Learning

  • Intra- and Interpersonal Competencies


Year 1

  • Introduction to Hong Kong Law and Legal Practice
  • Obligations I
  • The Hong Kong Basic Law
  • Introduction to Political Science

Year 2

  • Business Associations and Commercial Practice
  • Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Obligations II
  • Introduction to Public Policy and Administration
  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • Choose THREE courses from the  Core Curriculum


Arnold Ng
Arnold Ng
  • 2024 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Offer received: CityU for Bachelor of Laws (Year 1)


Terence Cheng Ka Ho
Terence Cheng Ka Ho
  • 2023 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Offer received: BSocSc Politics and Public Policy, City U (Year 1)

I am Terrence a year 1 student from the Associate of Arts in Legal Studies programme.  During my studies in HKUSPACE Community College, I feel the programme brings practical knowledge to me, especially in the legal areas.  As a student who wants to progress as a law student, the specialism subjects in this course is brilliant as it taught us useful legal concepts.  In addition, teachers are very patient and helpful.  AALS programme brought me an incredible experience.

Jason Leung
Jason Leung
  • 2022 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Offer received: BSocSc Public Policy and Politics, CityU (Year 3)

Apart from the fundamental and useful legal specialism courses in either public or private spheres taught by professional lawyers and well-experienced lecturers who expertise in relevant disciplines, the curriculum design of AALS programme had well equipped us in various areas during our 2 years time in HKUSPACE CC. So that we can also pursue our dreams in other fields of study at a higher level as well.

Jane Wong
Jane Wong
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Offer received: LLB, CityU

Being able to study LLB in City U with only 13 scores from DSE best 6 is astonishing and inspiring.  Associate of Arts in Legal Studies in HKU SPACE Community College gave me the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects in the field of law.  My critical thinking and reasoning was hugely improved, needless to say, I learned various legal knowledge and how to apply them in my daily life.  Most importantly, I am able to achieve my goal to be a lawyer after my study here in HKU SPACE CC.  Thank you HKU SPACE CC.

Lau Hon Hei Henrick
Lau Hon Hei Henrick
  • 2017-19 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Offer received: HKU - Economic & Finance
  • Offer received: HKU - Social Sciences
  • Offer received: CityU - LLB

This feels like a second chance in life for me. I could never be able to study law if not joining the AA Legal Studies Programme.

Simmy Sohal
Simmy Sohal
  • 2017-19 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Offer received: CityU - Criminology (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU - Public Policy and Politics (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU - LLB (Year 1)
  • Offer received: EDUHK - Language Studies and BEd (Hons) (English Language) Double-Degree Programme
  • Offer received: EDUHK - BEd (Hons) (English Language) (Primary)

I couldn't imagine having way better UGC options to choose from with my previous DSE results. The AA Legal Studies programme has empowered me and given me full confidence again.

Grace Chui
Grace Chui
  • 2017-18 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies
  • 2018 City University of Hong Kong LLB

Studying AALS has given me a clear advantage over my DSE competitors for admission to law schools.

Kenis Kwok
Kenis Kwok
  • Offer received: CUHK - Government and Public Administration
  • Offer received: PolyU - Social Policy and Administration
  • Offer received: CityU - Criminology
  • Offer received: CityU - Public Policy and Politics

Studying legal studies in the College has enabled me to gain more recognition in the field. Lecturers have professional legal training and are always there to help.

Sammy Chung
Sammy Chung
  • 2015-16 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 1)
  • Offer accepted: CityU - Bachelor of Laws

Legal Studies is practical yet doubtlessly demanding. Elementary legal jargons, concepts of Common Law and Basic Law are taught by qualified lawyers to let students indulge in the world of justice.

Khan Akbar
Khan Akbar
  • 2017-18 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 2)
  • Offer received: CityU - BA in English Studies and
  • Offer received: CityU - BSocSc in Public Policy and Politics
  • Offer received: PolyU - BA in Social Policy and Administration

I gained a lot in terms of legal knowledge and legal procedures. Different branches of law such as criminal law, business law and land law which are taught in this programme to lay the foundation of students in the legal field.

  • 2015-16 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 1)
  • Offer accepted: CityU - Bachelor of Laws

Studying AALS has helped me build a solid foundation in law as a preparation for my LLB studies.

Amy Wan
Amy Wan
  • 2016-17 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 2)
  • Offer received: HKU - Bachelor of Social Sciences
  • Offer received: PolyU - Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy and Administration

I am glad that I have studied Legal Studies in the HKU SPACE Community College which, in fact, inspires me a lot. Thanks a lot! I can further apply what I have learnt here when I study in university.

