Application Code 报名编号 : HD102
- 自 2003 年起,一些毕业生成功升读香港大学或香港中文大学的建筑学学位课程。
- 自 2005 年起,本课程的毕业生可衔接至澳洲科廷大学应用科学学士(建筑科学)(最后一年),此为本地授课的衔接学位课程。
- 於 2010 年,首位本课程毕业生成为香港注册建筑师。
- 建筑学学生可使用专为本课程而设的工作室。
- 课程内容多元化,包括多种户外考察、项目研究活动及周年亚洲建筑游学团。
- 墨尔本皇家理工大学
- 新南威尔斯大学
- 阿德雷得大学
- 建筑联盟学院
- 利物浦大学
- 曼彻斯特大学
- 诺丁汉大学
- 泰恩河畔新堡大学
- 金士顿大学
- 西敏大学
- 诺桑比亚大学
- 德蒙福特大学
- 牛津布鲁克斯大学
- 卡迪夫大学
* 根据《非本地高等及专业教育(规管)条例》,本课程属获豁免课程个别雇主可酌情决定是否承认本课程可令学员获取的任何资格。
香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院
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Year 1
Year 2

- 2020 Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies, HKU SPACE Community College
- 2022 BA (Hons) Architectural Studies, University of Plymouth
My time in HDARCH was an essential journey of self-exploration and becoming more mature as a designer. The school has helped to shape my passion for design research, giving me space to concentrate on themes I feel that matter to the World and my community. One of the wonders of architecture is that the field is always changing and constantly demands innovation. Our projects often demanded us rethink the World through an in-depth investigation of different scales, from urban to human ergonomics. The course will push and refine your creative thinking on every problem.
In Pre-Covid times, we also got to do projects in different parts of the World. One of my most significant experiences in designing and building a school in Cambodia during our summer holiday. Where we experienced a vigorous two-week design process from start to finish. I learned the attention to detail and how architecture is a group process. Another notable aspect of this course is the inclusion of a diverse age group of students in the later years. Incorporating different qualities and work experiences with designers is a valuable lesson to learn. Sometimes problems in the group and the project can seem overwhelming, and things become uncertain about constantly brainstorming. Part of being a designer is seeing how you continue to solve these problems. Looking for quick and strategic decision-making is vital in the field of architecture.
Each class offers its own perspective on your design process and a unique opportunity to refine your proposal. I learned a valuable lesson of integrating different practices into my design to make my project rich. Everything is a learning tool for innovation.
Finally, my experience in HDARCH has been strengthened by passion and discipline in my practice. I hope this course will offer the same key lessons to you as it did to me.

- 2018 Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies, HKU SPACE Community College
- 2016 BSc Hotel Management, PolyU
My school life in HKU SPACE CC was fruitful yet challenging. Here are the five key elements that summarize the 2 years of Archi-life.
First, team work is quintessential to every aspect of my learning experience, from learning to cooperate and communicate, to achieving a goal that could not otherwise be achieved, to sharing ideas and learning from each other. This makes you and the team/ classmate grow together.
Second, active learning is part of architecture. While an engineer knows everything about something, an architect ought to know something about everything. This is very different from secondary school life, where instead of being told what you must do, you must decide on your scope of study and decide on your design direction where there is no right and wrong. For example, in one of the projects we participated - Together We Build, we were given an objective to design a furniture for an elderly center. To build something, you must understand a lot of different aspects, including the end user, the site and the surrounding environment. You must also decide how to conduct your own survey. You need to constantly put yourself into the end users’ shoes to build a good design that suit their lifestyle.
Third, a “can-do” mentality is crucial to an architectural student. You should never give up before you try, because then you would never know what you are capable of. One of the projects we built was a 1-to-1 scale model, and we chose an aquaponics system, which turned out to be incredibly complex, extremely difficult. But more importantly, doable.
Which brings me to the fourth point. Passion is what helps you through the day, gives you the “can-do” mentality, and helps you knock down obstacles one by one. Architectural students are those who keep improving the design within the time given—although there will be obstacles. Having passion is what drives one to overcome them, making us stronger and more persistent, and helping us overcome our failures.
Fifth, I’m also glad to have such a great team of tutors and mentors here. They are very experienced in their fields, some are even still working in the field and therefore are knowledgeable with up-to-date practical suggestions, know-how and advice. They are all willing to and patient to share their thoughts and experiences, which has sped up my learning curve.
Architectural study is really fun, because it is not just about schooling; it is a mindset, a way of thinking and a key for us to open up our curiosity to everyday life.

- 2015 Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies, HKU SPACE Community College
- 2017 BA (Hons) Architecture, Oxford Brookes University
Through Architecture, I want to express myself in a more interesting way.
Architecture has always been a self-motivated discipline that demands great determination. Thus, it is undoubtedly a lifelong challenge to learn Architecture. While I found myself disappointed with the JUPAS result, HKU SPACE CC offered me an opportunity to rediscover my journey.
The Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies is a well-organized programme that provides all-round training for its students. It encourages the balance between 3-D designs and design resolutions, the exploration in historic and cultural contexts, as well as applications in the local practical field. In addition, witnessing is always one of the best ways to understand Architecture. A field trip will be arranged every year for students to interact with award-winning architects. In this way, students will also develop and sharpen their judgment while appreciating an array of masterpieces.
You will surely learn the attitude required to pursue a career in this competitive field by participating in the numerous job placements posted by the department every summer.
With a high level of autonomy, I was able to express my ideas through different media and in-depth research. Also, my work stayed consistent through cross-related modules in the programme. Taking full control over my projects, these two years of valuable self-learning experience taught me to be a disciplined learner.
More importantly, the 2-year programme enriched my portfolio with a collection of projects, with a scale ranging from delicate installations, public pavilions, to large museums. Having equipped with a solid base in design, I was able to further pursue my study for BA (Hons) in Architecture at the Oxford Brookes University.
Whether you would like to practise in the field or continue to study, this programme will certainly equip yourself with everything you need to achieve your goals.
Trust your instincts and never let go of what you want to do. The Higher Diploma in Architectural Studies programme at HKU SPACE CC might be another option to understand your powers and limits. Step out of your comfort zone and explore yourself.
To fellow students who are in pursuit of Architecture, I wish you all success in your future!