Pun Bishal, Dave
Pun Bishal, Dave
  • 2016-17 基础专上教育文凭
  • 2017-19 文学副学士 (法律学)
  • 2019 香港城市大学法律学学士

Failing the DSE has turned out to be the best thing that happened to me in my life. If I hadn’t experienced this failure, I would have never known the importance of hard work and dedication. Studying DFS was amazing. It’s simply one of the best years in my life both academically and personally. It gave me not only a shelter from the rain and protection from my insecure future, but also boosted my confidence to take challenges again and again. It also made me realize that failure is not the worst thing. On the contrary, not willing to try again is the worst. After studying DFS programme, I began to believe in myself that I was much more capable than I thought. Lastly, I would like to thank my DFS teachers for their warm love and kind support. It would not have been possible for any of us to move forward if they were not there with us.

Aimen Wasee
Aimen Wasee
  • 2015-16 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 2)
  • Offer received: HKU - BSocSc (Year 3)
  • Offer received: PolyU - BA (Hons) in Social Policy and Administration (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU - BSocSc (Hons) in Applied Sociology (Year 3 Entry)

HKU SPACE Community College is a fantastic alternative to university. It also has a vast range of extra-curricular activities and is very accommodating to students from all backgrounds. I strongly believe that the college is a great stepping stone to higher education.

Jabe Lau
Jabe Lau
  • 2014-15 AALS year 2
  • Offer received: HKU - Bachelor of Arts

Be ready to turn a new page here in SPACE and learn something new to expand your vision. The College is a place to lay a sound foundation for your future study or career. Although it’s never an easy journey at HKU SPACE, the lecturers are always helpful and attentive to your questions. The challenges and pressure are bitter, yet, the exhilaration of victory will bring you sweetness that you have never tasted. Best wishes for your study!

Krystal Hung
Krystal Hung
  • 2014-15 AALS Year 2
  • Offer received: HKU - Bachelor of Arts
  • Offer received: CityU - College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Sciences)

HKU SPACE Community College is the place where I learn to seek accomplishment – The road to success, may be tortuous, just keep the faith and aim high. Thanks to the whole-hearted teaching of every lecturer, I find my dedication and perseverance to triumph. No matter what others say, just focus on your own and believe in yourself – never doubt your capabilities.

Annie Hung
Annie Hung
  • 2014-15 AALS Year 2
  • Offer received: HKU - Bachelor of Social Sciences (Senior year entry)
  • Offer received: CityU - Bachelor of Arts in Translation & Interpretation (Senior year entry)
  • Offer received: CityU - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy & Politics (Senior year entry)

Studying in HKU SPACE Community College is far more fruitful and memorable than I would have expected. Apart from the well-designed courses concentrating in Law, and the solid foundation provided by Humanity and Social Sciences, the College lecturers here are more than nice to provide feedback to my coursework and are always ready to solve our academic difficulties, which has been largely enhancing students’ learning efficacy.

Franky Wong
Franky Wong
  • 2015-16 AALS Year 2
  • Offer received: CityU - Criminology (AS II)

HKU SPACE is a good place for students to realize their shortcomings while at the same time prepare them for their university studies. I learned it in a hard way that confidence is a good thing which guides me to my goal, but overdoing it will usually lead me to the otherwise. Treasure every opportunity to learn since you will never find out what you may miss. Diligence and persistence are always the key to success.

Betsy Bui
Betsy Bui
  • 2015-16 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 2)
  • Offer received: CityU - LLB
  • Offer received: CityU - Bachelor of Business Administration – Marketing (Year 2)

Courses offered in AALS not only allowed me to have an in-depth and rational discussion on current affairs, but also provided me with some foundation knowledge on legal concepts. It broadened my horizons and enabled me to become a more all-round person.

Nicole Leung
Nicole Leung
  • 2015-16 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies Year 2
  • Offer received: HKU - Bachelor of Social Sciences (Senior year entry)
  • Offer received: CUHK - Bachelor of Social Sciences in Government and Public Administration (Year 1)
  • Offer received: PolyU - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Policy and Administration (UGC-funded) (Senior year entry)

Studying in HKU SPACE Community College is a turning point of my life. Apart from the major discipline in legal studies, the broadbased curriculum with a diverse range of courses like those from Social Sciences allows me to explore my interests and strength on heterogeneous courses. Meanwhile, the college lecturers are always available to discuss with us and I am filled with gratitude for that. This programme helps to equip me with comprehensive knowledge to continue my further studies and achieve my goal.

Edwin Tsui
Edwin Tsui
  • 2014-15 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies Year 2
  • Offer received: CUHK – BSSc in Global Studies (Senior Year Entry)
  • Offer received: HKBU – BSocSc in Communication (PR & Advertising) (Senior Year Entry)
  • Offer received: CityU – BSocSc Asian and International Studies (Advanced Standing II)
  • Offer received: CityU – BSocSc Applied Sociology (Advanced Standing II)
  • Offer received: CityU – BSocSc Public Policy and Politics (Advanced Standing I)

Two years ago, I came to HKU SPACE CC with hesitation and frustration, but now I am proud enough to say that the college’s study has turned my life to a brand new page. In AALS, not only have I been allowed to take courses in law, humanities and social sciences, which expand my range of interests and knowledge, more importantly, my caliber has been effectively sharpened through intensive learning in debating, thesis writing, and presentation. All these have shaped me as an all-round student with a clear vision.